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I have had so many people say (or thought I already was) that I should be in the Jedi Academy as a teacher.


I do teach people how to play the game, heh, even been called "Master" by a few padawans.


How exactly would I become a "master"/teacher. I'm very, very skilled with a saber, and very good with guns.


Do I first have to go through some "training"....because, it will feel odd, because I already know what to do. I'm willing to take on a master though.



For saber, I can normally takes on 4 enemies at once all against me.



I prefer CTF over FFA, due to at least SOME teamwork.

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I was hoping you'd stumble this way soon, Rp :D



For Academy information,check out the sticky threads in this forum. As for the gaming side, We do need another gaming instructer. You're more then welcome to join our community. ;)


As for the forum side, 0-700posts are padawans of masters, 700-1000 are Jedi Knights, and 1000+ are Jedi Masters, and then you can take on a padawan here in the forums. LFJA members usually keep in touch via MSN messenger, so if you want to join the LFJA community, Get MSN if you haven't done so already. (Trillian is fine too)


If you already have MSN, just give me your contact when you join the academy.

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A risky joke there Rp;)Well, welcome to the Academy man. You'll be able to take on a padawan when you reach 1000 posts. We are not so much JK2 related at the moment, only occasionally play games when they can be hosted by fellow members. We're hoping to get a dedicated server in the near future though. Anyways, browse around the forum to find out more about us and what we do. Welcome again:)

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Also Rp, I'd like to thank you for your promptness in filling out the registration form. People like you make my job (database guy) easier!



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Just some information on me


I prefer teamwork, so I'll join servers in this order normally


CTF--->Team FFA---->FFA



I prefer a saber over a weapon, but if a gunner comes along, I'll pull the weapon out of his hand and use it against him if it's an area of effect weapon.


I built my force config on forcing the enemy to saber fight or run.


I'm great at listening to orders and I'm very loyal.


I enjoy helping others as much as I can.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

I've been getting so many people ask what my responsibility in the LFJA was, I figured I'd join so I could tell them something.




I can't tell ya'll how proud I am that LFJA grew this much. Brings me to tears, mates. :D

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1. Server Issue: No dedicated server will be implimented due to lack of funds. Games will be hosted by members who are capable of doing so on a volunteer basis.


Does that answer your question? :(


LFJA is a not for profit organization. We can't raise the funds required to run a server. Until Goerge Lucas, funds our operation, we shall have to resort to allowing volunteers to host games.:(

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Eh, guess I'm not saying it the right way.


Here's an example of what happened before. A group I was with online played a game. One of them decided to fund the entire group by buying a server.


I know it's non-profit...but you never know when someone might join and offer such a thing.


heh, nevermind...forget I mentioned it ;)

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Eh, guess I'm not saying it the right way.


Here's an example of what happened before. A group I was with online played a game. One of them decided to fund the entire group by buying a server.


I know it's non-profit...but you never know when someone might join and offer such a thing.


heh, nevermind...forget I mentioned it ;)


Actually, that was the same Idea I had in mind. If I ever get into a decent paying job, I'd fund it myself, just for the exitment. Just so you know, LFJA has not closed the issue should a situation such as THAT develope. If someone who has money joined us and wanted to purchase us a server, we would welcome with open arms and we will once again open discusions. Until some rich bean joins LFJA, the server issue is where it stands. I for one admire your positive outlook for us. We need that around here, and it's good to have you with us! Welcome to the Academy! :D

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Uh huh, we're still keeping an open mind about the issue, though we're not exactly going anywhere with it at the moment. Reason why we can't fund it ourselves is that a lot of the members are under 18, and aren't earning money on a regular basis. Right now we'll just have to deal with members freely hosting games. I feel it works okay, when we get enough people to play. The LFJA is not so much JK2 related at the moment, it is more forum-based, but as we are expanding further I foresee this issue becoming a definite possibility:)

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