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ok i've heard you will be able to use a sniper rifle in the game, right. I also heard that if you join the rebels or empire you can kill a member of the opposing group, right. well then i have an idea:D


why dont you camp on a hill outside the city and snipe all the opposing groups members in the city, they won't know whats going on:D


and if you get enough people, the people of the city wont leave there house.


you would probibly need some people to watch your back incase some of the people in the town find you and go after you


But i still think it would be neat:D dont you think...well mabye not if YOUR the people in the town being shot at

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where is the fun in that may i ask??? just sitting there not doing anything i mean it woul;d be so booring and stuupid just to sit there you should know that a good sniper will never stay in the same position because he will be spotted and killed. and i dont think that there will be a weapon that can just kill someone straight away.

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Originally posted by Ingrown

You have to remember that there are zones where you fight. I really doubt that a city is going to be one of them.



I dont no where, but i think that i read somewhere that if you r part of the empire or rebels and if you see some one from another team you can start kill but you can only kill overt members


but i might b wrong,


"All we know right now is that if you are an "overt" faction member, that you can be attacked by anyone of the opposing faction at any time"


i found that^ in the FAQ, and thats what makes me think u can attack someone anytime


But i still might b wrong:) but even if i am wrong it will still b a fun game

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Originally posted by swediot=)

where is the fun in that may i ask??? just sitting there not doing anything i mean it woul;d be so booring and stuupid just to sit there you should know that a good sniper will never stay in the same position because he will be spotted and killed. and i dont think that there will be a weapon that can just kill someone straight away.


i no that to some people it wont seem fun but i like to snipe and kill people without them seeing me, i also no a good snipe moves around alot.:)

I am also very sure there will b almost no 1hit bill wepons...maybe 1 or 2


the main reason i like to snipe is pronibly cause im playing Aliens vs Predators and James Bond games, which i no will b nothing like this, but in those games i like to snipe:)


maybe instead of shooting at people in town, matbe ill kill people who just killed a group of monsters and got injured and need a medic...easy xp:) but i no its a little sneaky and unfair so i might not do that:)

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I think that being a sniper is kind of cheesy in a game like SWG, I mean if you were playing Delta Force or something of that nature it would be okay, but in this case its cheesy because you could sit on a hill and tag people in the town or whatever, and all the people would keep on dying because they can't defend themselves. EX: Some guy walks out of a bar to go get some healing for his wound, he's almost dead and he hasn't insured any of his items. Then a sniper sees this guy walking out and tags him. Now he's dead and he loses all his items, what a drag. If more snipers start appearing then a total noob hunt would take place. I'm all for noob hunts but sniping them? I'd rather cut them in half.

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i get what ur saying, it wouldn't b fair.


i no i wouldn't like someone killing me when i step outside.


maybe i'll snipe at people who r killing monsters, and then shoot the mosters


i think it would b funny though to watch people in town talking to each other and all of a sudden the guy who is talking falls down dead and the person he was talking to freaks out and starts running around in fear that he will b killed next


thats just my sick minded opinion of fun though


i wonder if ur talking to someone and u die will it say

"can i buy that blaster from....."dead


you wont find out what he was gunna say till the next time you see him or her.


it would keep people from passing information to other people who r ur enemys

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If sniper would work like in first shooter when you get the zoom in lens with crosshairs that would rock in SWG and head shots kill?!..wooot!


I would be a sniper and I would sit on a roof of a building in a city and peg everyone!..then I would go after Vader and snipe em in the eye!.:)

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Originally posted by Corpocus

I would be a sniper and I would sit on a roof of a building in a city and peg everyone!..then I would go after Vader and snipe em in the eye!.:)


thats something else i would do, go onto the roof of my house and snipe people


if i could design my house i would make the roof have things i can hide behind incase someone starts shooting at me or i would go down into the house and wait for them to leave

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yeah thats true, it would cost alot


maybe when they get the swoop bikes in ill get one of those and snipe people and run away on that, hope they dont have one though:)


"u cant catch me,im the greatest sniper in the world"*not looking infront of me and i crash into a tree*lol

but obviously not the best driver

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I'd prefer a ship to a house too, but ships won't be out for months after release. It'd be cool if you could just land your ship and convert it into a house, sorta like a trailer park ;) .


Anyhoo, what's really gonna be annoying about snipers is that they'll be able to shoot and move at the same time. Meleers will have no chance against em unless they sneak up. But that's ok; I plan to be a bounty hunter. Take out a rocket launcher, say bye bye to sniper


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lol i might have to watch out if i get a bounty on my head:)


i think snipers will have to b different in this game cause snipers in most games, i think, work alone but in this they might have to work in groups of maybe 2 or 3


then it wouldn't b all that fair to the people wouldn't b able to sneak up on them

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Originally posted by Stiffler

Yeah man, go for it. That's what the game's all about! :)


Welcome to the forums!! And if your name implies what I think it does then congrats, "STIFFLERS MOM." :D


And I don't think that sniping will be allowed shooting into a city, also if they have gun emplacements they would take you down real quick. :D

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