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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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* 3 posts later *



OUCH! Who the heck hit me!


* Pulls splinters out of nose *





* Throws a mean left at MydnightPsion's face *


Ha ha ha take THAT!



* misses and lands on the salad bar *


Ugh! that sucked!


*Grabs a chair ... stands on it ... and does a cannon ball through the floor into the wine cellar*



Ugh! That really sucked!!! :mad:

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*glances over at Homer*


"Oh, um, let me check the medicine cabinet."


*searches the cantina for a medicine cabinet, but doesn't see one*


"Oh. Sorry. Hmm..... let me see what I have in my pocketses..."


*pulls out an aspirin*


"Here! And here's some tea, to wash it down."

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*blasts Homer in the head with a bat before he can take aspirin*


*swings a golf club broadside on Homers kidney*

HAHAHAHA...Ha...ha......uh oh...*realizes what he did*...Homer...you okay...Homer..?*looks around*

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*goes Kain on Corran and lifts him up by the throat, then proceeds to bludgeon his man spot with a spiked club twice before throwing him through a plate glass window*

And take your damn hell tea with you!

*throws all of Corran's tea onto its owner*

*Corran is immobalized for 3 rounds*

*Then he rolls around holding himself for another 2 rounds*

...now where'd those lawyers go? *keeps club in hand as he searches*

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*re-enters the Cantina*


I have been gone for like 3 weeks, and this is STILL going on!


*thinks of who it could take to get rid of this lot from the best watering hole around....*


Umm..... Sounds GOOD!










*returns 3 hours later....*




*unleashes Toho's ENTIRE menagerie upon the rioters!*


Godzilla steps on MydnightPosion and sets light to


Mothra wraps the inert form of Darth Homer up in a silken cocoon to devour later.


Rodan flies low over head, the sonic boom shattering the freshly replaced windows. Shards hit BOINGA1 and Chief.


Darth Zaius runs for cover, only to be picked up in one of King Ghidorah's mouths, and shaken violently, until finally slung to one side on the other side of the space port.


MydnightPoison is out for 5 until Godzilla gets off him.


Darth Homer out until someone can spend 3 posts cutting him free of the strong polymer.


BOINGA1 and Chief out for 3 with basic lacerations.


Darth Zaius out for 12 whilst he recovers and finds a cab to get back.


Serves you RIGHT for continuing this in my fav cantina!

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*comes out of the ground and sees Mecha-Godzilla*

...not impressed...

*uses his Bio-Feedback psion power to short circuit Mecha*

*watches it hit the ground with a nice THUD*

*uses his overzealous telekenesis ability to start slamming MechaGodzilla into the ground over and over*


*nova_wolf is shaken up, blown up, and stabbed as Mecha-Godzilla goes BOOM!!!*

*picks up nova's limp corpse*

I told you you'd pay!

*takes all the money and plastic from his wallet and leaves him for dead*

*nova wolf is down until someone heals him for atleast 3 rounds*

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*Corran looks around confusedly from where he'd been sitting.*


"Hey, that's odd.... I didn't get attacked by Godzilla. Oh well, I'm not complaining..."


*looks over and sees StarCords*


"Hey! A n00b! Welcome to our humble cantina. We serve a variety of non-alcoholic drinks, from tea, to iced tea, to water, to hot chocolate and many more. Oh, and there's also the great variety of alcoholic drinks, such as Corellian ale, lum, Corus- hey, where'd that guy go?"


*sees StarCords running towards the alcoholic drinks*


"Oh. Um..... by the way, did I tell you about the frequent violence?"

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"Hey..... what's that?"


*sees telepathic message floating around*


"Um. Oh no! That might wake up Godzilla again!"


*Corran snatches the telepathic message out of the air and eats it*


*Zaius' evil power causes Corran some mild stomach upset and a few odd bowel movements, but no serious damage*

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