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one character per server???


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Ok now I'm afraid.


Is this true? Link to FAQ Question


Why would you only be allowed to have one character per server? I was really looking forward to testing different class/race combinations (On the same server.....). What if I make a friend on a server, and I want to start fresh with a new character? I have to erase my current character, or convince my friend to make a totally new character on a diff server? Am I the only one that thinks this is crazy?


yea yea... I know it's still in beta, and I shouldn't get worked up about it cause things could change, but sheesh... I dont like this idea at all



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yes, it is. Its there to stop griefing and more avcialble room for other players...


remember though..that you can aALWAYS change your calss and start a new with same character, just by losing skills.


but if you want another race you have to start agian if you want to stay on same server

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heh? I didn't know it was already covered? sorry :)


ugh it stinks though. I was thinking of trying a wookie.... but I dont want him to be my main because of the language problem with wookies :p


This goes back to my main point. I have some RL friends that are ganna play as well, so its too much of a hassle to create my wookie on another server :p


oh well :p



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Well, there's good things with it, and bad things. This is obvious. Yes, I'd like several characters on each server. But then, it will be interesting to see the differences in a game with only one character. Will there be less twinking? Will the mule problem be solved? Will there be less griefing? Will the characters be more serious? Will it outright suck?


I see it as an experiment. Either I'll love it, or hate it. But I try to keep an open mind until some months into the game, that's when I'll know which one it is.

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Mule problem:


Player A has a lot of stuff. Player A doesn't want to pay for space to put it in. Player A put his stuff in a backyard, logs out, logs in with a completely different character (who exist for this reason alone), picks up stuff, and log out. Player A's main char logs in, with a free and safe bank. Good roleplaying? As much as a frenzied jawa berzerker armed with a gaderffii stick becoming the pope.


Griefing: being an *******, for the sole purpose of being an *******. You log in with an unused character, starts to piss people off by being rude, wildly out of character, and just plain *******ish. Note that the player is not rude enough for the GM's to actively search him out. Then, the player logs out, and doesn't give a damn about the players looking for "liukespants" or whatever his grief character was named.


Twinking: Player A, being a good craftman, earns a lot of money. He wants to try playing a reptile barbarian wrestling chick, but doesn't want to do it the hard way, as all the new players. So he logs in with his rich character, dumps one million gold coins in a backyard, and then creates his new character, and go cash in. *Cathing!*. Boring as hell? You bet. Common? Like rats in a scrimp factory dump.


Sure, you can say that these things makes life easier in a MMORPG. But I'd say that they are stupid, totally out of character, and an abomination to roleplaying. One character per account would propably diminish, or even abolish, some of these ghastly loopholes.

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ugh now I'm torn....


I was ganna try to be one of the professions that people were avoiding such as cook or farmer. I was hoping to add to the community by doing a profession that others don’t want to do, but I don’t want to get stuck with a boring profession that I cant use to group fight or go on raids with friends.... Which brings me to my next question... Supposedly you can "sell" your skills back to invest them in other skills. How does that work? Can you do it as many times as you want? Hypothetically speaking if I get to master cook can I switch my skills over to a fighting skill (provided that I have done all the missions involved with that skill) and then switch back to master cook if I want to? That way I can be the cook that I want to be, and still be able to have fun and attack huge mobs with friends?



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When you use up all your skill points, but want to become better at something, you'll have to start cannibalizing skills you've learnt. You choose which ones, and then those points are 'forgotten', and used when you advance in the new skills. However, I have no idea if it will be possible to master artisan to be able to be a cook, master cook, and then cannibalize the artisan skill points and still be a cook. We'll see.

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Look at it this way:


You have a pool filled with 200 skill points. Let's call it the Skill-Point-Bank.

As you progress, you assign these skill points in different other pools of your choice, called Skills. In this case, prolly various skills related to cooking, as you want to be as good as possible. :)


When you have used up all your skill points in your Skill-Point-Bank, you cannot learn anything more.

If new skills you want, unlearn what you have learnt you must. :yoda::D


This means that you are not stuck with those skills for the duration of your gametime. When you unlearn skills, they are forgotten. Those skillpoints you have chosen to unlearn, will be transfered to the Skill-Point-Bank for future use.


You now have skillpoints at your disposal again to which you can learn new skills, in this case, Combat Skills. However, it will take time in order to learn these new skills, just as it took time to learn the cooking skills.

If you ever want to switch back to being a cook again, you will have to learn all those skills again. The bonus this time though, is that you (you yourself, not the character) already have a knowledge about the cooking skills, so you don't have to do as much trial and error to achive Mastership. :)

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Set, I must agree, I feel that the SCS system will be advantageous to roleplay. When stuck with one character it will force you to create a personality for that one character and know it inside and out. This just plain makes sense. It has been done on a million MUSHes and MUXes for years now. You have one character, that is you main character, that is it. Although most MUSHes and MUXes allow you a second 'ALT', your characters are never allowed to meet and neither of their actions is allowed to benefit the other. In the event this happens, they @nuke, @destroy and just plain delete your friggin character. I found that my RP gradually improved as I was a part of one of these MUSHes. Focus on your one character allows you to develop the personality in far more detail. Anyway, I am rambling again.

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I'll have to admit that while at first outraged that they would dare limit us to a single puppet per server, I'm finally starting to warm up to the idea of SCS. I'm looking forward to giving it a chance for reasons already listed in previous posts.


Then again, what choice do I have, lol...



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