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game wont start


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i wanted to replay the game last night, so i installed it.

but when i tried playing the screen just went black and the program stopped responding...

strange, cause just a week ago i installed it and it worked fine, then i uninstalled it, and now that i want to install and play it again it wont work

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Since the last time EMI worked, have you updated anything? Windows-Update, Drivers - even patching the game can sometimes cause problems.


If that doesn't work, then locate

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Monkey 4\

There are two *.exe files (Monkey & Monkey4). Try running the game from one or the other.


Other than that, I recommend you uninstall it completely, remove the registry keys and then try another reinstall. To eliminate registry keys, click Start -> Run, type 'regedit' and you should be at the registry editor.


Browse to:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC\Monkey4


and just delete everything (after uninstalling).



If it's still not working, and you're using XP, then try messing about with the compatibilty settings by right clicking on your 'Monkey.exe' and selecting Properties. I'm not too familiar with this though, as I'm on 2000.

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you may need to highten the virtual memory.


go to 'contol panel' and then on 'performance and maintenance'.

clcik on 'system' and then click on the 'advanced' tab and under the 'performance' heading, click on settings. a new window should open clcik on the 'advanced' tab on that and then under the virtual memory heading, click on 'change'

now you can change the virtual memory. i wouldn't suggest going over the suggested size (which is different on different computers depending on your disk space), but if you do, don't worry, it'll only slow down your computer a bit, no dramatic changes changes will occur.


so why should you do this, well, EFMI requires a lot of virtual memory, well okay, not a lot, but quite a bit and so this may be the problem. this is only a tmporary solution though as when i did this, i could playt eh game, but every so often, it would slow down considerably until it would finally crash the game and send you abck to the desktop. so i am saying, if you do this, save on a regular basis. hope this helps.

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I wouldn’t recommend arbitrarily changing virtual memory settings. By all means try it and if it works. great but dont just leave it on a random setting, look around the internet for the best setting to have it on with the ram/hd space you have, just changing it to a random value can seriously degrade the performance of your pc.


Most games will tell you if you are short on virtual memory (JK2 does this I believe) and it will usually only occur if your system specs are close to the minimum requirements.


Anyway some sort of process is needed here:

1 - Install the patch

2 - Try opengl mode rather than direct3d or vice versa

3 - Virtual memory

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Originally posted by bgbennyboy

I wouldn’t recommend arbitrarily changing virtual memory settings. By all means try it and if it works. great but dont just leave it on a random setting, look around the internet for the best setting to have it on with the ram/hd space you have, just changing it to a random value can seriously degrade the performance of your pc.


Most games will tell you if you are short on virtual memory (JK2 does this I believe) and it will usually only occur if your system specs are close to the minimum requirements.


Anyway some sort of process is needed here:

1 - Install the patch

2 - Try opengl mode rather than direct3d or vice versa

3 - Virtual memory


i agree completely, and yes, efmi does tell you if your low on virtual memory, but only on XP as it knows that XP is the only operating system that allows you to change it. and yes, i would do this as a last resort, i mean it's only effect is degrading teh performance of the CPU (which doesn't sound too bad when you compare it to a complete system format or something, it's really a minor problem and easily fixed) but it does mean changing system settings which otherwise shouldn't actaull be changed unless you know what your doing.


also, with XP, you can actually have all resources on you computer go to one program instead of running it's backround programs at the same time which can slow down the game. to do this, when in the game (provided you've got it working, and still have problems with speed, otherwise forget this) task switch to the desktop (again this is a total last resort, not only can this effect you computer's performance (although it will go back to normal automatically when you close down efmi) but it's also not a very good idead to task switch between programs like EFMI as it's not used to it (the efmi manual will tell you this)). when on the desktop, press Ctrl, Alt and delete (don't worry, were not closing down any programs)

then click on the 'processes' tab. locate the EFMI program on there (not too sure what it'll bge called, but it should be recognisable) and right click on it and then select set priority. then just set the priority. i stress again, don't try this unless you know what your doing. i shouldn't even be telling you this (it's not illegal or anything, it just may be risky unless you do it right) but just in case. and i wouldn't go doing this frivilously with other programs that you want to run fast.


hope you get it working.

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