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How many years passed?


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I sure will want to rolleplay while playing, so here´s a question once I´m not a in-depht fan of Star Wars (don´t gemme wrong, I REALLY like the movies, but I don´t go too beyond that) so, I want to know how much time since Palpatine took control...

So I can know if an adult (like everyone will be) actually presencied this took-over? Or if just the older people remember this happening and the "playing generation" born with the empire already controlling everthing...

And once we´re talking about years, every race grow alike? Like, humans can live in average 60-80 years, a wookie live that much either?

Sorry to disturb you with these questions, but I´m sure a hardcore fan out there will know at least where I can look for the answers! ^^


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Epsiode 1 took place about 40 years before A New Hope, and Episode 2 took place ten years after that. I believe Eps. 3 will take place 2 or 3 years after Eps. 2. So, I'd guess that a character who was around during Palpatine's take over would be pretty old.


For the age thing, Wookies live quite a long time. Chewbacca was 200 in ANH.


Hope this helps. :D

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

Hey Jan, I always wondered why everyone referenced the Battle of Yavin for timelines. Just curious.


Most likely because a) A New Hope was the first movie and the battle of yavin is the most famous, or b) the battle of yavin is when the tide changes O.o

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Well, that may very well turn out to be true in the end, Wraith. We just don't know for sure yet. :)


But Rick McCallum said they were undecided of 2-3 years between Ep. II and III, so I'm going with that. :)


But your're right about the 18 years. I should have said 18-19, not 19-20. :)

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