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Originally posted by Soromonu

"I'm going to be a Zabrak bounty hunter as well"




Cool maybe we can hook up and do some jobs 2gether or somethin? :evil5:

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Human. For some reason, I always play a human... lol. I guess I need to step outside my comfort zone once and a while but.... no! I wont do it! It's gotta be human! ;P


BTW Hoju, just ignore BlackDove- (who is not a moderator)

his title says it all. Don't know why i took him off of ignore, but I just fixed that little oversight...



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Originally posted by Soromonu

sounds like a plan DarthLord, however it'll only work if we're on same server :D




lol true i'll be on Starsider with the =A= being that im one of them. so if you are ever on there look me up or something and we can team up that goes for all BH'ers out there if ya want to.


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Originally posted by Lindwurm

I think I'll go with Human first, makes me somehow more comfortable. At least there you know what you get :D

But I think after a while I'll try Trandoshan, I mean they're just cool and they hunt the Walking Carpets=Wookies.


im gonna be a wookie ill also be the so called walking carpet that slits your throat:D :p

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Originally posted by DarkLordJoethe8

im planing b a male Trandoshan, only because they look like they are lizzards, i will b a combat medic or scout or bountyhunter(almost anything that can shoot at people from a distance)

you know... i havent seen many people who are gonna play Trandoshan.., actually your the second one i can remember :p good luck
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