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Strange Quote

Darth Homer

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I was bored, flipping through the tv channels last night and passed by women's professional billiards and got mesmerized by it for a few seconds...maybe it was that one woman with the leather pants.......OH! Uh, where was I? Oh, right...I after a rather difficult shot was just missed, I heard the female announcer say:

"She had those balls and she ran into them and whenever you run into balls, it's not a good thing"


I could do nothing but laugh for the next minute. I did see this yesterday, but I ran it by Rhett first to make sure I wouldn't get in trouble


so other admins & mods, it's Rhett's fault, he should have stopped me :D

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I love women's billiards. :joy: *SIGH*


There was one time I was up all night, watching some all-night newscast when the announcer was reading a story and started to crack up and couldn't stop. I have to suspect the script-writers did it to him on purpose.


It was a story of a gay-rights bill being rejected in the Senate. I forget the exact quote, but the story was phrased something like "Gay-rights advocates received a terrific blow on the floor of the Senate today..." That's when he lost it. The rest of the story was filled with similar double-entendres and innuendos.


It was a riot. Someone must have gotten fired for that. Or perhaps they were quitting and wanted to make a stir before they left.

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