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Devil Doll with anything better to do

Devil Doll

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I didn´t posted anything interesting in a long time (and I think this isn´t interesting too) but anyway, I was playing with the scanner and I want to show you some pics I took for my school projects, I hope you like it, any comments will be accepted :p


my two first LDD

A sad angel I saw

I liked this angel

A special class I had making positives and negatives in film paper

I dunno why I liked this one but I liked it

one of the firsts photos i took

my little LDD playing alone

my other LDD playing with the flowers

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.................................. o.O


um..... riiiiiight



I got one word for the LDD. . . scary


That doll was looking at me with those eyes. . . I think I'll have nightmares. . . anywho, you in any way related to DSS? You 2 seem to like graveyards alot.


When I first saw you were talkin about LDD, I thought you were talking about the drug :p

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*elbows StarWarsPhreak* Ixnay on the uncomfortable-subject-ay---aww forget it. *sledgehammers SWPh and kicks him out the window* Much better. :D


I'm afraid of those pictures. But whenever you say "Angel" I think "oh, the vampire-with-a-soul flavor of Angel"? Ehehehe...never mind. :animelol:

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

.................................. o.O


um..... riiiiiight



I got one word for the LDD. . . scary


You are not the first one who said me that, my mother screamed when I bought the first one


Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

That doll was looking at me with those eyes. . . I think I'll have nightmares. . .

I love that eyes, I use to take a lot of photos to her eyes


Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

anywho, you in any way related to DSS? You 2 seem to like graveyards alot.

Why you lynk and redwing make a lot of mess about that? the answer is really simple, NO

my grave yards obsession started when I was 6, so I hav almost 13 years with this obsession, personally (and I don´t want to look in any mad form) I don´t think DSS has more than 2 or 3 years with that likes.


Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

When I first saw you were talkin about LDD, I thought you were talking about the drug :p

:rofl: ok, now I correct, I´ll say the complete name, Living Dead Dolls ok?? ;)


it´s funny to know that a lot of Aresen members will have nightmares because lizzie borden and tragedy, I need to take pics to sybil

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Oh I'm sure once you settle down with a guy you'll change... that is if you don't scare them away........ :D


Now THAT is a reason to smack you :p;)


@DD: It's probably just because your doll pictures bring out the murderous side in everyone :D;)

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Oh I'm sure once you settle down with a guy you'll change... that is if you don't scare them away........ :D


well, my only two boyfriends I had in all my life ( yes only two, i hate the idea to have a boyfriend) have similar interests like me, and I´m dating a guy that I meet like 2 years ago and he knows me, he knows that I love my dolls and my scary room, he knows that i want to be like gaz (for those who can´t remember I´m talking about invader zim) and he didn´t say anything, i don´t think any boy will make me change, if someone loves me, he will love me in the way I am, I´m a sweet girl, just if you make me something I´ll do the same, if you act like an iceberg with me, I´ll do the same, I´m only a mirror when we talk about relationships.


and my dolls are my daughters!!!!!!!!!


and sybil it´s more like me, totally crazy and insane ;P:xp:

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i know what you are trying to say lynk.


but I´m not gonna say anything about that. the problem with me is that I suffered a lot with a lot of guys, so I only give what they give to me, I don´t have to give a lot if the other one don´t want to give anything.


I know what you tried to say, but I wont say anything just because I´m very happy.

and those are things that should be talked face to face.

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