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I have trouble finding the motivation to do my homework... any advice?

Reborn Outcast

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

Gah I'm trying buts its like I have an attraction away from homework... if i sit down to do it, something else catches my attention.


Yeh, me too. I actually end up doing some of my homework in History Class, since the Teahcer doesn't see. :p. I usually do it on the way to school in my car. :D

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

I have amazing trouble concentrating on my homework. I come home after school at 2:20 P.M and then I see my CD player and have to listen to music. Then I have to play some games. Then I have to eat some food. Then I play some more games and I end up doign my homework at around 10:00 P.M or the next morning real early. Does anyoine have any advice for me that may help with my problem. I would like to somehow find the motivation to do it right when I get home so then I won't have to worry about it later.


Here's some motivation: You either can do it, or go work at the local fast food joint for the rest of your life.



Hm.. why don't you just do it while listening to music? Thats what I do

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Originally posted by teutonicknight

Here's some motivation: You either can do it, or go work at the local fast food joint for the rest of your life.



Hm.. why don't you just do it while listening to music? Thats what I do


Go for burker Kind dude!


Lol, j/k. Hmm. Do your homework on the Bus coming home from school. Then listen to music while you do it. You could also have your friends over, and do your homework together. Its much more fun. :)

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with me its pretty much the computer that keeps me away from doing my homework. my internet wasnt working about 2 weeks ago and didnt work for about a week. and for that week, lemme tell ya, i did allll my homework and i found myself bored and wanting to do more homework! it was weird lol, you just got to tell yourself that its more important and once you get it done, then you can do whatever you want after and not worry about it :)

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I didn't have any trouble doing h/w at school I just did it when I got home, and if my mum didn't think that I'd done enough she set me more. But some of the things they get you to do at uni are making me insane (and thats not a good thing when I start seeing patiets for real tomorrow)

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Originally posted by access_flux

i never did homework all through high school and still i passed :) i don't know how but. maybe youshould try and luck it :)


Were you in Gymnasium oder Hauptschule? I would think it would be next to impossible not to do homework in Gymnasium.

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

Am I a black sheep in the flock for actually being pretty responsible with my homework? :D


Apparently so.


And even if you do you leave homework for the last minute. Who cares? That's how I get mine done and I always get good. If you leave it to the last minute and get bad though, then procrastinating is not for you.

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Heh, I'm exactly the same as Neodios in that respect. My philosohpy is that if I do it and finish it right at the last minute, I can't add anything to it cos I don't have time, so I have to hand it in. I did that last year for coursework at school and came out with almost all A's.


I do admire people who can sit down when they come home from school and do their homework. I could never do it. Look at me now - it's almost 9pm and I have English and Maths presentations to put together for tomorrow LOL:lol:

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Well, I'm not that bad. Presentations I do at least 12 hours before they're due. It's just regular homework I leave and sometimes don't do. Actually, my last english homework, I wrote Chapter 4 questions above the chapter 3 ones and it worked.


Fight the power.



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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

Well yea I have all A's but it just bothers me that this could become a habit into college which would stink because I DON'T want to screw up in college.


Hehe... I had a take home exam for an Anthropology course. Five topics, page and a half each, double-spaced and typed with 12-point font. It had a two week period before being due and I put it off until the last day. It was due 8:00 am Monday morning and I cranked it out on Sunday. I was really worried that I didn't do a good job, but ended up with an "A" at 100%. Whew....


Got a C+ in German, though.

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

Well yea I have all A's but it just bothers me that this could become a habit into college which would stink because I DON'T want to screw up in college.


Well then, just keep that in mind. Force yourself to work. You may get distracted but just literally force yourself to do it. It can be done.

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