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Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by greedo626

I used to have two friends. we joked about doing drugs all the time, talking like stoners and acting like crack addicts. but then they actually started smoking pot. I watched as they went from promising young men who enjoyed playing music and sports, to just two guys who spent every waking moment of their lives either smoking pot or thinking about the next time they could. they no longer cared about music, sports, or their friends. all they care about now is pot. I watched them destroy their lives and could do nothing about it. "just a little pot" isn't just that.

not all people do this i myself have smoked pot. i used to get prescriptions for it until it was no longer legal for pot to be sold no matter what the reason. i have never met anyone like this. though this doesnt mean that they dont exist but it is very rare i can assure you of that. that is unless they didnt have much to do before then of course the newest thing they do takes over. despite some things said pot isnt as dangerous as cigarettes.
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Originally posted by InsaneSith

not all people do this i myself have smoked pot. i used to get prescriptions for it until it was no longer legal for pot to be sold no matter what the reason. i have never met anyone like this. though this doesnt mean that they dont exist but it is very rare i can assure you of that


I can assure you that they are more common that you think.


despite some things said pot isnt as dangerous as cigarettes.


Pot cannot be compared with tobacco. Dangerous isn't the same as damaging. We already know the effects pot has on your brain, it makes you slower and more childish, that is a fact. And you still have the lung damage it causes. Now I have given people plenty of reasons on why it shouldn't be legalized, and I have not seen any good reason on why we should legalize it. Alright, alcohol is probably more dangerous, but that doesn't make pot less damaging. And saying pot should be legalized just because alcohol is, is pretty much the same as saying that it should be allowed to punch anyone you want just because it's allowed to knock out each other in boxing games.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Just a question: Why do you smoke it at all? I assume you know the health damages it causes, both to the lungs and to the brain (it does make you dumber). What's the point of doing it anyway? Can you really enjoy causing damage to your body like that?


You can draw a parallel straight to beer, it is poison, but you have another kind of fun then you do when your sober (I would like to point that out: I have fun sober), that is why most people drink.


That is why I (and I haven't spoken to anyone else about this so I'm speaking for me only) smoke hashish.


Another reason for drinking and smoking stuff might (and this is a theory) be to escape from the "real" world. Everyone tries to run from it (or so my theory goes) that is why people watch TV, read, hangs out with others, anything to stop oneself from thinking.

(Psychological theory from a guy who doesn't believe it has proven itself valid as a science - notice the irony?)

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Is it just me, or has anyone noticed that pot really smells. I mean it smells awful! It smells like fecal matter. Do you really want to inhale something that smells as if it came out of someone, or something's oriface? If so, why not just ride around town with the local tavern drunk, leave the windows up and inhale the beer farts.:rolleyes: Still not convinced? :eek:


I go to concerts alot, and sometimes it takes me about two showers, and hours of scrubbing to get that funky smell off of me. Another downside is getting the munchies. I went to a Cypress Hill concert in 93, or 94 and got so blown from the contact smoke, that I was pretty wasted. Just to give you an idea, It was a blizzard in the dead of February and me and my buddy were driving home laughing our heads off with the windows down and our shirts off. When I got home I ate about 12 Tacos, a large pizza, and 2 quarts of chocalte ice cream and I was still hungry. Yeah that's healthy....... :rolleyes:


Edit- Here is my psychological theory: Why volunterily do something that makes you behave like a moron?:confused:

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Edit- Here is my psychological theory: Why volunterily do something that makes you behave like a moron?:confused:


Good point.


I'm thinking it's because we all need to escape from reality, as Pierre put it. And because it's mighty fun.


BTW, I've never got the munchies, and I don't think cannabis smells bad. It has a somewhat "odd" smell, but it's not bad, IMHO.

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Originally posted by C'jais

I'm thinking it's because we all need to escape from reality, as Pierre put it.


The it would be a lot wiser to buy a computer game or something, wouldn't it? Much less damaging.


And because it's mighty fun.


So are computer games. Though I don't see the fun in acting like an idiot (not meant as flaming, just so you know).

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pot usually doesnt make you act like an idiot. usually it just mellows you out and you basically point out things that usually you wouldnt point out such as why they call things what they are called cuz it sounds like something else. and well frankly i dont get this it harms you so why do it its got health risks. well so does eating fast food all the time but that doesnt mean people wont do it cuz people have been saying fast food isnt healthy since 1956 yet i see some fat dudes at the mcdonalds everyday at every breakfast lunch and dinner eating burgers fries and huge cokes. they are at worse risk than any pothead. and dont tell me they arent.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

The it would be a lot wiser to buy a computer game or something, wouldn't it? Much less damaging.


Well, yes, I'll grant you that.


But we all need diversity once in a while, no?


And drugs are social :rolleyes:


So are computer games. Though I don't see the fun in acting like an idiot (not meant as flaming, just so you know).


You don't act as an idiot, as much as you're more relaxed, calm and of a hazy mind.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

. well so does eating fast food all the time but that doesnt mean people wont do it cuz people have been saying fast food isnt healthy since 1956 yet i see some fat dudes at the mcdonalds everyday at every breakfast lunch and dinner eating burgers fries and huge cokes. they are at worse risk than any pothead. and dont tell me they arent.


But food is needed for you body to function. If you eat too much, it may be damaging. Drugs are different, because it's damaging no matter how much you use of it. Plus, food don't affect your brain like pot does.


And drugs are social


But wouldn't it be better to hang out with friends without having to drug yer brain to death?


You don't act as an idiot, as much as you're more relaxed, calm and of a hazy mind.


Sorry, confused it a bit with alcohol and other drugs. But it doesn't change much, since it still makes you an idiot.


No matter what you belive, pot is banned for a reason.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Drugs are different, because it's damaging no matter how much you use of it.


That's not entirely right.


But wouldn't it be better to hang out with friends without having to drug yer brain to death?


I don't drug myself excessively. Far from it.


Everything taken to excess is bad for you. Heck, it's bad for your health to stare at the monitor right now. Damn, it's even unhealthy to live. Why not get as many sensations as you can? It's not like I smoke once a week, or even once a month - but I'm glad that I've tried it, looking back. I don't think I'm scarred for life, if that's what you're implying.


Sorry, confused it a bit with alcohol and other drugs. But it doesn't change much, since it still makes you an idiot.


An idiot? Err...


...so does riding a horse. Idiot in this sense is only derived from cultural norms.


No matter what you belive, pot is banned for a reason.


Yeh, and I think it should be. But by the same reasoning, so should alcohol and tobacco. I'm not so sure about those, as they're generally accepted.


Drugs (alcohol, pot etc) are healthy in the sense that most people all need to flee from reality into their little, drug induced universe once in a while, to help cope with the real world better. Not everyone likes being confronted with a brutal reality 24/7.


It's like the drugs that helps you deal psychical trauma. And the ones that cures your depressing. And the ones that put you to sleep. They're all unhealthy taken to excess, but I still think their benefit on the people that need them outweigh their bad aspects.

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Originally posted by C'jais


I don't drug myself excessively. Far from it.


Didn't really talk to you, but to people (or about people) that does drug themselves excessively.


An idiot? Err...


I really was talking about the affects it has on the brain, making you slower, acting more childish, etc.


Yeh, and I think it should be.


Good. We agree then.


It's like the drugs that helps you deal psychical trauma. And the ones that cures your depressing. And the ones that put you to sleep. They're all unhealthy taken to excess, but I still think their benefit on the people that need them outweigh their bad aspects.


1. Other things can be as effective to be used to flee from your ordinary lives, things that aren't dangerous.


2. It starts with a little pot, but I belive we all know how a lot of them ends.

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Pot is not a "gateway" drug. That is just some DEA propaganda. The correlation is drawn thusly: Those who use other drugs have used pot, so pot leads to using other drugs. But people who use other drugs also drive cars. Does that mean cars are gateway objects? Of course not. Because even though people who use other drugs drive cars, not all people who drive cars use other drugs. The same is true of pot. Yes, some people do different drugs, including pot, but not all people who smoke pot do other drugs.


So what's the big deal if it's made legal or not? It's not like it's gonna go away, ever. We are talking about a plant that if given some decent light, would probaly be able to grow on the inside of a bums assh*le. You and your mom working together as the mighty drugbusters could work non stop for decades and not even put a dent in the marijuana market. You and a demented horde of mutilated midgets could spout off at the mouth about the dangers and harmful effects of marijuana to teen and pre teen children all across the globe for the rest of your natural lives, yet it would all be for naught when one child tries pot and realizes he has been fed horsesh*t his entire life.


For christs sake, lighten up. Smoking a joint ain't never hurt no one, ain't never gonna. And what's up with this "smoking pot makes you act childish" thing? Who the hell do you smoke with? Retards? Jeez.

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Originally posted by munik

The correlation is drawn thusly: Those who use other drugs have used pot, so pot leads to using other drugs. But people who use other drugs also drive cars. Does that mean cars are gateway objects? Of course not. Because even though people who use other drugs drive cars, not all people who drive cars use other drugs. The same is true of pot. Yes, some people do different drugs, including pot, but not all people who smoke pot do other drugs.


As there are LOADS of more people driving cars than the amount using pot, that argument doesn't fit at all. And I belive there is quite few of the drug users that drive cars.


So what's the big deal if it's made legal or not?


If you make it legal, it will be more common.


For christs sake, lighten up. Smoking a joint ain't never hurt no one, ain't never gonna.


That's a lie. Just simply a lie. What about greedo626's friends, eh? Didn't "smoking a joint" really hurt their lives? Or what about the millions of others who has ruined their lives by "smoking a joint"?


And what's up with this "smoking pot makes you act childish" thing?


A fact. But if you don't belive it, that's your problem. If you really trust a few guys, who has no medical education, saying pot doesn't harm you in any way instead of beliving all the thousands of doctors who know perfectly well the mental damages pot does, then that's your problem. I'll guess you'll soon say stabbing yourself in the stomach with a knife doesn't do any harm.


Who the hell do you smoke with?


That's the point, I'm not dumb enough to smoke.

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Off topic, but...


...And Jesus responded to ShockV1.89, "Whence forth, you shall abstain from attending church without wearing your giants hat and wielding a sippy cup full of coconut rum. The man who does not fulfill this divine mandate shall find himself in the company of Satan. This is the word of the lord."


:D :D :D

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

So we can take the examples we have here of people who have done various forms of drugs and came out ok... and compare them to those who didnt...


Which one outnumbers the other?


People who didn't come out ok would be in a pretty bad condition, so it's not strange that none of them are here.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

People who didn't come out ok would be in a pretty bad condition, so it's not strange that none of them are here.


Yes, but it does prove that many people can take drugs and still be ok.


Pot is no worse than beer, and I do think the government could control it better, were it legalized.


Then again, if it was legalized, more drug related accidents would probably increase, so I'm pretty neutral to this right now.

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Actually, my point was that even though there are people in the world who took drugs and came out ok, there are probably more who didnt.


With regards to "hard" drugs such as heroin, cocaine etc, you're probably right.


But are any of you aware of just how many people smoke the cannabis, and who are able to lead perfectly normal lives?

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Smoke it regularly? I dont know, I dont live their lives. I do know the ones I've seen drilled their lives right into the dirt once they started doing it a lot. I can only go on my own experience...


I dont question its addictiveness. It's not. I do question anything that might lead to someone ruining their lives, and my experience shows me that once people pick up weed, their lives go down the crapper.

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

I dont question its addictiveness. It's not. I do question anything that might lead to someone ruining their lives, and my experience shows me that once people pick up weed, their lives go down the crapper.


Fair enough.


In a recent poll, 25% of my country's youth admitted to smoking cannabis. We're obviously f*cked.

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

and my experience shows me that once people pick up weed, their lives go down the crapper.


one of my "friends" after smoking weed, wrapped his car around a tree on his way home from a "pot party." he was going nearly 80 mph. so just like alcohol, pot does impair you're judgement. but unlike alcohol, it only takes a little pot to do alot of damage.

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