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NRG Trailer/Movie!

The Truthful Liar

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It's finished, working on a decent logo for it as I type. Be on the lookout of the main pages of jkii.net and nrgteam.com for the release! :-)


After you've watched the trailer please post down some of your thoughts here, it'd be much appreciated. Also if there are any people who run some servers or know of any duel servers that'd be willing to use the duel map pack, it'd be nice if they could leave an IP behind as well.


If you have any questions prior the release feel free to ask here now. Cheers ; )

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from what I could tell the maps look good, but there wasn't enough panorama/panning/flythrough stuff.


To be honest the capture rate was far too slow, made painfully obvious during the slow-motion bits. You ideally need to capture at about 60fps then bring it down to 25ish post-production.


Nice music, although the remix of a Final Fantasy 9 track didn't fit in too well.


Conclusion? Some interesting ideas, but the execution wasn't too hot :(


[Edit: I know this isn't exactly what you want to hear, but feedback is feedback, and most people would prefer more idea of what they're getting before a 35mb download]

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Very good overall, I like it, especially the maps, they look great!! :thumbsup:


Overall, the movie was kinda slow, and the quality was average. The duel was very cool tho, especially the Matrix-style effects. Wish you could have had a longer red Reborn duel :D

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i preferred the original trailer to be honest, this one was very entertaining too, but it wasnt as smooth, and the story wasnt as good. Thought there should have been a longer fight with sabers.


i am very impressed by the maps though, all very epic, look like they'll be fun to play on.








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Good time 4 a download, over 35 megs under 2.5 minutes.



Congratulations! An excellent preview!


It has something I have never seen before, but I can't put my finger on........


It think it was Drama, I love 1 against 2 stuff where 1 wins. :)



Looking forward to getting those maps!

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Great movie guys, but I also liked the first one better. The fly through and panning was better in the 1st. I was also hoping for long saber duel but o well. Liked the Matrix effects and the soundtrack. Anyways, the maps look great. And I can't wait for them to come out. Is there going to be another Movie? :D

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Thanks for your comments guys:)


To be honest the capture rate was far too slow, made painfully obvious during the slow-motion bits. You ideally need to capture at about 60fps then bring it down to 25ish post-production.


Actually the jerkiness you see during the slowmotion sections was due to lag ingame, as the action was slowed down ingame using the "timescale" command rather than post production. I could have done it that way but it dident give me the precision i needed with the camera angles.:)



I'm surprised that some of you liked the original trailer better:), to me the second trailer had more drama/suspense and i was able to include much more depth than the original.:)



Thanks again for your feedback:thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Eagle_e7

Actually the jerkiness you see during the slowmotion sections was due to lag ingame, as the action was slowed down ingame using the "timescale" command rather than post production. I could have done it that way but it dident give me the precision i needed with the camera angles.:)




Hey, pretty sure you would already know this but,


it may be possible to avoid the jerkiness by scripting g_synchronousClient to 1 and instantly sets the client back to 0 when the recording ends. I aquired TF_BioHazards record script for the same problem and I can now record large screen size high quality demos without the lag.


script link

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actually I'm pretty sure he's not talking about the lag related to the g_sych 1 command, a demo script will turn it on and off right when you begin recording. He was using setting server timescale < 1 during the actual recording which causes packet and computer synching to go all outta wack (which is why it seems jerky/choppy). An idea though eagle, if you're concerned with more precise camera angles, is to use third person commands. These can all be done in post-recording time so you don't even need to mess with timescale or just moving the mouse right during recording.


The way I went about this in a couple scenes of fusion skills was fairly simple. When you're ready to export to frames, open the game and turn on cheats (/devmap mapname). Then figure out what angle you want the camera to be relative to the player recording the demo:


/cg_thirdperson 1 (sets camera outside player)

/cg_thirdpersonrange (sets distance of camera from player)

/cg_thirdpersonangle (direction the camera is viewing the player from i.e. 180 would be directly in front of player)

/cg_thirdpersoncameradamp (affects how quickly the camera will move to follow the player, can acheive some nice camera effects by setting it to a low decimal number like .003)

/cg_thirdpersontargetdamp (I think it adjusts how fast the camera will turn to keep the character in the center of the screen. Not especially useful from what I can see right now)


Granted there are limitations to using this method as the camera will always be centered on the person recording but it prevents a shaky mouse hand from ruining a good recording. Hope this helps at least some.


Oh yeah, and I really liked the trailer. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have installed other maps and mods before on single and multiplayer ... I have a dedicated server I was going to convert to using this new NRG duel map. The server automatically manages all my games, and I configure them by the server.cfg and maps.cfg . I don't see any notes in the .ZIP file that specifies installation instructions on this new NRG update. I would have gone to the website, but it is giving me fail notices (apparantly everyone else is also trying to go to that website-- it is over the traffic limit!)...


Can someone please throw me a bone here and let me know how to (where to) install this pk3 file ?





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Originally posted by kgentes

I have installed other maps and mods before on single and multiplayer ... I have a dedicated server I was going to convert to using this new NRG duel map. The server automatically manages all my games, and I configure them by the server.cfg and maps.cfg . I don't see any notes in the .ZIP file that specifies installation instructions on this new NRG update. Can someone please throw me a bone here and let me know how to (where to) install this pk3 file ?






Just put it where you would with any other maps, into the base directory. :-)


[Edit: I don't really know anything about putting it onto a server (What is the IP? I'd like to make a page on the NRG site listing all the servers running our map packs), what do you need to have exactly to get it on there?]


I would have gone to the website, but it is giving me fail notices (apparantly everyone else is also trying to go to that website-- it is over the traffic limit!)...


We didn't expect to get so much interest or as many downloads and the bandwidth limit was hit, although since I'm the only one providing the money for the site there's not much I can do about it unless someone wants to help in hosting our files. Which I doubt will happen any time soon. :p


Originally posted by razorace

When is the website going back up? Us coders are waiting to use the nrg forums again!


Should be back any day now, latest April 1st. ; )


I'm glad you all enjoyed the trailer! :cool:

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