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How You get So Big Eating Food Of This Kind?

Darth Eggplant

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when I am entertaining company, I am a really good cook,

I also have found out I know how to bake as well.


However...when I am alone, I seem to be possessed

by the dead spirit of a chef who died from food poisoning

(from his own cooking.) at any rate whenever I create

chaotic quisine, I force myself to eat it; and I must say;

I still have not learnt my lesson.:D



Chow Yuck Fat Fish and Chicken Fried Rice



one cup of wild rice

two and a half cups of water

one can of tuna fish (dolphin friendly of cource)

one large container of gravy from Kentucky Fried Chicken

some cooking oil


cook the wild rice in water,

and then heat a pan with oil

cooking the rice until golden fried.

(add soya sauce to give a nice darkened appearance)

then take can of tuna and heap cold

over plate of fried wild rice,

heat large container of chicken gravy

from Kentucky Fried Chicken

in the microwave,

poor entire contents onto tuna fried rice,

(serve to yourself)

eat one large plate,

then let remained in pan cool

before chucking the whole lot into the trash.


*throw receipt card away and never try it again.*


anyhow you are what you eat

or what you are willing to admit to have eaten.;)

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