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Any1 else play FFX ? ?

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Theres actually a new game commin out in the "universe" of FFX. . . (I think Rogue Nine already knows seeing his picture) any1 else heard of it ? ? ? ? looks kool



Other things to look out for : Star Ocean 3

Medal of Honor : Pacific Assault

that new tenchu game



Geez, 2 many games, so little time/vacation :mad:

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I'm definately a fan, and i can't wait for X-2.



Oh, and for RPG fans, take a look at Wild ARMs 3, i just finished it and i really liked it.


I think i'm gonna get XenoSaGa now, then Dark Cloud 2 if i have time before Galaxies comes out.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War comes out tomorrow.


I'm ordering that and xbox live on monday.


What does that have to do with anything RPG or FF related?


I'm looking forward to FFXII a lot more than I am FFXI. The online thing just doesn't work in my book. The Final Fantasy series has always been a self-contained single player RPG series. They should have entitled it Final Fantasy Online or something.

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Originally posted by another_trooper

Yeah, online stuff sux. Having to pay more than once for something sux.


My weird obese MAC infested friend told me that squaresoft was switching to Gamecube for future releases of FF games! Tell me thats not true!!!!!


That's not true. Tell your friend that after crystal chronicle, there will be no more squaresoft GCN games for quite a while, and you can thank Enix for that,

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  • 2 weeks later...

..and they won't, considering the huge combined success of the FF-series and Playstation.

I have played FF X for about 10 hrs, but still seemed stuck in a linear game as opposed to the 'free-world' of FF7, with the world map and all.. I know i should give Square the benefit of the doubt, but that last title just didn't grasp me as much as FF7..

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Alot of people I know feel the same way. Even though I do know one nut who played FFX so much he has traveled through the sphere grid completely several times and has basically customized his characters however he likes to think of them by changing many un-needed spheres, etc. It's crazy though, because it's not like he can face anybody else with them...he can just show off by doing a basic attack with Tidus on a boss, killing it in one strike. *He's a big FF nut. Did all the FF games that way*

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Alot of people I know feel the same way. Even though I do know one nut who played FFX so much he has traveled through the sphere grid completely several times and has basically customized his characters however he likes to think of them by changing many un-needed spheres, etc. It's crazy though, because it's not like he can face anybody else with them...he can just show off by doing a basic attack with Tidus on a boss, killing it in one strike. *He's a big FF nut. Did all the FF games that way*


Would that be me ? :D


Cuz i played just as much. . . (Yes, i do have too much free time sometimes):)

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