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How will attacking innocents work?


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I think I read somewhere that explosive will do collatoral(sp) damage and stuff. Can't remember where.


And dude... that is disturbing...... plus, I'm sure after you did that, you'd be in a **** load of trouble. Bounties would be all over yo butt. Plus, if you did that in a no attacking zone, you might get banned or something.

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You wouldnt be able to do that in a non-pvp area, and I doubt you'd last long if you did it at all.


Why would you ask a question like that anyway, especially with current world culture on edge from terrorist bombings? We need to implement an IQ requirement to access these boards...



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First of all, there isn't any 'No Attack Zone'. You will either be set to battle already (Opposing factions or PAs) or you will have to approve the combat (Both participants agree to fight. Otherwise you will not be able to do damage to the others. So basically, they have removed all innocent bystander deaths. Read the FAQ. ;P

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Hmmm, last time I checked, the only non-combat zones are the beginning areas. Outside that, you are free to attack anyone who is overt of the rivalling faction, if you are overt yourself. Innocent bystanders are not overt, so you can't harm them. Simple as that.



And after all, there's no such thing as innocents! ;)

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Originally posted by setsuko

Hmmm, last time I checked, the only non-combat zones are the beginning areas. Outside that, you are free to attack anyone who is overt of the rivalling faction, if you are overt yourself. Innocent bystanders are not overt, so you can't harm them. Simple as that.



And after all, there's no such thing as innocents! ;)

Set here is right.. last thing i also heard about this matter is that you can attack ANY ONE! but not in the starting towns.
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Well, there's been a lot of talk about this, and there'll be "all out war areas", but merely by walking here, you are no longer an innocent bystander! Let's just say that if you don't want to be attacked by other players, you will never be, if you are just a bit careful and keep out of the "free for all" areas.

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I apologize if I took that the wrong way HSC; re-reading the post I realize you didn't really intend the question to be malicious.


Somebody slap me the next time I go off on someone that doesnt deserve it... lol




Edit: And did you notice my punishment? My apology was post # 200, and I'm now an Ewok for the next 50. It all comes back to us in the end...

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Originally posted by RocketPack Jack

U can only attempt 2 kill sum1 if u challenge them 2 a duel, or the usual bounty hunter story, or PA war, or being generally nasty to people in a rival faction.



OR if you are both overt members of different factions.

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