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May some kind soul teach me the ways of Photoshop 7.0?

Reborn Outcast

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Please someone who is really good with Photoshop 7.0 (Like Darky :D ). Could anyone help me out? I know the basics but everytime I try to make a good sig like the one Darky or Acrylic has it comes out like crap. (Darky made mine, I want to learn how to make em like that) Thanks in advance.

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also work around with the opacity of each layer. with it you can select how good a certain layer is visible (something like fade).


if you want to change your original image color, make a new layer color it with the color you want and take as blending option "color" (you can also perform this for a certain area).


if you have an image and want to adjust its size, use "free transform". it can also give your design a perspective view, if selected.


and pad´s tutorial for today: how to make a grid in the back of your image like in my example?



1. create new layer

2. render > clouds

3. distort > pixelate (choose whatever size tiles you want)

4. stylize > find edges

(5. stylize > glowing edges) not needed but can give a nice view

6. select as blending option "overlay"


and your done.

you can also work a bit with radial blur before you go to the pixelate part ;)

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Check this link out







edit- after visiting that site, I decided to see what else filter has...


the following are 3 I made from scratch. I did one plain color, some light thing, put in a wripple effect, then added tiles along with a lense flare. That's the first. The second and third are the same but further changed. Awesome :)





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