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Undercrowding problem in SWG?


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If what I have heard is correct, each SWG server will only hold about 2,500 people. Now those 2.5k will be spread out over 9 planets. Each of of those planets is roughly 200 square kilometers which is 125 sq miles or 80,000 acres. Total thats 1125sq miles of area on each server.


Now it seems that at that rate, and since most people will be found in the urban centers, the game will be extremely sparcely populated. And with such small numbers, there will never be a need to go out and build large new urban centers on the frontier.


Am I wrong? I just have a hard time understanding why things are setup like this instead of having all players in the same universe and each planet as one server. And without Coruscant I fear that SWG will be a lonely place...

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Well... first thing, this argument is moot, since there is no official number on how many people there'll be on each server yet, so all these equations are just made up. So we have no idea yet, really. Sorry to end this argument at the doorstop. It's a nasty habit I have. ;)

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I think 2coasts has a point..... there is so many diff. variations of characters maybe there won't be enough of certain things.....like of what i have seen a lot of people are being BH's, i havent seen one person wanna be a architech or miner or chef, i mean these are some of the races essacial to the growth of the planets and i just dont know if people will be willing to play them, i mean every race relies on each other, a melee char needs a weapon or armor crafter for there gear, a sexy female will need an image designer to reach there full potential, what we gonna feed our pets if theres no chefs to cook food! i think the server pop limit should be raised much higher as most people who will actually play this game daily will be smart enough to have a decent computer and cable, the casual 56ker will see that this game is not meant for them and go back to yahoo checkers.... :/

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you wanna chef? well look no further than swediots cantina where we serve the finest foods,drinks,guitars,and gals you could offer where i will be chef owner and all around badass.


this was a nother swediots cantina advertisment brought to you by swediot

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While many people arent openly declaring that they plan on becoming an image designer, or farmer, etc, I'm sure that most are considering a trade skill to develop along with combat skills. For example; I'm planning on starting as a scout and would like to pursue a related class down the road, with perhaps the addition of mining. Early on, we're going to be pioneers to a certain extent, and I figure that I'll need to be able to explore quite a bit to find the best mining spots. I could be completely wrong in that assumption, but my point is that I'm sure there will be many people with trade skills running around.


If you think about it, thats one of the most exciting things about the coming release, is that most of us dont really know what to expect- many of these bounty hunters now could well be miners and craftsmen in 6 months, and of course, the opposite is true as well.


Looking forward to the weekly specials Swed ;P



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I have seen entire PAs devoted to mining. Many PAs have special positions for those that want to be Image Designers or Chefs. I have studied and surveyed just about every PA that plans on being on the Starsider server, as I do run an intelligence PA. ;)


Trust me, if they aren't common to begin with, there will be someone out there looking to make a buck and will quickly switch to it. So relax and plan on seeing a very diverse and interesting SWG universe.


*Twiddles thumbs, scratches head*

I think I have my next column idea. Thanks Pao Pablo.

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No problem Darth, You are certainly one of the most helpful and intelligent people I have seen of these forums and i'm sure your posts are appreciated by newbies and experts alike.

That's because the rest of us have been here so long we've grown somewhat tired of it all. :D

D_S is newer, so he has more drive. ;)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

That's because the rest of us have been here so long we've grown somewhat tired of it all. :D

D_S is newer, so he has more drive. ;)


Jan, buddy, you know I love you, but compare our start dates. Hmmmm. ;P

Call me an idiot for still thinking it's 2002. ;)

Only one year and one month until release folks. :D


Thanks for the compliment Pao, I try. Being in the position I am in, I feel obligated to help everyone as much as I can. I enjoy it actually. Every now and then someone will toss a question in the air for which I do not have the answer. Then I get do do even more research. I love to research.

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Originally posted by RocketPack Jack

now, now children, play nicely



I see by your reply that you are new to the forums...


*fondles her rake*


nah, just kidding! Welcome to the forums, I see you are an avid poster, I have a hard time keepin' up with your questions! :)

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im thinking of leaning toward the civilian types, i want to be a chef, doctor some other stuff too the only combat i might be would be jedi (once in a million years:rolleyes: ) combat medic and weapons designer, i want to make the game more like life instead of a chaotic combat zone:)

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Originally posted by Dradle

D_S right, Everyone is going to have there Tradeskill mules, and Main PA member. So don't worry to much about it.


:deathii: Dradle


Eh, well, not everyone will have mules, since you can only have one character on a server! ;)


(or two, but that would mean you used your hardearned force sensitive character as a mule!)

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