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Say somethin about the poster above


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Yeah so whoever is posting above you, say something about that person. It could be anything from comments about his/her nickname to personal aspects etc.(lets try to stay away from insulting peeps - still have a bad feeling about this, but lets give it a try anyways.)

OK, so the person posting below me can start by commenting on me.

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yes i think it was leXX who created the say something about the person above you thread. It was closed to to spammige and mild flamming. I loved that thread it was like a home to me:)


Yes the mods will be here any minute now, coming to close this thread. It was fun while it lasted guys. In the future use thetop_search.gif button

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Originally posted by Father Torque

thats ok git_sum_stuka. The thread was made about around december so you would have seen but the thing is you didnt and thats all that matters. P.S no one is mad at you were just frustrated:D USE THE top_search.gif BUTTON FROM NOW ON

< Yes sir >
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Yes, I made the 'Say something about the person above you thread' and yes, unfortunately it did turn into a big pile of spam and was closed. Unfortunately I must close this one too because the outcome is inevitable. Sorry.

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