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Just Bought JK2: Recommended Mods/Cheats?


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I just bought this game for the PC. I haven't played it yet, as I am finishing up and getting a last few hours of FreeLancer in before I start Jedi Outcast. I know this game has been around awhile, and there are all kinds of patches, mods, cheats, etc. I have tried searching for them, but I am getting so many different posts to sort through.....many posts that contradict one another, very confusing.


I was wondering if a veteran Jedi out there might be kind enough to recommend which mods and/or patches and/or cheats (console commands) would be fun to use the first time playing through the Single Player Campaign? I would like to see dismemberment of enemies, but not at a cost of making it too easy to kill badies, as I have read you can do that if you don't put in the console commands correctly.


I just want to get the maximum enjoyment that I can out of the first time I play through the game, and I know that with all the experience of players out there, that someone could recommend the best package of mods/patches/cheats to use for my first time playing (or give me a link to a post that already tells me this). (When I say cheats, I don't mean I want to cheat or to make anything easier....just unlock the potential for better graphics, etc. such as the dismemberment feature I've read about, or any other feature I may not be aware of yet).


Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me!

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Yeah, I don't want to use any cheats that make it easier, like I said above. Only ones that bring out features in the game that make it more enjoyable and that are not available at the time of release.




Thanks, I'll patch to 1.4, and I'll check out that link you gave me! :D

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There are several incredible Star Wars skins with new models out there (just look). Yoda, C3PO, Gamorean Guards, Yuzang Vong, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, Chewbacca, Clone Troopers, Battle Droids, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Amidala, Darth Vader, Boba/Jango Fett, etc you name it!


ProMod3.1 is a nice class based mod, with some different lightsaber combat and other goodies (like a jetpack).


The "Dark Forces Mod" demo is out, and you can get it from the hosted site on the main page.


Check out the "demo map" (for the full version) of the Azloc Base mission. That's a short but nice SP mission.


Also, get the Enyak_Mutiliate mod (and turn on model dismemberment in setup) for slice and dice fun without having to type in the console commands every time.

<a href="http://jk2files.com/file.info?ID=2173">here</a> (Ignore the comments, those people don't know what they're talking about)


Also go here for blood patches:


http://www.blutpatches.de/ (site's in german, but you should be able to find the one for Jedi Outcast).



For the "secret level" (though you may want to play through the SP game before you play this one, to get the full effect), type "map pit" (without quotes) in the console.

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Here's a bunch of misc stuff that may be of use (bring down console by holding shift and hitting the ` key, that's "tilde")


npc spawn <name>


where <name> is the name of the thing you want to spawn in SP.


"No weapon" NPC's can walk over and pickup guns, though sometimes they won't unless enemy targets are nearby.


The "Pistol" weapon cannot be pulled or picked up. The Mark1 drops ammo (Blaster Pack or Metallic Bolts) when destroyed.


Setforce all 4 or higher will allow you to "take control" of a bad guy (not droid or good guy) with Jedi Mind Trick for a short period of time. Use the power again to "get out" of their body. The "control" command is more permanent.


Killing "good guys" (esp. Lando, Mon Mothma, Jan, or Kyle) will sometimes cause a "mission failed" notice and you lose. Droids of course can't be mind tricked, use "control" instead. Bad guys and good guys will fight if they can see each other (but bad guys aim primarily for you unless attacked directly, except when "notarget" is used).



npc's (don't type the stuff in parenthesis):


atst (wreckage stays after destroyed)

bartender (runs in place)

bespincop (pistol)

bespincop2 (pistol)

desann (red lightsaber)

galak (no weapon)

galak_mech (boss)

glider (big bird/reptile, no animations, attacked by bad guys)

gonk (power droid)

gran (thermal detonators)

gran2 (thermal detonators)

granboxer (fists)

granshooter (st rifle)

howler ("fists" stormtrooper that attacks you at close range, without punching animations, no dismemberment or voice)

impcommander (st rifle, black)

imperial (pistol, grey)

impofficer (st rifle, brown)

impworker (pistol)

impworker2 (pistol)

impworker3 (pistol)

interrogator (torture droid)

jan (st rifle)

jedi (yellow lightsaber)

jedi2 (orange lightsaber)

jedif (jan with random colored lightsaber and force)

jeditrainer (purple lightsaber)

kyle (just stands there, draws whatever weapon you are holding, except stun baton or fists)

lando (st rifle)

luke (green lightsaber)

mark1 (large battle droid, drops metallic bolt ammo when destroyed, body destroyable)

mark2 (small battle droid)

minemonster (little crab monster)

monmothma (no weapon)

morgankatarn (runs in place)

mouse (mouse droid)

prisoner (no weapon)

prisoner2 (no weapon)

probe (probe droid)

protocol (c3po droid)

protocol_imp (deathstar droid)

r2d2 (astromech droid)

r2d2_imp (astromech droid)

r5d2 (astromech droid)

r5d2_imp (astromech droid)

rebel (st rifle)

rebel2 (st rifle)

reborn (orange)

rebornacrobat (blue)

rebornboss (purple)

rebornfencer (green)

rebornforceuser (red)

reelo (st rifle)

remote (wanders around lazily, attacked by good guys)

rockettrooper (merr son)

rodian (st rifle)

rodian2 (vest, disruptor)

seeker (friendly seeker, attacks bad guys)

sentry (security droid)

shadowtrooper (red lightsaber)

shadowtrooper2 (red lightsaber)

stcommander (repeater)

stofficer (flechette)

stofficeralt (flechette)

stormpilot (pistol)

stormtrooper (st rifle)

stormtrooper (st rifle)

stormtrooper2 (st rifle)

swamptrooper (flechette)

swamptrooper2 (repeater)

tavion (red lightsaber)

test (stormtrooper with rifle, no voice, no dismemberment, doesn't react, targetted by bad guys)

trandoshan (repeater)

ugnaught (case)

ugnaught2 (tool)

weequay (bowcastor)

weequay2 (bowcastor)

weequay3 (bowcastor)

weequay4 (bowcastor)


Cheat codes:

(console: shift `) "shift+tilde"


undying (999 health, then type give armor or give all for 999 shields) on/off

noclip (move through walls, plus fly mode... attack makes you zip forward in this mode, crouch moves down, jump moves up) on/off

helpusobi 1 (cheats enabled)

devmapall (cheats enabled)

god (invincibility) on/off

give all (full ammo, weapons, armor, force mana)

setforceall X (set all force powers to this level)

kill (suicide)

victory (say "just taking care of business)

taunt (twirl weapon in hand)

saberrealisticcombat X (makes touch of lightsaber deadly, enemies literally fall apart when hit, extreme dismemberment, lightsaber does much more damage)

thereisnospoon ("matrix style" slow motion 360 rotation of the screen for a second or two)

notarget (enemies ignore you, but allies respond the same) on/off

spawn <item>

map <mapname> (level skip. secret level "map pit" fight a battle to the finish with tavion in an empty arena, similar to the one in the single player game)

give armor/force/ammo/weapons (gives full measure of your chosen option)


spawn misc_atst_drivable (spawns driveable atst, jump on top and hit "use" to get inside, jump to exit... destroyable)



To use taunts in multiplayer, type "bind <key> +taunt" (without quotes)

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I have to say that I tried a dismemberment code when it first was discovered, and I found the bodies dropping too quickly and easily. I immediately got rid of it and just used the game's default dismemberment. I honestly never miss the gore in JKII or MoHAA compared to RTCW or SoFII (or even Deus Ex I'm playing now).



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Originally posted by Anakin

Yeah, but JKII isnt about hacking people apart and having blood everywere. It just doenst excist in the SW universe, and I personally dont think it has a place in JKII.


I wholeheartedly agree ... but know there are others who love a good puddle of blood after they whack whatever bad guy they face. And I think that hacks/cheats/whatever are fine to allow those people get the feel they want from the game - including turning Kyle into Lara Croft for all I care ...!


JKII has a very different visceral feel to me than other games - maybe that's why it is my fave ;) SoFII I like the bloodbath, but am glad JKII taught me some patience ... it is nice to 'take a deep breath' behind a door before going in and blasting everything out of existence. But then, could you picture no blood in a game that allows you to manually dissect your adversaries?!?




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Originally posted by Anakin

lol- true but remember a light saber quaterizeses the wound (dam spelling) :p


Anyhow, lets leave the sabre argument alone :)


You spell like an emotionally-unstable former slave padawan from Tatooine ... oh, wait, you are :D


You were so close ... cauterize.



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Star Wars isn't about hacking people up.... HELLO!



ANH - Cantina Scene

ESB - Wampa Scene. Han's Taun Taun. Luke's hand.

ROTJ - Vader's hand.

TPM - Maul's death.

AOTC - Too many scenes to mention... the Tusken massacre, Anakin fighting Geonosians in the droid factory, Jango Fett's death, Anakin's arm in the last battle.


Note that in the ANH Cantina scene and in Maul's death blood is clearly visible in the supposed "cauterized" wounds. That proof enough for ya? ; )



Now obviously in PG movies, they can't show a lot of extra graphic stuff, but its been shown that sabers DO cut stuff up, and on occasion they cause bleeding. When JK2 was originally shown at E3, there were blood effects in it. The blood patch just restores it to this state. Thankfully, since its a client side mode, only the people that choose to see it will.


Dismemberment is simply a few switches that are built into the game, that can be toggled on and off at will.

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Wow- Thanks for all the information guys....especially you Kurgan!


About having to retype in the cheats every time you play.....I thought you didn't have to if you are playing SP from a Save Game that already had the cheats typed in through the console?


I mean, I typed in "bind SHIFT toggle cl_run" and my SHIFT key always toggles walking and running everytime I play, even after restarting the game?


So I assumed that the dismember and so forth cheats would also remain in the console, even when I load save games in other sessions, in similar fashion.


Am I wrong?

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No problemo. ; )


I made one mistake up there.. the dead ATST models DO get cleaned up by the JK2 janitors (eventually).



As to the blood patch, just extract the exe file to your desktop and then run it (enter directory where JK2 is installed when it asks). There should also be an "uninstall" feature.


I translated the readme file through babelfish (heh) but I don't know if you even need that.


It creates some batch files.. run "blut_aus.bat" to remove blood. "blut_an" puts it back in.


2.7 wants you to have 1.04 installed too it seems.

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Originally posted by BridgeBoy

Wow- Thanks for all the information guys....especially you Kurgan!


About having to retype in the cheats every time you play.....I thought you didn't have to if you are playing SP from a Save Game that already had the cheats typed in through the console?


I mean, I typed in "bind SHIFT toggle cl_run" and my SHIFT key always toggles walking and running everytime I play, even after restarting the game?


So I assumed that the dismember and so forth cheats would also remain in the console, even when I load save games in other sessions, in similar fashion.


Am I wrong?

First, congratulations on buying one of the best games around :)


Now, there is an easy way to set all these things up for each time you play the game. It is called a config file. I have beat the game and now I am going through again starting as a full jedi from the beginning, and so I have set up a config file to set the parameters I want.


What I did was create a text file called autoexec.cfg. In this file you can put the line:


bind q exec autoexec.cfg


This sets things up so that when I hit 'q' in the game, everything in the file will be executed. There may be a way to have it run automatically, but I'm not quite sure. Anyway, in my config file I have set up a few things, and it looks something like:


bind q exec autoexec.cfg


// turn on cheats

helpusobi 1


//set up dismemberment

g_saberrealisticcombat 1


//set up force powers

setforcepull 3

setforcepush 3

setforcejump 3

setforcespeed 2

// ... and so on


//set up weapons

give weaponnum 5 //reapeater, or whatever...

give ammo


//set up npc spawns so I can fight different NPC

//in SP

bind F1 'npc spawn reborn'

bind F2 'npc spawn stormtrooper'

// etc ...


As far as I know, cheats are not saved in saved games. So each time I load a saved game, I just hit 'q' and off I go. As for running and walking, that command can be set up in the controls menu. Hope that helps...


P.S. Definitely get the Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Qui-Gon Jinn models done by Toonces. They are on jediknightii.net and other places, and they are well worth the download...


P.P.S. I have made my own skin for the Mace Windu model (which is where my avator comes from), and if you are interested you can get it at my site. It is about half way down the page...

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Let me warn you again that SaberrealisticComabat and Dismemberment are NOT the same thing.



SaberrealisticCombat ramps up the Saber damage to a large degree (making battles much shorter and easier in SP for example) and makes it so that the slightest touch of the lightsaber kills most enemies almost instantly (along with making them literally fall apart if model dismemberment is also turned on).


If that's what you want, fine... but I tend not to use SaberrealisticCombat and I still get to enjoy dismemberment.


Though I have noticed that if enemies are low on power (and have "surrendered" they seem to often die from an idle saber touch), but normally you can put your idle saber into them all day long and they never die... unless you turn on Saberrealisticcombat.


But you can turn on model dismemberment and probabilities and you'll be set.

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I installed Enyak's Mutilation Mod and the 2.7 Blood mod.


The Blood mod appears to add only a small blood "spray" while the enemy's are being hit, but does not leave any blood puddles or smears in the environment. Its still cool; I just expected it to be more of a significant patch. It's actually hardly noticeable.....to me anyway. But its no big deal to me anyway....blood or no blood is fine either way.


What I do like, however, is the dismemberment! And Enyak's mod seems to perform that well. Since its my first time playing the game though, and I have nothing to compare the play with: Does Enyak's mod make it easier to kill the bad guys? Or does it just enable dismemberment without "cheating" and giving the saber any extra power?

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Enyak's mod just makes it easier to dismember, not easier to kill.


Saberrealisticcombat does that (easier to kill) since a mere touch is the same as a direct hit.


The blood patch (I'm using 2.7 as well) actually does produce blood "puddles" in both SP and MP (try standing over a body and "burning" it with your saber or running into a guy with it).


Sometimes it looks goofy, but in all it fits the Star Wars feel pretty well. They also made it so that the "glowing edges" of severed limbs are reddish instead of orangish (which really doesn't matter either way).

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