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Padme and Anakin..

Ninja Outkast

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well if you want to know this.. there kght be possible spoilers and all.. and this isnt the forum for that :D


ill move this to the spoiler forums :D




There.. better .. now we can imagine all we want without getting other people upset.


I think... that Padme gets away and hides on Alderaan.. there she dies very sad.. as Leia metioned in ep6

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

I doubt it, like Leia said in Episode 6, Padme will probably die when she was "very little".


Yea.. thats true.. But Leia also said she was very young when she died... in ep3 i don't think leia and luke will already be born... unless it say like 4 o 5 years later after amidala give birth..

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Originally posted by SkiTzoGuy

Yea.. thats true.. But Leia also said she was very young when she died... in ep3 i don't think leia and luke will already be born... unless it say like 4 o 5 years later after amidala give birth..


Well, erm.., technically, Luke and Leia could have already been born in III. It is set 2 years after II, so therfore (if GL is going with the normal 9 months) if Padme and Anakin have done the, erm, "love-making" 9 months before episode III, we may get a looksy at the twinsy's in episode threesy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently Padme is 8 months(ish) pregnant at the start of EpisodeIII, and we will see the birth of the skywalker twins but not sure yet as to who they are with at then end of the film, i suspect one of the last scenes in the film may be Obiwan leaving luke in the hands of owen and Beru then he walks into the sunset on Tatooine, or then again... maybe not.


PS Padme doesn't die in EpisodeIII

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