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Catching Force-Lightning

Sam Fisher

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Wouldn't this make Force Lightning infinitely useless (more so than it is now). If you could block it with your saber, game-wise no one would ever use it. Perhaps it would be better just to have new absorb animations to make it look like this is what your are doing?

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I believe having the saber 'absorb' lightning is not only in keeping with the movies, but is also one of the basic 'tools' of a Jedi to counter enemy jedi attacks - just the same as force push or pull counters grip...


And remember, in my mod, you can't attack while your blocking - so you can't just sit there and block all day. Well, you can, but your not going to defeat your enemy that way...!


And also, my mod has classes, which means not all enemies are Jedi. Lightning works very nicely on them... ;)


I would certainly like to make the effect look 'proper' at some point - have the Jedi hold his saber out in front of him with one hand, and have the lightning sucked into the saber...

It's on the list! :)

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Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk



I believe having the saber 'absorb' lightning is not only in keeping with the movies, but is also one of the basic 'tools' of a Jedi to counter enemy jedi attacks - just the same as force push or pull counters grip...

I agree that it is canonically accurate, but it seems to me that if you have absorb, which already completely negates Force Lightning, and the ability to block it with a lightsaber, that is just overkill game-wise. I don't believe that we really see absorb in the movies (no one just stands there absorbing lightning), so why not remove that in favor of being able to block force lightning with the lightsaber? To me, that would reflect a closer connection to the movies, without screwing too much with game balance. Heck, you don't even have force absorb in SP.
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Sorry - I guess I shouldn't assume people know about my mod! Doh!


I have removed all force powers which are not directly referenced in the movies. So that's:






*Saber Throw


I've had various discussions with various people about whether saber throw is actually referenced in the movies, but I've put it into the not-referenced column...

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Well if we were to go to movie accuracy, then we wouldn't have saber throw AT ALL.


This is why:


(A familiar scene. It's bespen, and Hando is leading Han Solo to a dining hall. Door opens, Darth vader is standing at the head of the table)


Han: DIE! *fires*


Darth Vader: I 0\/\/nz0rs you. *blocks blasters, catches weapon.


Han: ... sh*t.


(Now let's replace the accurate Han Solo with some punk who plays as him in JK2)


Han: I r0x0rzzzz!!!`!~!~~!~~~11oneone111 *throws his saber*


Darth Vader: *watches it approach him, and then catches it very similarly as he did with the blaster.* ... Thanks.

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Forcemod 2 has a function were u can block lightning with the light saber, you can also block force drain, but you have to set it up to block it. Im only talking from the beta version look of it...so that could possibly change with the released version, but I doubt it.

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One thing, Renegade, I just thought of this. Rage, though, I never liked it, is sort of referenced in the movies(you don't glow red) that's when Luke removed a hand from Vader.


Vader: "If you will not come to the Dark side, then your sister will!"


Luke:<Comes out of hiding with his saber up >




<strikes down Vader with swings much faster and powerful than normal>


Please correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't seen the trilogy in five years.

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I get what your saying - Rage could be seen as a Dark Jedi releasing his inner anger or whatever...


If you were to try and reproduce what happenned in that scene in game, you'd have to make it so that when you hit the rage button, the enemy you were dueling with would start making you mad!!


'If you won't turn to the dark side, perhaps your SISTER will!!'


'Err - but, I'm already a Dark Jedi! Plus, I don't have a sister!'


'Ermmm - well, you really stink then!! Phwar! You really are a dirty, scanky bastard!'


'Your really quite a nasty man, and your jibes are starting to make me REALLY angry...'

*Goes berzerk*


...I think it's better out...

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Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk


All Sith lightsaber experts are supposed to delve into "Sith Intensity" when fighting, which is probably why they are generally better fighters than non-Sith.

Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk

*Saber Throw


Darth vader throws his saber at Luke in ROTJ on the Death Star II. He then uses the force to retrieve it (?).

I don't know if it matters, but this is confirmed in SW:CCG.

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I think Force Saber throw is a waste of time in MP, only really useful in SP when destructing items.


On the whole 'is it in SW Universe' I think that Deadly Geezer has got it nailed down, but only Sith use it, but we may be put wrong in EP3 :p

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I understand the concept of dark Jedi using their anger to help them in battle. I just don't see any direct evidence of the 'Rage' force power as seen in MP being used in the movies...


Look at all the Saber battles:


Ep. IV: Vader v OB1 - Slow, methodical combat. Both looked as calm as eac-other. IMO - No Rage


Ep. V - Luke v. Vader. Vader is as cool as a cucumber. IMO - No Rage.


Ep. VI. Luke v. Vader. Again, Vader is as cool as a cucumber. In fact, it's only Luke who get's a bit angry, but this is part of the plot trying to make it obvious he's struggling with his feelings etc. And he's still a Light Jedi all through the film! IMO - No Rage


Ep. I Darth Maul v. Qui-Gon & OB1: The only time anybody is looking like he's getting actually 'angry' is OB1 near the end - but he's not turning to the Dark Side! He's just a bit mad his mate got skewered! IMO - No Rage.


Ep. II. Count Dooko v. OB1 & Anakin: Dooko is the most calm out of all the Jedi, except Yoda maybe. Anakin is the most reckless out of all of them. IMO - No Rage.


In short, the only evidence of anything near Rage is when a Light Jedi is being tempted by the Dark Side and not keeping their anger checked.

Proper Dark Jedi though, use their anger - sure - but it's CONTROLLED anger. Not suddenly moving twice as fast and swinging the saber round like they just downed a bag of sugar!!


In short, Force Rage is a gameplay mechanic. It is NOT directly based on what is seen in the films... I'm sure some people are gonna try and argue this point, but to me this seems perfectly obvious...


Rage is staying out of 'Movie Battles'.

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Originally posted by Kurt_Dunniehue

Well if we were to go to movie accuracy, then we wouldn't have saber throw AT ALL.


This is why:


(A familiar scene. It's bespen, and Hando is leading Han Solo to a dining hall. Door opens, Darth vader is standing at the head of the table)


Han: DIE! *fires*


Darth Vader: I 0\/\/nz0rs you. *blocks blasters, catches weapon.


Han: ... sh*t.


(Now let's replace the accurate Han Solo with some punk who plays as him in JK2)


Han: I r0x0rzzzz!!!`!~!~~!~~~11oneone111 *throws his saber*


Darth Vader: *watches it approach him, and then catches it very similarly as he did with the blaster.* ... Thanks.

And then Vader pull-kicks him...


Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk

I've had various discussions with various people about whether saber throw is actually referenced in the movies, but I've put it into the not-referenced column...

I always thought that saber throw would have best been implemented somewhat like it is in SP. Basically you throw it, but can't guide it, and it would only go as far as someone could reasonably throw it. Then instead of coming back to you, you had to force pull it back to you. To me, this would be more like the movies, where I think the throw does not involve the Force, but getting it back might. From an MP perspective, this could leave you vulnerable for quite a while, and so you'd have to be very selective when you use it.


But leaving it out is an option too :)


As for Rage, I always thought it was a reasonable Force power, and there are places in the movie where one could consider it in use. But leaving it out is also supported by what you have stated.


Did I miss the mention of whether you mod is available for download??

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Darth vader throws his saber at Luke in ROTJ on the Death Star II. He then uses the force to retrieve it

correct was going to say this


Rage well not talking from a fanboy look at things but i see so many players trying to keep up with them and cause dmg.. well what i can say is good luck (talking about CTF games) best way to defeat a rage person running with the flag... Pull and Pull again and again, if the cry pull hore well i see rage as a hore way of running a flag. so all you have to do is keep then from getting away.. dont try and kill them until rage has worn off... Easy meat :p

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Download link is at the top of this thread.


Be aware that this is still Beta - there are still a few things left to sort out. The main one being problems when you change class in game - ranging from not working properly to causing the server to crash...


(Classes are linked to particular models. So changing class actually means changing to a model with a different associated class...)


I will be fixing all this for the final release. But if you going to try the current beta and you want to change class, rejoin the game to do so. (Or restart if your playing solo with bots)


Other known issues in this beta that I'm sorting for the main release:


* Initial force power for Jedi's is too low.

* Mandalorians have too much jetpack fuel.

* Detpacks don't get removed at beginning of rounds

* Ammo count is sometimes shown wrong


And I'm currently writing up a proper manual. But I think most stuff is easy enough to pick up by just playing...


Feel free to have a go :)

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I was reading an article about where they got the saber throw idea for jk2...and it was from when Vader throws his saber at luke. Notice the saber is still "out" when it's thrown. Normal sabers "go back in" when the hand lets go.


Saber throw IS in the movies....just FYI. Leaving it out prety much contradicts the purpose of the mod. ;) Saber throw is really nothing to be afraid of anyway (unless they are good with it)...why remove it?

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The initial reason I took out Saber Throw was because I wanted a different function mapped to the right mouse button (Saber Defense.)

Now, of course, I could allow the user to assign a different key to Saber Throw, and therefore still have it in, but I would not only dispute whether the Vader-throw-saber-at-Luke incident is actually a saber throw in the MP game sense, but also - as you say - it's not really a nessesary game feature in the first place.


And let's not forget this is ONE instance in 5 movies!! When I see people flinging their saber out every few seconds in MP games, the LAST thing I think is 'Oh yeah, this is JUST like the movies!!'


If I were to even think about putting it back in, it would defiently be a modified version, more like what Prime described (incidently, that also sounds like what Razor is doing for MotF...). But at the moment, I really don't see the need to waste time doing this. The gameplay - as far as I'm concerned - doesn't suffer, and as far as I'm concerned, it IS indeed more movie-realistic without it in...

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Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk

Download link is at the top of this thread.


Feel free to have a go :)

I will :)


As for saber throw, we certainly see Vader physically throw the saber, but I don't believe that the Force was involved. In either case, I think that you are right that saber throw is extremely overused because it is so easy and effective, and has few drawbacks. All things being equal, I'd rather have it taken out than left in in its current form.

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