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EU character npc


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so...are there going to be important EU characters or just movie ones included as npcs? itd suck if you met some guy that was like a huge EU powerhouse and you challenged him to a fight (not knowing you couldnt win because of continuity) and he kicked you arse, mostly cause you didnt know who he was...

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Originally posted by Sunshine Badass

I have no clue whether EU characters will be in the game, but someone said no Mara Jade... Whatever that has to do with anything answering your question...:D


Last time I heard of the devs discussing the dangers of being a powerful jedi, being hunted by Mara Jade herself was one of them... :)


EU characters are in.

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Here. I'll be more spesific.


Anything that isn't:


1) The Movies

2) The screenplay of the Movies

3) The Novelizations of the Movies

4) The Radio Dramatization of the movies


is concidered EU. These 4 points are called Canon sources.

Which means, what I just listed, takes priority over anything else. The rest may be official, but it is required to be consistant with the Canon sources, and everything else that has been previously released in EU.


That means, personally, I don't care what WEG (West End Games) says what class the ISD is. To me it's an Imperator-Class, not Imperial-Class. ;)

I don't care that WEG, and the Essential Guide, tells me that the Executor is 8km long. To me, it's 17.6 km long.

And I don't care if both these sources state that the 2nd Death Star is only 160km wide. To me it is 900km wide.



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