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Quelqu'un parle francais?

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Let me take a crack at this... not knowing French pretty much at all...;) Oui is yes... that's all I know.:(


ok, let's begin, shall we?


"You speak a little French... But not very well... Sometimes you tried--------? Learned at age 14-16 years, Currently, you're 21, and it's been a long time... REALLY long time... for your French---?"


There is my crack at what you said Set... But I have no clue really. I am a Spanish speaker.;):p


Was I anywhere close with this translation?:confused: :confused: :confused:

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You were close but the translation is...


"I speak a little French, but not very well. After three years in school, age 14-16. Now, I am 21 years of age, and its been a very long time, a VERY long time, for my French, is bad."


Well setsuko, your French WAS a bit off. Thats why my translation was weird. :D



Quel age as tu? Je suis seize ans et j'ai parle francias pour trois ans.

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I know, I TOLD you my french is "mouvais", I've lost most interjections, and that makes proper sentences quite a challange. ;)


Oh, and my attempts at learning two other languages after it hasn't made it any better!


Sunshine Badass: good attempt, french and spanish is not that different, even with my very, very basic french I can grasp some spanish when I'm abroad, since they are both latin languages.

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J'ai vous demandé parce que je parle français. Et aussi, j'espere que obtenir mon diplôme en français en trois ans. Il est ma trois langue. Je parle espangol, anglais, français (j'ai etudié Latin aussi). Français est belle langue. Ma petite-copine aime quand je lui parle français. lol.


C'est super que nous parlons français ici!


--How do I get the accents without typing ALT + numbers? I have XP is there a way I can just set the languge and it detects it automatically??

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Heh, damn, I understand everything you write, but I can't write my own sentences in french. I agree, it is a beautiful language (if you take away the verb grammar, that is!), and it is nice to see it here. Enables me to remember a bit of my french classes, it does! :)

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Why all the people speak french??? :p


personally i never tried to speak french, I was the only one in the school who never thought about french.


let´s see, I´m a bad english speaker, a bad spanish speaker and a worst german translator, damn, I prefer spanish :p

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