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I'll be seeing you...

Darth Homer

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Well everybody, I'm leaving.


I know we're not supposed to make "I'm leaving" threads, but I figured I owed you guys an explanation. I have a lot of school to be working on and my work is getting in the way, so I actually have little time to be on these boards. It's been fun, I had a blast, and hopefully once things calm down I'll make a return. Until then, farewell.






















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You should of made the space a little bigger cause as soon as I saw your post I could see something else right below it after a little white space.


You know what would really be the worst April Fool's?


JKIII anouncement being a prank :D



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When I first saw the title I thought you where going on vacation. The "I'm leaving" threads seem to all be "on vacation" threads.


Then when I saw it wasn't vacation, I remembered it was april fools.


We're planning on everyone submitting overtime or vacation forms into our boss today!:D

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