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Who plays Final Fantsay VIII?

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Hey guys, I've borrowed Final Fantasey VIII at the library but I've got one problem.


It ask for disc one after installation and I insert disc one it doesn't accept disc on.


HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Want to play it but how can I solve that problem? Must I download a crack or somethin?

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Yes, even though FFVIII had better graphics, FFVII had a far better and satisfying storyline. People assume to much when they look at the graphics. Yes, yes they are impressive and all but they aren't everything, people!


Sorry, I got worked up-but still am sticking to my word.

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VIII rocks! I've played it through several times. I recently managed to procure VII for PC (no mean feat!) and am currently onto the Ice Cave at the beginning of disk 2.



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Also, anyone noticed a few VII references in VIII? One of Gilgamesh's attacks uses the MESAMUNE-Sephiroth's sword, and there is a shop called Cloud's. I believe there are drinks in a bar named after the different Chocobo greens, but am not sure.

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1st: There is ALWAYS a "Cid"


2nd: There has been (to my knowledge) a Wedge and Biggs (FFVII, FFIX, FFX)


3rd: Some sword names are common


4th: Summons are common: Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit


5th: FFVIII totaly sucked. I mean the trigger system was crap, and junctioning magic was pitiful, you had to get 100 in qty of a certain magic to get the full effect, and you can't use it! Not only that the combat system for a good amount of the game is using magic. :mad: glad they haven't kept that system :D


6th: When you play a FF for the second time, not only do you know everything, but the bosses are also 10 times easier due to the fact that you know the best spots to level ^_^


7th: Did I mention that FFVIII sucked? Actually, its one of those games which 50% of the people who played it, liked it, and the other 50% hated the piss out of it.


8th: There is always a common mini game (expect for FFVII which had several x.x :))


9th: Sephiroth is the best evil boss out of the series. Kuja (FFIX) was second best. Edea sucked royaly (FFVIII). Seymor (FFX) was just annoying.

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Edea sucked royaly (FFVIII).


Edea wasn't the bad guy. Seifer and Ultimecia were. And I liked junctioning. It allowed my characters to have a good start. Plus, as I played VIII first, it was what I got used to. Sephiroth is cooler, but it seems slightly childish to keep setting "mummy" on you whenever you got near him.

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