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Which weapons from previous games would you like to see in JK3?


Which weapons from the other DF games would you like to see in JK3?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Which weapons from the other DF games would you like to see in JK3?

    • Fists
    • Sequencer charges (JK mines)
    • Heavy Repeater (JO version)
    • Imperial Repeater (JK version)
    • Disruptor
    • Fusion Cutter (from Dark Forces)
    • Rail Detonator
    • Concussion Rifle
    • Dark Trooper Assault Rifle (the official name escapes me)
    • Other/Specify

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But the key thing to fix with laser bolts is...the speed. They should be instant hit over medium distance, like the movies.



That's a really good idea. It would make things so much more intense, but it might make saber blocking a bit tough. Unless of course it's all completely auto blocked. In that case I think that would rock.

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I would like to see the majority of weapons in JA be blaster-based, along with the explosives we already have. All the variety we have currently should still be available, but in "blaster form". For example, the rocket launcher could be replaced with a very damaging blaster, and the repeater with a rapid fire blaster. You could also have things like a blaster with a grenade launcher attacked, instead of having energy ball area affect weapons. Hopefully I explained that OK :)


Ultimately, all the functionality we have now could retained but just take the form of blasters and detonator-like weapons.

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Well, here are the weapons I'd like to see make it into Jedi Academy.




On the Bowcaster, I really thought Raven did an excellent job in visually rendering the weapon, compared to its apparence in JK/MotS. However, functionally, it was still as flawed as its previous incarnations. My suggestions for its improvement:


1. Drop the green blaster bolts - that just looks really bad. Use red bolts, like Chewie's.


2. Its primary fire could pack a heavier punch than normal blaster rifles, with a slower refire time.


3. It's secondary fire could, perhaps, do the ricochet thing - or maybe work as a shotgun - having a wider attack pattern, with shorter range.

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Jedi Master I am, skilled with bowcaster too!



I can use the bowcaster really effectively! :)


But I prefer the saber, I use it most of the time. You should have seen my fight against desann on the last level (yavin) where as soon as I got to the main fight, I ripped his guts out! It was two attacks and whoom! He is dead.

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Originally posted by Vagabond

Well, here are the weapons I'd like to see make it into Jedi Academy.





Vag, if Raven were to attempt to include all of the weapons in your column, we'd still be waiting for this game by Christmas next year. ;):D


Anyway...I think you need to update that column to include all of the AOTC weapons. :p j/k


I agree that the bowcaster bolt should be red, not green. As I said before, ditch the 5-bolt spread, make primary a single shot that you can still power up, and secondary a bouncy bolt. I too loved the model design for that weapon... :thumbsup:

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Ya, I agree StormHammer, they couldn't include all those weapons. But I'd like to see the weapons chosen from that list - and as someone had stated, to include more blaster-type weapons, and less of the Unreal Tournament-type weapons. One or two UT weapons would be fine, but memory serves we had only two blaster-type weapons.


And you're right - I should update the weapons on that list. I'll have to see if I can get that on my schedule :cool:

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Originally posted by Prime

Well, apart from Chewie punching an Imperial guard, Sebulba punching/kicking Jar Jar, Luke getting thrown into a table at the cantina, and Han getting into hand-to-hand with a scouttrooper, if you are only concerned about Jedi, Qui-Gon punches Darth Maul, and Obi-wan gets into a pretty good hand-to-hand fight with Jango. I'd just like to have a few moves when I am not holding a weapon in JA.


Hmmm, I guess there punches, but they just weren't memorable. :)

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Incidentally, the Bryar should also be red, not gold. ; )


Though technically he could have heavily modified it (again) from DF/JK/MotS.


The bowcastor made sense because it was also a modified weapon, by the Tuskens. However in JK2, they called it the "Wookie" Bowcastor, so we all assumed it would have red bolts. Its still been modified though, from the fact that it doesn't require a wookie's strength to pull it back.


What's the string for anyway? Was it Vag that asked that? I forget...


Anyway, seeing the "real" versions of these weapons might be cool. I can just see some "weapon packs" (that are balanced, actually different, and don't suck).. Episode I weapons, Episode II weapons, movie weapons, MotS weapons, DF1 weapons, etc.


Right now its a mix of movie and EU stuff, which is fine by me, but I'd like to see new stuff too.



I think this is another good reason for bringing back the overhead map to the game - so you can see at a glance where your team-mates are positioned. Even a pair of binoculars would help...


I agree wholeheartedly. Not having the true 'darkness' that could be lighted by stuff like the saber, field light, etc was kind of a downer... I really liked that about JK1/MotS. At least put the macrobinocs from SP into MP as a pickup item (CTF anyone?). Would be cool... if batteries are a problem, make them infinite use while you have them, or only for a "Scout" class.


I really missed the map too... the few modern FPS games it would make sense to have them in (Elite Force, JK2) you don't have them... go figure. It needs to be added to the Q3 engine, but how hard can it be? Even a minimal overlay that displays the location of allies, and with seeing, enemies too (color coded).

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Well, apart from Chewie punching an Imperial guard, Sebulba punching/kicking Jar Jar, Luke getting thrown into a table at the cantina, and Han getting into hand-to-hand with a scouttrooper, if you are only concerned about Jedi, Qui-Gon punches Darth Maul, and Obi-wan gets into a pretty good hand-to-hand fight with Jango. I'd just like to have a few moves when I am not holding a weapon in JA.


Han slugs Lando in the face (and gets beat down by Lando's guards), Chewie backhands quite a few stormies actually (in both ANH and ESB) as well as tossing one in ROTJ (and he tosses an AT-ST driver out of his own vehicle), Darth Maul kicks Obi-Wan in the face, and shoves Qui-Gon back (looks like he hits him in the hands with his saber handle, forcing him back for a second to set him up for the kill), and don't forget Luke kicking Vader down the stairs in ROTJ. ; )

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