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Purchasing SWG Question


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It also depends on how bad you want to play it. I reserved my copy at the local EB store for $5 and I will be garunteed to have the box in my hands when the open. If I didn't reserve it I'd have to pitch a tent and wait in line like the other people who didn't reserve a copy. So it depends on if you want to take a chance and not get it the day it comes out or not. Some stores, wal-mart, will probably have some copies too. But they'll probably have things edited, 'cause wal-mart likes to do that!! :rolleyes:

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I really dont have to worry, I already paid the full price for the collectors addition at Gamestop! Oh yeah dude, if its sold out everywhere you are only garenteed a copy if you get there within 24 hours, but I think you are smarter then that and im pretty sure you will be there at the door the first day like me! =P

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Of course. :D The beta is an unfinished version of the game, and is not up to par with the retail.


If you are talking about whether or not they get sent a free version of the game, I do not believe they would send out 50,000 free retail versions of SWG for free. Bad for business and such. ;):D

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It would be nice though.


I would definitely preorder it. This game is attracting 3 groups of people – Star Wars fans, MMORPG fans, and your normal gamers. I think it’s going to be pretty hard to get a copy the week it comes out.


That reminds me... ::sprints to EB::

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Originally posted by UnfrozenCaveman

It also depends on how bad you want to play it. I reserved my copy at the local EB store for $5 and I will be garunteed to have the box in my hands when the open. If I didn't reserve it I'd have to pitch a tent and wait in line like the other people who didn't reserve a copy. So it depends on if you want to take a chance and not get it the day it comes out or not. Some stores, wal-mart, will probably have some copies too. But they'll probably have things edited, 'cause wal-mart likes to do that!! :rolleyes:


My friend, I checked with EB prior to purchasing/reserving. If for whatever reason, they is a shortage when it is released, i.e. They only release 50,000 copies to take it easy on the servers, only those that paid for the game up front are guaranteed to have the box in their hands on release day. Just so you know. I do happen to know that Sony will be limitting the numbe rof released copies, but an exact number has not yet been released. Remember, if you paid for the game already, then you are more important than the guy who is 'promising' to pay for the game when it is released.

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Well, considering I'm strapped for $$ *bling bling* now, I don't think I'll be paying in full till the release. I have more important things to pay for than the game now- viz. car insurance, paying rent etc.


So, I guess I'll just have to take a chance. I've never had a problem with getting a game from EB with just a downpayment. But if I do, oh well. How long would it take for SONY to get more copies after release? A week?

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I wouldn't worry about it. With numerous delay announcements and the official website saying To be announced as a release date. I don't think it will be coming out for awhile. Probably not till the end of 2003. That is my opinion. It takes Lucasarts forever to debug a game. I guess their compnay doesn't have alot of people working on each project.

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I didn't think Lucasarts had much to do with the game. I thought it was all SOE and such. But, of course it wouldn't make too much sense for an online game doing all of the programming and such, would it? So, list all the companies that are having their paw in the creation of the game to the production, s'il vous plâit.

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