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How to stop the idiotic RPG elements that will be forced upon you in JK3


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Originally posted by Ronin_Medjai

Ok lets all do Ronin a Favor and stop bitching about "RPG Saber Noobies" cause IMO they are a disgrace to the RPG world of JKO.


Heh, sorry about that.

You are right, what they do is really in no way shape or form role playing as in what you do.


Personally from this day on for me at least, it will just be "fan boy saber noobies".


*fan boy copyrighted by Spider AL 2003



/Back on topic.


Server rules are one thing.


If a server has a rule that you must put a [GAY] tag in your name, then do it or leave.


That is no the issue.


The problem I have is with individual players who seek to "enforce" this wherever they go, even on servers that have no such rules.


Now as for the bowing.

No it is not a big deal and yes it only takes all of 1/2 a second to do it.

90% of the time I do it out of habit and don't even consciously realize I'm doing it.


My problem with the bowing are those people who do those "long drawn out 30 minute put the saber away, crouch, look down as slow as humanly possible, stay there for another 45 minutes, look up as slow as humanly possible, stand up, remain still for another 30 minutes, then walk slowly around the map for 15 minutes, then finally ignite the saber" bows.


These people are also the type who stand there like utter morons when they see you running right at them and never bother to put up any defense.


You can actually kick them 3-4 times before they turn the saber on. But instead of fighting at this point they usually stop and call you "gay".



Yesterday I had two guys say "You don't bow I refuse to fight you".


In the past I did a really fast one and they said "That's not a real bow, do it again the right way so we can begin".


I mean really, come one people Star Wars was never that damn fruity the last time I checked.

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The whining people, like the guy who started this thread, don't know a thing about RP'ing. I can imagine you in a RPG. With your lols, rofls and other dumb things.


And saying bowing is RP'ing isn't true either. Someone said that you use your model to do an emote. That isn't RP'ing. You shoot people with your model too, is that RP'ing???


Sheesh ... do what you want, if someone doesn't behave on my server they get kicked.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

Very effective?

Crap man, imagine as a gunner facing 4 guys who were all using OGC.

It was funny before the first round went live one of my guys goes "They are using energize this time".


I look over and I see 4 guys all with chat boxes over their heads firing off energize at like 1 millisecond per shot.


The hypocrisy of what they did pissed me off (at the time) but I still have to admire the ingenuity of it.


hehe actually i have faced the tactic before. pG uses the tactic and in my euro match against them (i play for a euro team too). they had 3 defenders all with the te script/ constant pulling/wait for rage to wear off and kill you. that's ALL they did. i have to admit, that was the most frustrating game i've ever played in my entire life. Rage didnt work, absorb didnt work, protect didnt work, going in and sniping them first didnt work, trying to rocket them first didnt work (they'd just push/energize), you'd never get far enough away to use an energy shield... yea that was the worst game i've ever played. me toosexy aeroshift jimbeam and khaza were beaten 12-0 and 8-0 and you know full well how good we are (me toosexy and aero were all voted in the top 10 gunners of jk2). it is an ingenius strat though and it's totally effecitve... it's just that it's TOO effective =(.

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There seems to be some heat rising...



well if it's a duel, bowing is respectable. But if you notice the other guy doesn't feel like bowing and instead feals like cutting the BS and getting on with it, for heavens sake don't lower you light saber and say "Saber down = peace" For that, you deserve to die!


I have no prob. with RPing. But no one should have to if they don't want to. The point of the game is to kill your enemies, not to impress them by bowing fifty million times proving your more honorable. How does pushing shift mean your honorable? You wan't real honor in a game, press the URL in my sig. NOW THAT GAME HAS HONOR!!!!!!


why do you think people should have to do it your way?



(Not directed at any individual, but people in general who share the beliefe that evryone should rp, and you shouldn't be able to kill someone when they have no weapon.)


It's like playing any game and killing the wimpy little brother before he got a weapon.


You kill them when their sabers down so they don't get it up and kill you. DUH!


Me, I use tons of Thermal detanators, they do tons of damage(three hit's and your dead) and they can't be deflected. They can be force pushed, which is why I wait for an opportunity.


If you've got a problem with over use of Thermals, I hope you don't over use Lighting. Me, I don't have a problem with overusers of lighting, it's a little cheap, but I still win! And if youve got a problem with over users of Thermals, for heavens sake learn to use force push!

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Originally posted by Hèkx Nòxú:

It's a Star Wars game, not Frag Wars.

Like it or not, Hekx, it's a frag-based FPS game. Even duel servers have a scoreboard. ;) Just because the game's based around Jedi, doesn't make it an RPG. In a lot of the public duel servers I used to play on, the admins were fanboys. They'd come on to the server and kick people for killing them, and their only explanation was "He used x move too much." Too much? How much is too much? Enough to kill the fanboy, that's how much. There was no such rule on the server. Fanboys are hypocrisy made flesh.


Originally posted by Hèkx Nòxú:

If you want to 'frag' to get a high score, stay away from RPG servers.

Well I don't know about anyone else, but I've never set foot in an RPG server since JO was released. That doesn't stop the fanboys coming to OUR servers and demanding that we all roleplay though. Fanboys are a serious problem in the Dark Forces community, and they've been even more trouble since JO was released, simply because the game is dedicated-server based. But even in the days of JK1 they infected our servers. I'd sit on the zone with a game called:


"BGJ FF NH - 1on1 - No holds Barred"


And the fanboys would come in, I'd kill them once, they'd call me a lamer and leave. Even back then they were wasting everyone's time.


Originally posted by Hèkx Nòxú:

If you don't like the game and it's rules. Go play Quake.

There are no rules, Hekx. Admins may choose to put rules down for specific servers, but the majority of public servers in my day had no such rules. These are the servers that the insipid fanboys seek to capture and rule. There's no excuse for that kind of behaviour.


Oh, and your statement is equivalent to, and as pointless as, saying: "if you don't like the fact that Jedi Outcast isn't an RPG, go play Baldur's Gate." I mean what does that mean? It's meaningless and offensive.


Originally posted by Dark_One:

The whining people, like the guy who started this thread, don't know a thing about RP'ing. I can imagine you in a RPG. With your lols, rofls and other dumb things.

What does this mean? Never mind, I don't really want to know. :)


Originally posted by Dark_One:

And saying bowing is RP'ing isn't true either. Someone said that you use your model to do an emote. That isn't RP'ing. You shoot people with your model too, is that RP'ing???

Shooting people is the aim of the game in guns-servers. Bowing is not the aim of the game in duel servers. That's pretty much the distinction you're looking for.


Secondly, bowing and using other emotes, is roleplaying. If they were in the same room, would the fanboys who use +amkiss really be snogging each other? If they were playing a game in the same room, would they stand up and bow to each other? Of course not, they're using their models to act out some sort of wierd fantasy-experience-thing. Bowing adds nothing to duels, any more than kissing each other through the medium of JO models does.


On a side note, bowing doesn't automatically show respect, every fanboy bows before a duel and insults you after it, win or lose. The people who say "good game" or "well played" the most are also the people who don't give a fig about bowing, in my experience.


Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed:

In the past I did a really fast one and they said "That's not a real bow, do it again the right way so we can begin". I mean really, come one people Star Wars was never that damn fruity the last time I checked.

The fanboys that whinge about "being starwarsy" rarely know anything much about Star Wars in the first place. Heck, they've probably only seen the prequels. It's not Star Wars that's fruity. ;)
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How about we keep things simple......if you don't like RPG, don't play it. But don't complain about others that do, just go and find your 'style' of JO to play-there are plenty of servers out there. Let others play the game they want to be played. :cool:

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Sure and let's all tell people "hey you don't like profanity just find a server where people do not curse".


No one hates “role players”.

Most of them play on isolated servers and don’t bother anyone.


We hate fanboy “bow or we’ll vote you off” saber noobies.


Big difference, and all fanboy saber noobies must be purged through an onslaught of laming until FFA servers are once again a place where people can go to actually…


play FFA.

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RPGing is ok with me, as long as I'm not forced to do it too... But I do think that you shouldn't kill anyone with saber off (unless he doesn't respond to your chat, I ask if they wanna fight or not - no response = kill) and if they bow... I just nod my head, but I don't kill 'em...


And if someone tries to kill me with saber off, I'll just humiliate him by kicking him to death with saber off, MWUAHAHHAHAAAA!!!


Darn, another step closer to the dark side ;)

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"No one hates “role players”.

Most of them play on isolated servers and don’t bother anyone.


We hate fanboy “bow or we’ll vote you off” saber noobies.


Big difference, and all fanboy saber noobies must be purged through an onslaught of laming until FFA servers are once again a place where people can go to actually…


play FFA."







That basically sums up exactly what I am trying to say.


Nice work.

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Originally posted by Bacon00

"No one hates “role players”.

Most of them play on isolated servers and don’t bother anyone.


We hate fanboy “bow or we’ll vote you off” saber noobies.


Big difference, and all fanboy saber noobies must be purged through an onslaught of laming until FFA servers are once again a place where people can go to actually…


play FFA."

In that case, yes. Kill all the fanboys. :p
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Never met anyone who said: "bow or I don't fight you" Even I would kill them for saying that.


And saying things like: lol, rofl etc ... will likely get you kicked in a real CRPG.


Like said above, if you don't like those things then just stand there and let them bow. When they're done finish them of.

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LOL this Thread owns. Lets form a Group to Unite the "Elite" and the "Tru RPers" to Eradicate and Ultimately Destory the Fanboys. Like um *doesnt feel like scroliing up to see* that guy said The Way you play is like a Religon its fine where its Practice but dont go force it on others.


Hekx is kinda right too RPers stick to their own Servers and in all honesty a LOT of Servers that label their Servers as "RPG" and include the "Serious Roleplayers Only" are usually the worst RPG Servers. A Lot of people who think they are RPers suck at RPing and only Abuse Admin and other lame Crap. I am Getting a Dedicated T3 server soon Dedicated for The RPG Mod thats in progress and the Elite RPing Clubs such as RPI,RA,and KOA,and any other unknown groups can come here also that way all the "True RPers" have somewhere to call home. This wont really help any of you cause us RPers arent those Fanboy peeps which you will have coming to your Server but they will probly come to ours and try to Turn it into a Dueling Saber down=peace Crap Server (in an RPG Saber down does not Mean peace lol)


--edit oh and everything below

Now as for the bowing.

was so damn funny I have seen those same exact people and I usually Slice them why they scan the ground for 45 minutes looking for diff formations in the grounds texture that look like Jedis from SW Movies.

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I had two guys "protest my lack of honor" by simply standing there and saying "I refuse to duel you" when it was their turn.


This was on Infinite (European FF duel server) two days ago.


Why did I have no honor?


Because I made the stupid mistake of going to a Full Force duel server looking to... Full Force duel.


You see being the gay/lame/honor less/noob that I am I didn't know on Full Force servers when someone demands (not asks) that you do not use Force you are supposed to comply.


Him: "No Force No Throw No Kick"


Me: no




Me: no


Him: **** YOU I 'M NOT GOING TO FIGHT YOUR ***** ***



Hence I was branded a lamer and my emotional scars have yet to heal to this day.




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It's all very well calling RPGers 'saber noobies', but in my experience (and I did play MP non stop for 11 months), the people who bow are the ones who are the most experienced and have respect for their fellow players. I don't think it's fun to go into a game will a bunch of people just swinging their sabers around killing everything in sight. Is that 'fun'? Not in my opinion. I'd much rather play with people with 'skill', and the ones I think have the most 'skill' are the people who actually take the time to realise that there is more to this game than winning.


What is wrong with acknowledging each other at the start of a fight? What is wrong with letting the other person know you arn't about to slice them up when they arn't ready? Nothing imo. I'm not saying you have to RPG, I'm saying there is nothing wrong with people who do, so just let them get on with it and let's keep the servers a fun place to play for everyone.


If you don't like the rules laid down by a server, don't waste your time moaning about it, go find another server to play on whose rules you agree with, simple as that.

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If you don't like the rules laid down by a server, don't waste your time moaning about it, go find another server to play on whose rules you agree with, simple as that.


Sigh. leXX, you have to grasp the distinction: Fanboys don't stay on duel servers with rules about bowing. They come to OUR servers and try to IMPOSE their stupid rules. THAT'S what it's all about.


I've never played on a server with a rule saying "you must bow before a duel" in my LIFE. The FANBOYS still popped up and tried to make me though. And god forgive me, I did it just for a quiet life. Well not anymore.


Crush fanboys!


What is wrong with acknowledging each other at the start of a fight? What is wrong with letting the other person know you arn't about to slice them up when they arn't ready? Nothing imo.
Bowing doesn't mean ANY of those things. Every other fanboy lamer, when he's dubbed you "dishonourable", bows at you and tries to hit you when you return that bow. Fanboys are untrustworthy scum.
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I've had this argument far too many times in the old multiplayer stragegy forums, and I'm certainly not about to get into it yet again, so I'll just say this and leave it at that:


If someone visits your server and you don't like they way they play, kick them, quite simple really. If your not the admin of the server, leave and find another, quite simple really. With the amount of servers out there, why on earth would anyone stay on a server or let someone stay on a server when they are being annoyed by them. It just doesn't make any sense.


I was an admin of a duel server (hermes place), and let me say this, it was the best god damn duel server out there. Our 'rules' where quite simple, have fun. If an idiot came on the server acting like a jerk, he was kicked without hesitation. Noone was forced to bow, but the saber down rule was enforced. All that was asked of people was that they showed their fellow players respect, and that kept everyone coming back day after day.

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If your not the admin of the server, leave and find another, quite simple really. With the amount of servers out there, why on earth would anyone stay on a server or let someone stay on a server when they are being annoyed by them. It just doesn't make any sense.
Pfft, and let the fanboys take over the servers and turn them into little slices of errant RPG hell? Not on your life. You do what you like on your server, I'll combat the fanboys on the servers I will frequent.


It's quite fanboy to kick people because you "don't like the way they play" by the way. Breach of rules should be the only reason for a kick, anything else is a sub-par kiddie clan server.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Pfft, and let the fanboys take over the servers and turn them into little slices of errant RPG hell? Not on your life. You do what you like on your server, I'll combat the fanboys on the servers I will frequent.


You love the word 'fanboy' don't you?


Then combat them by all means, but by that, you are presuming you are in the right.


It's quite fanboy to kick people because you "don't like the way they play" by the way. Breach of rules should be the only reason for a kick, anything else is a sub-par kiddie clan server.


Did I say I kicked ppl because I didn't like the way they played?? No I didn't. You are the one moaning about the way ppl play, not me. And our server was far from a clan server.

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You love the word 'fanboy' don't you?
Fanboys are what I and others have been talking about the whole thread.


Then combat them by all means, but by that, you are presuming you are in the right.
I do presume so. Trying to impose non-existent rules onto public servers that have no such rules, must be combatted. The fanboys must be combatted. Crush all fanboys.


Did I say I kicked ppl because I didn't like the way they played?? No I didn't.
You said this:


If someone visits your server and you don't like they way they play, kick them, quite simple really.
So you're advising people to kick players for such a reason.


I disagree with that advice. I think it's thoroughly reprehensible frankly. I've played on too many servers (public game networks servers mind you) where the admins kicked people who killed them on the flimsy pretext of "not liking the way they played." I was merely fortunate never to be kicked from any server for the same, petty reasons.


You are the one moaning about the way ppl play, not me. And our server was far from a clan server.
I'm moaning about fanboys. Fanboys don't play. They whine.
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So you're advising people to kick players for such a reason.


I disagree with that advice. I think it's thoroughly reprehensible frankly. I've played on too many servers (public game networks servers mind you) where the admins kicked people who killed them on the flimsy pretext of "not liking the way they played." I was merely fortunate never to be kicked from any server for the same, petty reasons.


I'm not disagreeing with you. People shouldn't be allowed to come on to a server and impose their own personal rules. I'm asking, what are you gonna do, argue with them for half an hour on whether you should bow or not? If a person does wanna stand there arguing about the rules of a server, they are considered a jerk imo and would be kicked.


I never had that problem because if you don't want to bow, fair enough and likewise, if you bow, fair enough. And again, I never kicked anyone because I didn't like the way they played (actual combat, not talk), I kicked them if they acted like jerks.

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I have fond memories of joining a full-force guns server, getting a few kills, then mysteriously getting kicked (incidently, can we have a proper kick message? i'm sick of the vague "server disconnected"), I rejoin and ask why I was kicked and they said it was because I was using a gun.


Now when I originally joined the server there was no greet message, nobody complained when I killed them, I just got kicked after about a minute... for using a gun on a full-force guns-enabled server...

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