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Banned from SWG forums! HELP!


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Hello my fellow galactic adventureres!!!!!!



By now we all know that beta 3 is on and we get beta love!


however I was banned from the SWG forum, does that mean I am banned from the SWG beta?


See I was posting a message about sex in SWG, actually making emotes of all types of species copulating and having kids, well, I was banned for it!


not right! I just wanted to see some hot love in SW universe!


My question is this.. what do I do I want to be in beta 3? I need some advice and some respect!


MamoVaka (very sexy galactic adventurer)

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Wow, banned? You are that passionate about cyber-sex? Sounds like a personal issue to me. Perhaps you need to get out more, meet a real life, warm blooded, blood sucking, psychotic, raving female..... but enough ranting about my ex.....:D


Oh ya, BTW, ladies, I'm officially single again. So where do you live Set? ;)


Editted to add:

Sorry if this sounds like flaming. I've just been a miserable prick lately. My apologies and welcome to the SWGalaxies.net forums.

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Because we need more hot lovin' in SWG!!


I want to see wookie's mounting trandoshen's and all that nonsense, I want some HOT HOT HOT sweet love..



all we need is love is how the song goes, and I couldn't agree more, people we need some love here, some sweet saucy love to go around...


I want to make love? why don't you?

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Mamovaka, if you want to see some hot lovin' you're going to need to look elsewhere, or buy a decent porn DVD. Galaxies is meant to be a game that people of all ages can play, not an X-rated midget wookiee gangbang.


Actually, I'm not surprised you got banned from th official forums, and if you keep going on about this, you probably won't last long here either.




(Not meant to be a flame.)

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UHm.. i think there are games that you are looking for.. but SWG will not be like that. its rated PG i believe.


so why do you try to have it in.. there are kids in it.....

I dont want to flame you... but what you say is just sick.


now would you please drop that in here.... people dont appreciate it... if you want porn with weird beings., i suggest you look on....




-Wraith 8-

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You know, we are all here because our parents made sweet love, sweet ejaculation and conception. It's a beautiful thing, but you all have no respect for any of it, and it bothers me.


You want to kick me because I want to see wookie's schlong's? why is that so sick? Think about it? are they hairy? overly large? are they like horses hot johnsons?


I am getting off topic, point is I want to see the hot lovin' I want to see a beautiful trandoshan feamale and invite them into my orgie house and have some sick fun with tools of all kinds. I think that is such a good idea and I hope you guys can also appreciate that. however it seems like you guys cannot appreciate that.


IF you don't appreciate my ideas, then don't listen, but who are you to call me sick just because the idea of a naked wet wookie mounting a bothan turns me on? does that make me sick?

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You claim to respect sex, and yet you make it out as a big joke. You, sir, are a pervert and I think I speak for all of us when I say that threads and demeanors of this kind are inappropriate and unwelcome here.


I don't blame them from banning you, and I hope you get banned from the game as well. Let's go for the big 3.

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