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SCUMM games


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Is there any way that the general public (i.e me and you) could write our own SCUMM games? I don't know much about SCUMM so you'll have to bear with me? Is there any way to create your own backgrounds, characters etc and write a SCUMM script? I assume it would take a while and require a bit of programming knowledge! Think it could be done?

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Short answer: no.


It is possible with an awful lot of effort to hack things into an existing game - change dialogue, images etc. But even doing this requires a lot of effort because it changes offsets in the resource file so things get messy and dont work. Writing a scumm script *is* sort of possible but again its very hackish.


It's far, far easier to use one of the adventure game creation utilities than to attempt to get one of the scumm interpreters to run user-made things.

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Originally posted by james_isaac

Another very powerful engine you could try is SLUDGE.


It is avaliable for download at http://www.hungrysoftware.com.


I am making my own adventure game with it at the moment http://www.dayofthealiens.cjb.net and I have not found anything wrong with it yet!


that looks cool is it easy to use? good luck with your day of the aliens :) hope to see some screenies soon :)

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Yeah SCUMM is really easy to use (if you are familiar with event-driven programming languages e.g. Visual Basic). Here is an example of the code:




say (guybrush, "Hi, my name is Guybrush Threepwood.");


objectType ball "Red Ball" {

event lookAt{

say (guybrush, "It's a red ball.");


event pickUp{

say (guybrush, "I don't need it.");



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Originally posted by james_isaac



Yeah SCUMM is really easy to use (if you are familiar with event-driven programming languages e.g. Visual Basic). Here is an example of the code:




say (guybrush, "Hi, my name is Guybrush Threepwood.");


objectType ball "Red Ball" {

event lookAt{

say (guybrush, "It's a red ball.");


event pickUp{

say (guybrush, "I don't need it.");




woah it must take years to do one game on your own

I didn't understand it dunno what that floor thing was or anything


You can use stuff like paintshop pro photoshop or even paint for 2d stuff i think

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But the point is you cant use SCUMM.


Also you made that code up didnt you? :p


These are examples from the scripts (from CMI):



while (ScriptRunning(2004)) {





BlastText.Print("/EC_498/The Monkeys Are Listening");


} // while















case (RandomBetween(1,3)) {

1: {

SayLineSimple(2,"/CNWY024/Stand yer distance!");

} // case X:

2: {

SayLineSimple(2,"/CNWY025/Stay away!");

} // case X:

3: {

SayLineSimple(2,"/CNWY026/Stand back!");

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Originally posted by pHILBRUSH

Try game maker 5.0 It's kinda easy to use, takes a lotta practice, though. With this, you can create not just click and play games, firt person and allsorts!;)

from :hoops1: to :rifle1: and :hang1: It's really frustrating when you're just learning though, I was like this :compcry: and this :swear: and felt like this :explode:





did you have to be so graphic, now i feel like this:barf:

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.... And then I was like totally :nova: but then my friend walked in and he was like :toilet1: so then I ate some pancakes and I was like so :sign2: and nine years later everyone was like :mex1:!


Oh, but back to the topic. Um. Maybe you should look into The Games Factor rather than Klick & Play. It's so much better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of my favourite ways of making backgrounds is to whip something up in MS Paint using basic shadows, thick lines and exaggerated curves, and then use Mosiac 2 in Adobe Photoshop. Works a treat.


As for character animation, I use MS paint and Photoshop for this too. It doesn't even take long. First design a walk pattern for your character using a *gasp* pencil and paper. It should have about 8 frames. Then use a blue wireframe on MS Paint to 'sketch' out what you've drawn onto the computer. Then put your character around the wireframe. I'll upload you the process if you want, it's simple.


The most important thing to remember when designing the walk of your character is that the walk denotes the personality of that character. A slouch is gonna mean a lazy character. A skippy walk is a lively character, etc.,. I'm not an expert or anything, but I do know that much :)

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