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Model Skeletal System Glitch, help please


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Has anyone had any problems with their models when they upgraded JK to 1.04 ? My model worked fine untill I updated, I would love to release my model, and It is finished, but cannot do so due to the error. Here's a screenie of the error..




More info on my model here if intrested..



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I've seen this problem before.


The Jawa model made by Ronin{Triad} twisted like this before someone helped him fix it. Unfortunately, I don't remember what the problem was. :( But I think they had to redo one of the steps of getting the model in game. The weighting maybe? I just can't remember.

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Originally posted by boinga1

Oh goodness...please someone help Nimblem fix his great clonetrooper model....


btw, Padawan_7, I LOVE your sig.


Yes indeed someone needs to help this guy. his model is completely done the problem is that he can't get it in game because of what happend with his error.:mad:


and yes i love Padawan_7 Sig, :D

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I found a bit of help:


Thread for the Jawa model with the same problem

The last post on that page has the answer, though I don't know if you need to do all that. I would check all the parts of the mesh first and make sure the pivot points are all oriented the same way and that they are aligned with Stupidtriangle_off. If they are, then you may have to detach the mesh and adjust the skeleton. Before you detach the mesh though, just take a look at the bones (particularly in the pelvic region since that's where the problem appears to stem from) and make sure all the pivot points are oriented the same way. If the mesh pivots are ok, and the bones aren't, then you will need to detach the skeleton, fix it, and re-weight everything. If you do have to take that drastic last step, my advice would be to make sure you're importing a skeleton that WILL work. One can be downloaded from Psych0Sith's website a few posts above. ;) Good luck.

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Ok yeah, i've tried that, the model works fine in assimilate, but not in the game. And in the game it only tweaks out in crouch, red, and blue stances. Not sure maybe its a tag problem? But I checked the pivots and they're all aligned correctly.

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Hmmmm...I would try this next if you think it's a tag problem. Use Merge with the skeleton from Psych0's website and select only all of the tags (anything that begins with bolt, and the Stupidtriangle_off). When prompted what to do about the tags that already exist with the same name, choose to delete the old geometry. Move all the new tags into their proper positions, using ONLY the move tool and NOTHING else. Export it again and give it another go.

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