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Non-LEC Adventures


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Broken Sword is good (both of them, although the first one doesn't work on my comp for some reason), and Discworld Noir is a great adventure game (the only one i know of where it has 3D characters but is controlled by a mouse, correct me if i'm wrong) and it's unique in the sense that it has great humour (provided by Pratchett himself) uses written down clues rather than inventory items in order to uncover a homicide situation which could ungulf the world (slightly cliche when i say it like that, but it is extremely unique)


Space quest is brilliant for humour purposes (Don't touch that, we don't know where you've been!) and has good gameplay elements. also there's kings quest which isn't the greatest adventure series in the world, but is okay for some.

Beneath a Steel Sky will always be one of my favorites (especially considering i can't find it but had it on my, get ready... Amiga, oh yes, 1200)


meh, try em.

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Where do you live? In the UK they are not too hard to find, my local toys r us sells some very old games, like prisoner of ice and normality. Also, there are second hand shops all over the place - 3 in Preston, so there must be lots in bigger cities. Some towns and cities have markets as well, on Preston market there are about 5 different games dealers. I've seen them all with some very good stuff, including boxed early LucasArts and Sierra.


If you live in the USA, what can I say. When I was in Florida I saw countless second hand games shops, not to mention all the flea markets with games stands.


There's always Ebay, of course.

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Here's the deal: There's an error with BS1 which means with harddrives over x amount it actually sees it as being too small. There are several solutions to be found on the net.


Try http://simplebrokensword.free.fr/xpbs1.html


I myself have found a way to get BS2 running under XP. I've posted the solution at http://www.revgames.com (in their Tech Support forums, won't be hard to find, I promise! :))


You DON'T have to play Broken Sword 1 to really appreciate BS2. In fact it'd probably be just as much fun playing them the other way around.


Also, since we're talking about Revolution, why not try Lure of the Temptress? It's now available for free on Revolution's website and will easily work with Windows -- hurrah!


~ John

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Originally posted by SamNMax

Okay. The Longest Journey.


sorry, but i've only ever heard of this game and hte fact that it's really good, but i never got a hold of and and played it so i don't know too much about it.

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There are lots of good games out there and here are couple of them not in any specific order:


The Longest journey

Syberia(a bit short, but looks like it was clearly made to be part of longer series as end leaves everything open AND they have promised to make a sequal)

Beneath a Steel Sky

Broken Sword series(third one coming out later this year)

Gabriel Knight series(weird that nobody mentioned this)


Then there are couple games you already mentioned and which I still haven't had a chance to play: The Last Express and Toonstruck. As a matter of fact, I HAVE latter one, BUT thanks to Windows XP I can't seem to find a way to play Dos game like this. Have tried everything from Windows 95-98 compatibility emulation to installing old Scitech Display Doctor and playing with its vesa enabling drivers, but only way to make it run was using VESA 2.0 patch for Windows NT/2000/XP and even with it, I couldn't go beyond 320x200. At least not without editing game's cfg file and getting black stripe that fills most of the screen. I only hope someone makes ScummVM like program for these kind of games... :(

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Yep, thanks you XP (and my crappy computer not allowing me ATI settings) I can't play Toonstruck anymore either, but despite what others say, it's a good game (at least in my opinion, others have other opinions) and Christpher Lloyd is the best.


I got The Longest Journey the other day and I got it the cheap way too (you know, amazon :D what did you think?). But hey, guess what, doesn't work. Why? XP, and it even said that because of XP it may not work, but it'll try anyway, but nope, it didn't work. So what am I to do. Simple, get a bigger HD, partition it and install 98 as well, just to play old games (man do I miss DOTT). Of course that costs money and I'm saving up for a Wacomb tablet so...

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