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What i like as a saber


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I just rewatched EpI and I noticed something. At the begginning, when Obi and Qui-gon first light up their sabers it shows a close up of Obi's. The actual blade is quite thin, but the halo is really fat. Also, the color of the blade cycles from light blue to white. Just interesting, thats all.

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I think it's strange...


- In some pics you see of EpI + II, the white part has a huge glow around it.


Like this:





- And in other pics you see a glow, around a big white center, but the center has the same colored glow over it... :confused: :confused:


Like this:



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Well, I think that it was to make the saber trail work easier. When they move the saber, the shaft bends, so the guys painting in the trails would know how fast it was moving and how long to make the trails.


Anyway, I would love to see little saber knives. I made up a character that knives would be perfect for.


-PS- What the HELL is up with putting swords in KOTOR!?!:swear:

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The way I try and look at it is that EP I/II is the way George Lucas intended the sabres to look but couldn't because of the tech at the time. So I would prefer them to look like they do in the prequels...


Perhaps it could be an option as well as choosing the type of saber in the game, whether you want it Original Trilogy style or the Prequels? I'm sure it wouldn't take them long to do...





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I don't know about that, it sounds kind of *mleh*. They should just get 'em right, dammit! I don't really care if they glow or not, but you certainly shouldn't be able to light up a huge Moria style (sorry) room with your saber glow, that's all.

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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

i loved the sabers in JO

everytime i tried a mod i always went back to the original

the only thing i didnt like is that they would shrink down when you would pass through a wall with them

they are suppost to be able to cut through pretty much anything so why make them be stopped by a wall?

made them seem weak to me...who am i kidding they were weak in game!


i agree, i liked thenold sabers too, not many games feature sabers or swords in first/third person, give them a break, its hard to make sabers perfect, i liked them, i dont like the ones from the movies, they look boring and plain.

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