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Who will win?


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Originally posted by Xx_Patman_xX

I thought the point of paying monthly was so the devs can update the game. Iam disapointed to here that time will be "frozen".


Sorry, but you missed the point completely. The game will be updated all the time, but time, in the meaning of the series of events that moves the movies forward, is frozen. New areas, planets, monsters, npcs, towns, vehicles, weapons, skills, species, chocolate, music, houses etc will be added all the time. But the Battle of Hoth will not happen. Get it? While the game expands at all times, we won't find ourselves suddenly standing in the New Republic.

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Exar_reborn We all know the dark side loses but will they be more powerful as of the moment? And will the game follow the storyline as in time wise IE: 2 years from now will there be a patch with the deathstar being blown up? Wait is there going to be a deathstar?!?!


So nobody wins. Period. But we do get to keep battling it out like we just might win.:D

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Originally posted by dathansurehand

So nobody wins. Period. But we do get to keep battling it out like we just might win.:D


Mmmmmm, I can't wait for my first battle. And if I start loosing I will just stand back and watch everything happen from a distance. Does anyone know if they will incorporate 360 degree screen schots?

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Actually there is currently a mini Death Star (prototype) at a top secret imperial research facility in a secret safe pocket in the Maw series of Black Holes just of Kessell. it's just a really difficult flight through the holes. But then again if you believe Kevin J Anderson then the empire can easily create invincible ships which can destroy stars, but never brought them into mass destruction the you can believe anything....


Also we do not know when construction began on DSII, remember that when the Excecutor (Vader's SSD) was being constructed at I think KDY the other shipyards at Fondor were producing the Emperor's personal SSD which i will call *** so as not to spoil the particular books involved for anyone yet to read them. This shows that the empire has a policy of -


"Why have one when you can have two for twice the price?"


DSII production could have began concurrently with DSI and ran slower, or have been substantially delayed by destruction of DSI, so there could be a partially constructed DSII out there.


My 2p




p.s Not sure about the KDY/Fondor thing.

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