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Will there be a Mysteries of the Sith mod for JO??


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That is too bad. I know new releases = possibly better engine mechanics, etc. but that should not be a reason to stop working on a DF or JK upgrade. I wish to hell that LucasArts would actually HIRE someone to upgrade these games, as they are pretty damned cool. ESPECIALLY Mysteries Of The Sith.



Oh well.....who said life was fair?




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Originally posted by Marker0077

Most of those groups are dying out, I don't think there will be a finished mod of any of the prequel games to be honest, especially once JK3 is released.


Who says? Both the DF and DF2E Mods are still in development, and a great job those Mod crews are doing too. Of course, they are always looking for more people to help out, who can contribute certain skills in certain areas as needed...but the current situation is that they will continue work on those Mods, and transfer them to the new engine if necessary.


I haven't heard of anyone producing a MotS-based Mod at this time. But if I do, I'll be certain to post it here. :)

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Hey at one time MotS was very popular. You could go to the JK server and go to MotS, there would always be a good number of people in the rooms. Also I would think it would be better to release a MotS TC with Jedi Acadamy rather then for Jedi Outcast. They would probally have more stuff to work with in JA.

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Originally posted by Emon

The general concensus is that MotS isn't that good.


Count me out of the general concensus, then. I liked MotS, and for an expansion pack, it sure delivered a lot in SP. Personally I hope one of the Mod crews does decide to do MotS after their current projects.

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The only new addition to graphics was the advent of colored lighting.


Despite it's expanded modding possibilities through more COG verbs, MotS had several problems:


  • Low resolution sounds because LEC didn't want to bother with a second CD for the better :rolleyes:
  • Glaring imbalances in multiplayer. Chief examples are the E-11 scope, which offers 1-2 hit kills and is practically unblockable, and the Carbonite Gun which basically garuntees a kill if someone is in the vacinity
  • Imbalanced classes. The E-11 scope and the Carbonite gun went with the Scout and Bounty Hunter classes respectivly, and since those guns were unpullable in their classes, they dominated the game. Rarely did a Jedi have a chance.
  • More Force imbalances, they never fixed the ones in JK. Dark side powers always were better than those from the light.

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Originally posted by Emon

The only new addition to graphics was the advent of colored lighting.


Despite it's expanded modding possibilities through more COG verbs, MotS had several problems:


  • Low resolution sounds because LEC didn't want to bother with a second CD for the better :rolleyes:
  • Glaring imbalances in multiplayer. Chief examples are the E-11 scope, which offers 1-2 hit kills and is practically unblockable, and the Carbonite Gun which basically garuntees a kill if someone is in the vacinity
  • Imbalanced classes. The E-11 scope and the Carbonite gun went with the Scout and Bounty Hunter classes respectivly, and since those guns were unpullable in their classes, they dominated the game. Rarely did a Jedi have a chance.
  • More Force imbalances, they never fixed the ones in JK. Dark side powers always were better than those from the light.

I never played MOTS or JK in MP, so I didn't encounter most of these problems. SP was a blast for me though...
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Originally posted by Prime

I never played MOTS or JK in MP, so I didn't encounter most of these problems. SP was a blast for me though...




I didn't play MP either...but I thought the SP was very good, apart from the fact they could have bound all of the missions together in a more cohesive storyline. :) And I would imagine it would be the SP part of the game that a Mod crew would be most interested in revisualising...considering JO already has decent MP and MP mods...

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There's a chance that a MOTS mod won't be happening, but I too enjoyed MotS, but Emon did prove some very good points, which I have played MOTS in MP and have experienced that. Very annoying when n00bs spam the carbonite gun (you guys know who you are! ;) )


Anyway, enough of my rant, a MotS mod would be nice tho.

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Originally posted by razorace

Why does everyone want rehashs of old content? Old content takes about the same amount of time to convert than to just make NEW content....


Perhaps the old content is ten times better then the new content that is considered shovelware, ever think about that?

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Easy now fellas....lol Actually, refreshing old content is not too hard considering most of the stuff is there already for you. Professionals like the people who make the games, if dedicated, could do something like that in much less time then a group from the community because of time dedication. The people working on these projects are not going at it all the time, cause they have other things to do.

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Originally posted by Ardayus

Easy now fellas....lol Actually, refreshing old content is not too hard considering most of the stuff is there already for you. Professionals like the people who make the games, if dedicated, could do something like that in much less time then a group from the community because of time dedication. The people working on these projects are not going at it all the time, cause they have other things to do.


That's only true if the stuff is easy to convert, which isn't the case for JK->JK2 convertions. They are basically doing almost everything from scratch.

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