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Anyone know the prerequisites for a jedi are yet?


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Originally posted by Kaiser Spaso

I am going to be a jedi.........and i hope it is the hardest thing i have ever done..........i want a serious challenge for i fear i will regress to a wortless rebel scum or even worse...............a BH










:D Hhahahaha you won't be saying that once five Bh's surrond you with there gun's to your chest i swear on my life you will be my bounty :)


Have a nice day :fett:

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

:D Hhahahaha you won't be saying that once five Bh's surrond you with there gun's to your chest i swear on my life you will be my bounty :)


Have a nice day :fett:



according to the devs you are going to need a little more than 5 BH's to take me down bro.............i guess it's back to the drawing board for you







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OKay, okay, calm down before things get hostile. ;)


In all honesty though, they have said that once a Jedi is strong, he will be a difficult foe to contend with, perhaps up to ten opponents at a time. What they have also made abundantly clear, is that if you ever do get an FSCS, you will most likely lose the character before ever making knight.

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IMHO, I would say that the Jedi Skill tree will remain secret. I also feel that it will be a totally separate tree (or trees) I say this for several reasons.


1. If it used existing trees than a Jedi would be no different than a skilled swordsman with a lightsabre.


2. Force powers, noone else will posses these so they must have their own tree.



In my estimate I would say it would take 2 full professions if not more to become Jedi. Otherwise you could be a Jedi/Marksman/Artisan with Half a profession left.


It would make sense to have 2 trees A Jedi Initiate tree and a Jedi Knight tree. Similar to the relation between Scout and Ranger trees.


Jedi Initiate would be the starting profession with 4 skill sets. Lets say they are Force Powers, Combat Offense, Combat Defense and Jedi Lore(where you learn other jedi things like Sabre making and such).


In the Force Powers tree you learn various... Force Powers.


In Combat Offense you would learn/get attack bonuses and moves (fairly similar to the melee trees). Honing the Jedi into a deadly weapon.


In Combat Defense you would learn/get dodge bonuses and speed increases. Eventually to the level where you can block and return all blaster fire.


In the Jedi Lore tree you will learn schematics for various Jedi equip, like Light Sabres that do more damage and block more blaster fire as you increase in skill.


When you master these you become a Padawan/knight and move to the advanced tree with the same (or slightly varied trees) and when mastered become the fabled Jedi Master.


Also there could be a third tree, that instead of Jedi Knight could be Dark Jedi Knight (this gives the Master of the Jedi starting profession an option) allowing them to choose the light or the dark path. Eventually allowing them to be a Red Glowie (for the Dark side) or Blue Glowie (for the light side) or something like that.


Regardless of how they do it, don't expect the DEVs to give you any insight on it until you actually make it. The harder it is for Jedi, the closer the game will be to the SW universe and that is one of their major goals. Plus deep down, the DEVs want to watch my Rancor gobble up Padawans like skittles too...


No mercy asked or given... oh yeah but I'll respawn.



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First of all, I have no insight into the Jedi at all. My personal opinion, which is entirely speculation, would say 3 different skill trees for Jedi. One generic Lightsaber skill tree, one skill tree for the Light Side Jedi and One for the Dark. That would mean two skill trees at release. At the time of the Dark Jedi release, you would have to abandon your Light Side Jedi tree for the Dark Side if you so desired. Mind you, this is purely speculation.

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

First of all, I have no insight into the Jedi at all. My personal opinion, which is entirely speculation, would say 3 different skill trees for Jedi. One generic Lightsaber skill tree, one skill tree for the Light Side Jedi and One for the Dark. That would mean two skill trees at release. At the time of the Dark Jedi release, you would have to abandon your Light Side Jedi tree for the Dark Side if you so desired. Mind you, this is purely speculation.


Or is it what you have learnt from the beta :p j/k, i think there will be 3 skill trees but slightly diffrent. Lightsaber skill, force skill and mind skill.


Mind skill being where Jedis can concentrate in battle for longer and not use up much energy. That's my two cents anyway :):D

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I think it will be a full skill tree of just Jedi skills. Light Saber, Force Sensitivity, Self Healing, Etc. The Light and Dark stuff will be a Faction thing. Once you reach Jedi, you are a Jedi, Light or Dark. What more can you learn beyond achieving Jedi status.


The thing I'm worried about is making it to Jedi, sure opening that FS slot will be difficult. But the path to becoming a Jedi will be monstrous compared to simply opening the slot. And what happens if you are seen wielding your lightsaber? Everyone and their brother will join up and try to be the first ones to take down a Jedi. I'm hoping there will be some private locations only available to Padawans. I.e. Dego'Ba

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Originally posted by MadMardigan

I'm hoping there will be some private locations only available to Padawans. I.e. Dego'Ba



Dego'Ba? LOL, is that like Yoda's Jamaican retreat? ;):D


Anyway, I agree with the three Skill Trees concept. I mean, since there WILL be lightsaffs, the Lightsaber will likely take up an entire tree. I see Light and Dark powers in the others.


And I addressed this elsewhere, but somebody brought it up here, too. Do you really think there will be "red glowies?" I don't. It would break continuenity.

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