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Pretty sure, yeah.


The biggest preoblem that I could see was that nothing new was really tried out. For example, outside of the base the textures all look pretty much the same and don't fit together very well, like in DF. Why not make textures that work instead of repeating the mistakes made with DF? Just a suggestion that's all.

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The biggest preoblem that I could see was that nothing new was really tried out. For example, outside of the base the textures all look pretty much the same and don't fit together very well, like in DF. Why not make textures that work instead of repeating the mistakes made with DF? Just a suggestion that's all.

Heh it's not that easy!

We first recreate all the textures and create maps that have the overall DF design and architecture.

Where it is necessary or looks better, some textures are replaced by detailed brushes (more detailed map elements).

Have a look at the Sewers screenshots, the horizontal metal bands are such details. They increase the realism of the map.

Where the DF architecture is not possible with JO or where it does not make sense, it is modified. But still according the look&feel of DF. The textures should of course look like DF. If they would not, we wouldn't call it DF MOD!


Thanks anyways for your comments on the demo, because there are indeed a few places where the textures are not properly aligned. That already has been reported internally, we're lot of people in the team, many pairs of eyes :rolleyes:


Please don't forget, it is a DEMO and therefore not exactly how it will look like at the end.

Most of us are learning how to make everything by the time, therefore you can expect increasing quality from piece to piece of the puzzle as they're being completed!


And make sure you set the texture quality to extra :D

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Posted by Solbe M'ko

No offense-I must make comment on this mod. Your unfinished dark trooper model looks like it was taken right out of DF, I think it would be a waste of a good engine to port the models/textures right from DF.


Frankly, I think that this would be considered quite a compliment if it were not so absurd,... The original Dark Forces characters weren't 3D models, but 2D sprites.



The biggest preoblem that I could see was that nothing new was really tried out. For example, outside of the base the textures all look pretty much the same and don't fit together very well, like in DF.


While I too think it's a shame that the mod isn't leaning towards making the levels look more realistic, I can understand the desire to maintain as much of the original feel of the game as possible.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

Anyway, how you folks plan on making those big dragons in the Jabba level? Will they be like stormtroopers, or will they need special work?


The creation & animation of the Kell Dragons and the Diaonogas are a particularly sticky issue, since the MP engine only supports the _humanoid skeleton + animations, as I've stated before (ad nauseum, actually).


However, it is possible that there may be a solution in the next few months for new skeletons & animations to work in the Multiplayer engine... :thumbsup:


But that's a little ways off, and it's always possible that we will run into yet another engine-limitation brick wall... :(


But hopefully we'll be able to work out a solution - even if that means using the Jedi Academy engine (though my hope is that Raven/LucasArts/Activision will release the SP code for JO later this year).


So we'll see... one way or the other we'll try to get this going.


As a last resort, we may have to come up with a pit full of nasty beasts created based on _humanoid - certainly not as fun as punching a kell dragon, but we may have no other alternative given the limitations of the MP engine. However, that's not for me to decide, and I'm going to keep working on what we've got.





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Okay, just to clarify, I didn't mean that the DT looked just like the sprite (even I'm not that ignorant). I just meant that he kind of looked unfinished (Yeah, I know). His face and abdomen bugged me. He just looked like the closest thing possible to the original sprite, only 3D. I just think maybe a little more "dirtiness" and maybe a more sinister looking face would help (I think his head is disproportionate to his body), maybe some longer claws too. I noticed that in DF he looked a lot like the Terminator and in the mod he looks kinda like that now. But overall, a very nice model.


I took another look at your Boba model. You're gonna clean that up right? I mean, it's not "bad" but I looks like it has some clipping issues or something.


I'm not "dissing" your mod, so don't take this the wrong way, I just feel like expressing my nitpicky opinions.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Well first of all, this is my first post *g*


I just want to say that this mod is doing great and i played the demo an felt like in good old Dark Forces times.


But there is a weaponmodel on your site, that really bugs me.


The Dark Trooper Assault Cannon!

It dosn't look like the DF Assault Cannon at all!

I'm very sorry if this sounds offending.

But the original Assault Cannon looks like this:



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Originally posted by ewok mercenary

To be honest I think I think the assault cannon should look more like the one seen on the DT: It looks sleeker and more like a gun.


But DF is meant to be played in the 1st person. PERHAPS it is possible to make one for the DT enemies, and upon pickup, it switches to the 1st person version you guys have?

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OK, apart from one question where I don't think I really gave the answer they were looking for. They asked "How satisfying did you find the ending of 'The Winter's Tale'?" - I basically said, in about 3 pages that I thought it sucked - not quite that blunt, but I certainly wasn't very kind about Shakespeare...



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Originally posted by The_One

OK, apart from one question where I don't think I really gave the answer they were looking for. They asked "How satisfying did you find the ending of 'The Winter's Tale'?" - I basically said, in about 3 pages that I thought it sucked - not quite that blunt, but I certainly wasn't very kind about Shakespeare...




Don't they reward you for being analyitical?

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Originally posted by chris the cynic

Shakespeare doesn't deserve Kindness. He did one original play, and how many others? You ever hear of him giving credit to the previous authors?


I think you miss the point of Shakespeare. It wasn't about the stories...

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