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Looking for a Padawan......

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Let's wait and see. There may come others seeking a master.


If truly my padawan you want to be, test your abilities and loyalties, I must.


If accepted, choose if you wish to learn forum etiquette, or if you want to master the saber, the weapons, and the Force, or else a mix of all 3.


And I see that you are a clanmate of Tupac's, so that's a good sign of passing the first test: trust.

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there are a few more lfja masters lookin for a padawan as shown in this thread.


and just to let you know, lfja isnt a jk2 clan. we might play jk2 sometimes, but thats not the main purpose of our organisation. we try to train people how to get the most out off LF.

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Originally posted by topshot

Let's wait and see. There may come others seeking a master.


If truly my padawan you want to be, test your abilities and loyalties, I must.


If accepted, choose if you wish to learn forum etiquette, or if you want to master the saber, the weapons, and the Force, or else a mix of all 3.


And I see that you are a clanmate of Tupac's, so that's a good sign of passing the first test: trust.


Take me I just signed up 2 days ago and have only posted 3 times yet.so please take me as a padawan!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, that is right. Darth Rythe has become my first padawan apprentice in which I will teach him everything I know about the forums and everything I know about anything else that he may ask about.



If I notice any form of "bad posting" from him, I will take note on that post, and he may take note on, and disavow, me, as a master, if anything I say or do gives him a little bit of frustration.


If disavowed, I will make readjustments to my behavior and wait one week to return to becoming a master. If, by then, I may decide to take a new padawan. That is an oath I swear I will follow on behalf of my respect for the mods, other forum users, and people within the off-line community.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, you could try asking JokeMaster or ZBomber if either one of them would take you. If they ask why you want to be their padawan, just tell them a certain someone made a recommendation for yah. :cool:


Agen Terminator may be open as well, if you prefer him. ;)

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I'm a newbie ,a notal noob .I started playing JK2 two days ago .

It would be cool to have a master and all .But there is a slight problem .You see I live in eastern europe so the time difference will obstruct training sessions .It is 02:04 in the morning here .

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