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Okay, we are all members of the =A= here, but how will all of us that are members be accepted in game? As far as I know a lot of us are going to be spread out across the game until PA Housing comes. Or is there some button that will magically send someone a PA invite without having to be in the same area?

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The PA leader can limit or grant people powers at will. One of those is whether or not the member can recruit new members to the PA, and whether or not he can promote other members.


EDIT: propably we'll solve it by having the leaders handle the promotions within their groups, and we'll have a selected few who can recruit.

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Personally i think the official recruiting should be done by the leaders. just in my opinion seeing theyve done a good job so far. And if you find somone that wishes to join the pa and you think they are pretty ok then just bring them before the leaders and make them go throuhg "the test" hehehe


just an idea. Dont meen to be rude but i dont like the idea of "members" making the desission that really should be a leaders desission. Maybe its because i dont really know many of the members i dont know but its just what i think.

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Yeah, swediot you're probably right, the leaders should do all the official recruiting. However, I think it would be good to have base recruiters, who would find people and refer them to the leaders. Of course, that's a job that really anybody could do, so there's no need for anything official :cool:

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