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assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)

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"Because, my padawan," I told him,"you are seeing with your eyes instead of seeing with your mind's eye. It's only a hologram projected to trick you into thinking that it was not your saber. Take a look at it again. There's two of them. Which one can you tell is yours?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

*as the crews for the cannons set up along the ridge and the battalions got the weapons ready and started to head into formation, captain ej gathered craig ryth and topshot to start heading towards the palace. a gunship flew them towards the base of the citadel and ryth found a secret entrance.*


ryth: i found a secret entrance!


ej: you guys remember what you must do?


all 3: yes sir!


ej: good lets go in, when we come to the first intersection we will have to split up, i will go and fight lance and the 3 of you have permission to kill the crew members. the reason now this has turned into an assaination attempt is that the crew members were never to be trusted and i was going to kill them my self, but ah wait! dont kill them instead just stun them and i will put on a show in the city of port royal. but here i will kill lance.


*the four of them came to the first intersection, ej went to the right to fight lance and the other three went to go reecapture the crew members.*


*as ej jogged this way and that he took out one of his revolvers which was a eight shooter instead of a normal six shooter. then 5 guards came out and started shooting. ej went into matrix mode and shot 4 guards. then ej took out his cutlass sword and lopped off the head of the 5th guard. ej found a lift and it took him up to the third floor. on the floor there was 10 guards armed with swords. ej took out his cutlass and reloaded his revolver then charged. he jumped over one and stabbed him in the back, turned and shot another guard.2 guards came rushing forward but ej picked up another sword holstered his revolver and fought the 2 guards. ej tripped one and stabbed him but the other slashed ej on the arm. ej kicked him down and shot him. 3 guards came rushing, ej kicked one lopped off the head of another shot the guy that was kicked and stabbed the third one. the last three guards came and ej jumped over them, back stabbed one, slit opened the 2nd's stomach and shot the 3rd guard. ej found a security room and saw thatsquads were aware of the army outside the fortress and was rushing outside to go and fight them. ej also found a private lift that led up to lance's throne room. ej took the lift and once he got there he saw lance with a lightsaber in his hand ready to fight. however the 2 armies were about to fight.*

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Craig found his way to the Security Room. He shot the guards there swiftly and began working, clearing Rythe and Topshot of all security doors, cameras, etc. along the way. He also began hacking on the Fortress' defense systems and started to take them down one by one.

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*meanwhile outside the fortress the cannon captain signaled every one to fire at lance's advancing troops. the cannons fired and the lines broke. the captain ordered the cannons to stop firing. then ej's army went into formation. the cannon captain ordered to fire once the army started marching so they can provide cover. the army started marching towards the center of the field with lance's army meeting them there. meanwhile in the throne room.........*


ej: lance you have caused enough trouble already, it's time to bring you in. if i don't kill you here, you will recieve a public death show along with the crew that used to be mine.


lance: not if i kill you first!


*ej took out his blue bladed lightsaber and ignited it. he switched to fast style and lance switched to his heavy style. then ej leaped and then rolled under lance's legs and gave lance a kick in the back. lance flipped up and striked at ej but ej rolled under and tripped lance. ej had lance cornered but lance force pushed ej halfway across the room. then lance forced gripped ej. ej was being choked so hard that ej's eyes were bloodshot and his head was bright red. but ej forced a blast of energy at lance and lance flew halfway across the room. then ej picked up his lightsaber ignited it and fought lance. they parried and blocked and thrusted. ej turned around and finally destroyed lance's saber*

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Contacts Craig through commlink.*


"Was it really necessary to kill those guards? They could've been those crew members that EJ had talked about!"


*The last 2 guards signal for back-up before falling to their death. 8 Imperial guards surround the Security Chamber where Craig is currently located. One of them manages to activate at least one of the traps along Topshot's and Rythe's paths.*




*Contacts Ej.*


"How're things in your section? Taken care of Lance yet?"

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"They weren't." Replied Craig calmy as the guards came in. He hung up and drew out both handguns.


He pointed the guns toward the guards.


"Take a step forward, and your foot will be gone. Aim your weapon and your hand will be gone. Call for backup and you will be dead before your hand can touch that comlink."


One of the security didn't believe him and took a step forward. Craig drew his gun in a flash and fired, the bullet piercing the man's foot, causing him to drop, but not dead. Two other guards aimed to fire and Craig shot two times, hitting them both in the hands. The remaining reached to grab their comlinks, and before they could touch it, Craig opened fire, breaking their comlinks and killing them, leaving the ones wounded the only survivors.


"Not a word to your comrades and you'll live..."


Instead, the guard with the wounded hand walked forward and began typing, and within seconds, the trap was lifted. Craig smirked, "Glad you could see it my way.." The guard didn't dare try anything and Craig continued to work, taking out all security.

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*ej takes out a colt navy revolver and fires it into lance's shoulder.*


ej: now you are wounded time to bring you in. your army has failed, and you have failed. my army has taken over this fortress and it will be turned into a garrison. you and my disloyal crew members are all to be hanged in the city of port royal.


*ej than handcuffed lance and 2 soldiers carried him away.*

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Just then, the ceiling caves in, momentarily stunning all the jedi. Suddenly hoardes of cloaked figures drop into the room. They whip out lightsabers, and ignite them with dreadfully obnoxious colors: hot pink, neon orange, bright green...


Suddenly a ball is lowered through the ceiling, strange lights start flashing, and odd music starts playing.


The cloak figures start to writhe to the beat, and in unison rip off their disguises. To your great astonishment, the all are identical to Lance, and they all are dressed like this: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000002GKN.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg


"Welcome to The Dance Floor!" A voice booms.


The music is cranked up a notch, and to your horror, you find yourself beginning to move like all the Lance.


"Wha ... what is this highly groovey sound byte playing? It seems very intoxicating-" Says EJ in a mechanical voice.


"Yes!" Interrupts Topshot. "It infects my body, and I can't help but move to this rhythm."


"Yeah, baby!" Shouts a Lance over the music. "You jedi really have some talent. But lets turn up the heat a little. A dance is no good without some friendly females to compete over!"


With that, all the doors to the room burst open. Women pour in, and start their groove up. They are not all clones like the Lances, but they are all dressed somewhat like this: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000003TW6.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg


"Hey girl," Says Craig to one of the women. "Want to see me do the robot?"


Soon a popping and breaking circle has started, and you hear phrases like "Woah, baby!" "Grooveh!" "That's F-ing dope!" "Tubular!".


As the dance heat increases, all animosity between the jedi and the Lances dissapate. Disco droids roll around, serving drinks: http://www.flyingarmadillo.com/cantina/artwork/disco-r2.jpg


"Hey boy," Says a Lance to Rythe. "We jus' some boys and girls having fun! Lets call it a truce."


Even though the jedi feel compelled to attack the Lances, they realize that they could never harm such peaceful and fun-loving creatures.


**Disclaimer: This post is entirely serious. It is not a joke. Do not delete, mock, or ignore it.**

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originally posted by The_Lance:

"Yes!" Interrupts Topshot. "It infects my body, and I can't help but move to this rhythm."


((I find that bit to be a little offensive. This shall not go unnoticed!To avenge the honor of my good name, I challenge you to an RPG battle! The stakes are few: Beat me, and I'll forgive you. If I beat you, then I might forgive you. Both ways, you'll win. How about it? Up to the challenge? ;) ))

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