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My music world has been shattered


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I was watching that MTV icon thing on Metallica today. They had like covers of Metallica songs by other bands.. Most notibly I saw Avril Lavigne do "Fuel" and Snoop Dog do... Well I forgot what it was..


It makes sense, when I think about artists that sound like Metallica I think of Avril Lavigne and Snoop Dog.. Someone shoot me

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I lost respect for Metallica after the whole napster ordeal, but actually they have not done a good album since Master Of Puppets in my opinion. I boycott them now for politcal reasons.


Avril needs to die. She does not have that bad of a voice on some songs, but her material is lacking, and her personna annoys me even more than Christina. She needs to loose the ****ing ties, and learn how to be an artist. And the thing with Christina, what is with all the hunks of metal she has in her face? She wears too much eye make up and looks like a porn star. I don't know if this is her thing, or if she is just trying to compete with Brittney. The one advantage that Christina always had over Brittney is that Chritina has a really good voice. I loved the songs she did for Mulan and she has done some decent songs since then as well. This whole slut/hooker thing she has going on, just ruins it for me. I could see Brittney doing this, because I feel she has no talent. One thing that both these girls need to do, is to stop copying Madonna's old act. It was stupid then, and is stupid now, however Madonna has managed to put out more memorable songs than either of these wanna be skanks could ever put out in a life time.


Most covers do suck, there are a very select few, that rule in my opininion.


I like Creeds version of the Door's "Riders On The Storm", U2's version of Them's "Gloria" The Blues Brother's version of Spencer Davis Group's "Gimmie Some Lovin", Faith No More's version of Black Sabbath's "War Pigs", and 1000 Homo Dj's version of Black Sabbath's "Supernaught". Other than that, that is about it... really.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by STTCT

sounds like Avril needs to stick to her own damn songs.



What I want to know is WTF happened to Christina Aguilera...the girl looks like death....


When they said Avril was going to be there I was thinking, "Why?". I doubt Metallica are big fans of hers.


It's my contention that Christina Aguilera is destined to be horrible looking because she has the belief that people telling her she looks bad are just hating her. When in actuality she looks terrible. She cant dress for $h!t and her make up looks like a hookers. Her stylist should be shot.

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