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Been caught Cheating


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I think there's a bit too much of a coinsidence (eh... sp?) in the fact you were recording a demo just before you shot the guy!!




Great shot dude! (I hardly noticed that you were using an aimbot)


He shouldn't whine, even I (worst sniper in the world) managed to get some of those shots in the few occasions I was sniping!!

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Originally posted by HertogJan

I think there's a bit too much of a coinsidence (eh... sp?) in the fact you were recording a demo just before you shot the guy!!




Great shot dude! (I hardly noticed that you were using an aimbot)


He shouldn't whine, even I (worst sniper in the world) managed to get some of those shots in the few occasions I was sniping!!



I record about 99% of my play, have the whole demo if you want to see it.

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OMFG Griff no Honour??!


My god! I'll IP-ban ur ass so fast that it will make you aimbot-scriptz spin if you ever log on to my server with that ****!!


Did you even bow before you sniped that guy?!





:D :D


(still haven't downloaded that huge vid of yours :( Damn Fileplanet..-front..whatever.. :mad: I want it! :( )


Ps. You stats show that you really should work on your Bryar secondary fire-skills. Try it. It's quite effective and even I'm able to hit stuff with it. :)

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I have been accused of cheating in straight saber duels. You finish the fight with 100 health and all your sheilds, and they think you used some "secret jedi code" to make yourself invincible.:confused: No, it's called PLAIN GOOD FIGHTHING!


You can't win with those people...





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you dirty cheat it was a saber only game, i cant belive you... NO Honour. your spose to Bow shake hands, get to know the guy before you kill them... I cant belive what you did, i mean your not spose to kill people in this game are you?




BTW can you post the whole demo up pls :) as it gives me some thing to do at work :p

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It's kinda funny that some people on this forum that pretend to see how ridiculous the server dregs are are actually server dregs themselves. I've met a few of you in-game and got the same: "omfg I hate scripters" bull****.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

It's kinda funny that some people on this forum that pretend to see how ridiculous the server dregs are are actually server dregs themselves. I've met a few of you in-game and got the same: "omfg I hate scripters" bull****.


I used to think this Break... but nomaly they are such a bad player that, your going to beat them cheating or no cheating.


any way Break I heard you was the biggest scripter out there :p

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griff38! WTF? Saber down = PEACE!1!!11!! :)



Originally posted by Break_dF

It's kinda funny that some people on this forum that pretend to see how ridiculous the server dregs are are actually server dregs themselves. I've met a few of you in-game and got the same: "omfg I hate scripters" bull****.

Good trolling!
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Originally posted by HertogJan




Great shot dude! (I hardly noticed that you were using an aimbot)


I don't even have a clue what an "Aimbot?" is. Remember griff is just an old housewife. And knows jacksheet about anything, hehe.


Besides, that shot is not that hard. If you try as many times as I have.

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yea, when you think about it jump shots are pretty easy, because most jump shots follow a simple parabolic pattern, with some differences in how wide and high, but once you understand that pattern, you'll get em everytime. to me those shots are easier than a guy running on the floor back and forth with no rational path since you cant' judge where he's gonna go.

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

I used to think this Break... but nomaly they are such a bad player that, your going to beat them cheating or no cheating.


any way Break I heard you was the biggest scripter out there :p


rpthehotrod is a prime example of the types of ppl I meet in game. He told me that ptking was an exploit and a bannable offense. I told him to cry some more and he had me banned. 6 months ago, most of the high-end jko community thought I scripted; now they know differently. It's kind of ironic that about 90-99% of the old duelers script atleast one thing now and I don't script at all. These are the same people that bitched at me for "scripting" back at the beginning of 04, mind you. Before there was no use but now... damn, there are some pretty impressive scripts out there. Yeah... I'm rambling, jesus.

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You know the ironic thing, and in a way it makes Break's point even more valid is that one of, if not *the largest thread on these forums is about... scripting.


Not a debate on the yes/no issue, but people begging and providing various scripts, mostly combat related scripts at that.


One might look at the JK2 "anti-script" community as being hypocrites who are full of ****.



Tons of players scripting, yet the majority take the “moral high ground” and accuse others.


Tons of players crying “lamer” yet the majority of admins will abuse admin mod functions just to **** with people and piss them off. Players cry “lamer” at every turn yet they will gang up and vote off a dominate player simply because they don’t like losing.


Does anyone notice a trend here?


Could the majority of JK2 players be angry frustrated noobs who are full of ****?


Nah, I doubt it. They all have too much honor for that.





I know Break didn't script if for no other reason than he is probably the *only full force saber only player I have ever *not seen kick off tiny 2 inch inclines (kick script) during the last year or so of play. He never used light/medium stance (lunge/yellow DFA script) so those scripts are out as well.


Considering that 80% of the guys kills came from side kick/heavy swing combos the whole script argument is pretty moot to begin with, but people who were jealous of his ability to dominate tossed out baseless insults and accusations to compensate for their failure.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

rpthehotrod is a prime example of the types of ppl I meet in game. He told me that ptking was an exploit and a bannable offense. I told him to cry some more and he had me banned. 6 months ago, most of the high-end jko community thought I scripted; now they know differently. It's kind of ironic that about 90-99% of the old duelers script atleast one thing now and I don't script at all. These are the same people that bitched at me for "scripting" back at the beginning of 04, mind you. Before there was no use but now... damn, there are some pretty impressive scripts out there. Yeah... I'm rambling, jesus.


was a j/k my friend thats why i put a :p at the end.

and getting you banned you did that all by your self..

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

You know the ironic thing, and in a way it makes Break's point even more valid is that one of, if not *the largest thread on these forums is about... scripting.


Not a debate on the yes/no issue, but people begging and providing various scripts, mostly combat related scripts at that.


One might look at the JK2 "anti-script" community as being hypocrites who are full of ****.



Tons of players scripting, yet the majority take the “moral high ground” and accuse others.


Tons of players crying “lamer” yet the majority of admins will abuse admin mod functions just to **** with people and piss them off. Players cry “lamer” at every turn yet they will gang up and vote off a dominate player simply because they don’t like losing.


Does anyone notice a trend here?


Could the majority of JK2 players be angry frustrated noobs who are full of ****?


Nah, I doubt it. They all have too much honor for that.





I know Break didn't script if for no other reason than he is probably the *only full force saber only player I have ever *not seen kick off tiny 2 inch inclines (kick script) during the last year or so of play. He never used light/medium stance (lunge/yellow DFA script) so those scripts are out as well.


Considering that 80% of the guys kills came from side kick/heavy swing combos the whole script argument is pretty moot to begin with, but people who were jealous of his ability to dominate tossed out baseless insults and accusations to compensate for their failure.


Well as I have been there and was one of the people that used to think 90pct of the player base was using Scripts I can under stand some people frustration. but I was cured by coming to this board and people telling me how it is.


on a lot of the demos that have been posted on this board, you see the "so called lamer" running around killing players (now this is that I thought a FFA was) then you get some admin think I will show him, and normally at first will try take him out in a fight, but no he gets owned.. then 2 or 3 of them try to gang up and kill the so called lamer... they get owned again.... then they kick him off as they know that if the try to beat him in a fair/unfair fight they are still going to get there arse kicked.


or in non vote maps that start calling Lamer and Script user!

well most good player know that scripting is not a advantage and Lamer what a come back. How many of you have felt remorse(sp?) when you been called a lamer.


I don't get upset in games anymore, if I am having my arsed kicked, so what its only a game. and I just want have fun and that's what I do.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Yeah, I know you were joking... and no, the banning wasn't totally my "fault."


I think i put the nail in the coffin on your Ban, but that was only pointing out a post you made. but hey thats all old news. and are you still playing (or can you still get on to any FFA) ffa games as would love to see you in action :)

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