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You only live thrice, hmm?

Sunshine Badass

How would you treat Non-Jedi deaths caused by Jedi?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you treat Non-Jedi deaths caused by Jedi?

    • Yes, that is a great idea!
    • No, I do not much care for that...
    • The way it is now is great!
    • I think it should be done differently, and will post my opinion below.

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I just thaught of something that could possibly give the Jedi player an edge, but still not be overpowered. The Jedi only lives two or three times, right? So I think it would be cool to implement a system where if a player is killed BY a Jedi, it subtracts a "life" they have. If a non-Jedi is killed by a JEDI three times, then that character goes the way of perma-death. This is a good way to keep players from literally HOUNDING the Jedi forever, but still keep the Jedi at a disadvantage. Becasue, after all, there are a lot more players out there trying to hunt the Jedi, but they may be a bit more wary about hunting Jedi if they had a certain number of times they could be defeated by them. Otherwise, once a Jedi is discovered, he is doomed to his new fate... At least eventually. This system would add a tad bit more danger when facing off against a Jedi. This would add more realism and hinder the characters who play merchants and dancers from trying to kill a Jedi for teh heck of it. It would put the Jedi FEAR back into the game.


"Hey Willis!!! Found a Jed at Mos Espa. Get down here and we'll tail him until he slips up again."


"No way, Jack. I only have one Jedi life left."


That would be a more reassuring, if somewhat more realistic way of dealing with Jedi. If it happened in an RP sense, it would seem more Star Wars like.


"Hey Drath! Found a Jedi!!! Meet me at the cantina and we'll trail him. The Emperor is bound to give us a reward like we could never imagine."


His friend, having only one Jedi death life left, responds:


"No way. Those hokey Jedi don't seem so hokey anymore. I seen one with my own eyes! A dangerous breed they are! Count me out..."


Instead of this: "Hey Drath! Found a Jedi! Come help me bag him for the bounty."


"Sure. Why the heck not. Should be easy. Piece of cake." Responding this way becasue he has nothing better to do and figures he is invincible.


Please tell me what your opinions are and remember to vote.

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I kinda agree with you Sun, but I don't think that will be look into till the game goes gold and they nerf so many things down the road....


Take when the Finnally nerf ManaBurn, or made Nerf Pets, then Nerf pets again, then Nerf Pets again, then Again, and Again and Again, and Again..... AHHHHHHH

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Originally posted by Dradle

I kinda agree with you Sun, but I don't think that will be look into till the game goes gold and they nerf so many things down the road....


Take when the Finnally nerf ManaBurn, or made Nerf Pets, then Nerf pets again, then Nerf Pets again, then Again, and Again and Again, and Again..... AHHHHHHH


Err im kinda comfused now. Please repharse that. :rolleyes:

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ermm... ok, I might be missing something but, you will need to initiate challenge to the particular jedi in order for you to fight him right?


if this is so, what if the jedi turns down the challenge? And what if he's a loner(not in PA,Faction)?

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J.K Luke: one of the disadvantages with being a jedi is that you are free for everyone to take out. But, it's not as easy as that. You are only free to take out if people know you are jedi. Which in gameplay terms means that when you have used jedi-only powers (the force, or a lightsaber), you will be flagged as jedi for a while, and people can attack you if they want, without having to challange you.


So yes, while the jedi has remarkable talents, he/she also has the disadvantage that he can't even die a handful of times, and he is vulnerable for everyone to rub out if exposed.


There has even been hints that a jedi that flaunts his/her skills too often will be permanently hunted, until killed. It is indeed the profession that needs the most skills, stealth and discretion.

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I am totally for this idea... only if they nerf Jedi to the point that they are no more powerful than the average melee class character. Then make everyone perma death.


The problem is that Jedi are super powerful, they will easily be able to take out many characters of the same skill level. If they are that powerful, they have to be balanced. Permadeath is that way of balancing. Instead of starting at a spawn point, they have to restart totally.


This is a good way to keep players from literally HOUNDING the Jedi forever


Unfortunately, the hounding goes hand in hand with the storyline. That is why there were so few Jedi during this portion of the Star Wars Timeline. So Jedi will either have to deal with it, or give up.


Or we could take Jedi totally out of the picture, making them NPC's only. I am totally cool with that too.:p

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ahh ok, thanks for the clarification setsuko :)


Or we could take Jedi totally out of the picture, making them NPC's only. I am totally cool with that too.


Ahem... I believe one of the main attraction of SWG is to be able to get Jedi as a proffesion, so it would be quite silly if they decided to make jedi as NPC ;)

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

ahh ok, thanks for the clarification setsuko :)




Ahem... I believe one of the main attraction of SWG is to be able to get Jedi as a proffesion, so it would be quite silly if they decided to make jedi as NPC ;)


Nah, they will only make certain Jedis npcs. Like Yoda etc :D

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I like the Jedi system the way it is. The way they have it set up seems to work well (in theory) and I really don't have any gripes with it. That might change once I start playing, but since I am planning on becoming an artisan and have no dreams of becoming a Jedi (based on the sheer chances of it) I might not even know about the Jedi system once the game is even released. I might read about it though! ;)

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Originally posted by Evad

I like the Jedi system the way it is. The way they have it set up seems to work well (in theory) and I really don't have any gripes with it. That might change once I start playing, but since I am planning on becoming an artisan and have no dreams of becoming a Jedi (based on the sheer chances of it) I might not even know about the Jedi system once the game is even released. I might read about it though! ;)


Agreed, it seems just fine to me as well. I hope they keep it how it is, simply and excelent. :D

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Jan, thanks for laying the smack down in my defense.


originally from J.K Luke

Ahem... I believe one of the main attraction of SWG is to be able to get Jedi as a proffesion, so it would be quite silly if they decided to make jedi as NPC.


J.K Luke, I honestly don't expect that Jedi will be removed, nor did I really want them to be. You are right that it is a main attraction to the game. But here are my problems with it.


1. The Star Wars storyline didn't have any around other than the players in the movie. I, nor the DEVs or Lucasarts want to see hundreds more running around.


2. I don't want to be flooded by a large population of whiners, crying via "shouts", "tells", "OOC's" and such, about the fact that they haven't been able to get their force sensitive slot. I prefer to see RPed text on my screen and game info.


3. I don't want a bunch of Jedi yahoos running around pulling out lightsabres and challenging people to duels or yakking on about how cool they are. It quite honestly does not fit into the timeline.


The DEVs have tried to stop all these things by making Jedi, near impossible to become and then very hard to stay alive. This fits the Star Wars Universe. If you just watch the movies, only Luke became a Jedi without devoting his whole lifetime to becoming one. It is supposed to be very rare and then years of training.


This being said I will not say that all who want to become Jedi, will act like idiots with their characters. But the system that is in place, will remove the MORON factor from those who get a FS slot. If you act like an ass, you will get tracked and killed very easily. If not you still will lead a life of danger, thus keeping with the timeline. Check out my thread on the subject for more comments, called "Underestimating Jedi Possibilities".


Also a last note, IF being a Jedi is the "Main Attraction" for you to buy this game, wait and buy KOTOR. If you think the odds of getting into Beta are low, you are in for a long haul. The chance of getting a FS slot are much worse. Let alone surviving, there are too many people who will kill you before you get enough power to be a threat.


Good luck if you think otherwise, but don't ever say i didn't warn you.



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Well, basically what I am saying is that a character has a certain number of deaths PER Jedi. If a Jedi goes rampant and starts killing people, he has to find and kill the same character a number of times. And once the non-Jedi has faced the Jedi a couple times and been killed, he most likely will not risk permadeath by going after the Jedi again. Plus there are many more players as non-Jedi who would help out in killing a Jedi, that the Force wielder would not last long anyway. So it all comes down to how many risks both sides are willing to take to defeat each other.


And about hounding, I have a new idea. Say a non-Jedi meets a Jedi. If the Jedi slays the non-Jedi in combat, that non-Jedi can no longer say the name of the Jedi. This would help keep him/her from blabbing about said Jedi's name, since they were defeated before they could spread the word.

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The main reason why I don't like Sunshine's idea:


Permadeath is something you choose by making a jedi character. It is nothing you choose by making a normal character.



Let's leave the dying to the jedi, they could use it. ;)

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Krymelord, I agree with you to certain extent...


When I say jedi being one of SWG main attractions, I'm implying the fact that Jedi character is the most famous char in Star Wars legacy. That being said, I'm sure that a lot of players would wanna get their hands to become a Jedi, no matter how hard that would be( this kind of challenge I believe is the first to be implemented in online game history)...

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

Krymelord, I agree with you to certain extent...


When I say jedi being one of SWG main attractions, I'm implying the fact that Jedi character is the most famous char in Star Wars legacy. That being said, I'm sure that a lot of players would wanna get their hands to become a Jedi, no matter how hard that would be( this kind of challenge I believe is the first to be implemented in online game history)...


Although Jedis will be one the main attractions, there is still plently more. And ok, alot of people want to be a Jedi but the chances are rather slim. :(


And you can't exactally focus on building up your skills then bang your a Jedi. It is going to be alot of randomness along with other factors. :)

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Here's quote I got from FAQ in the official site:


6.17 How do Jedi work?


Your main character does not become a Jedi. Rather, the actions of your main character can unlock an additional character slot which is Force-sensitive. Characters created in this additional slot can then advance through the Jedi skills as well as any of the other skills in the game. Each player account allows for only one potential Jedi slot and the mysterious method to unlock it won't be the same for every player.


I agree with ReApEr that there's a random factor on how our chars will have fs slot opened.At the same time, if you guys pay extra attention to the bolded sentence from the above quoted para, I think the devs are hinting us that in order to unlock FS slot, we have to do some actions within the game that would fit Jedi personality...


So in other words, we can have some controls on how to unlock the fs slot, which means that we should be very careful on what we choose as proffesion...


Well, just a sudden thought I have lol

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J.K Luke you are quite right although I doubt it matters what profession you choose. By taking part in the whole game, factions, PVP and probably visiting some locations too, you will unlock the FS slot. There are Good and Evil Jedi so I am also sure that your actions in that respect won't hurt you in gaining a FS slot.


Also I totally agree that the FS slot is a main attraction, just the possibility of becoming Jedi will get people. To be honest if I get a FS slot I will probably give it a try just to see what they throw at you, but I won't spend much time on the char. In the movies, I always liked Han better than Luke anyway.


My major concern is having to deal with people who don't get what they want, the FS slot. I don't want to hear their whining or have them interrupt the gaming experience for others by complaints, gripes and what not. If people buy this game, expecting to be a Jedi, they will be sorely mistaken. I just point that out because I want people to make sure they understand that.


That is why Jedi are given permadeath, another way to keep the with the Star Wars timeline. If there was no permadeath, eventually there would be a large group of Jedi, running around. Another combat class on the other hand, does not need those restrictions, in the SW storyline, they were readily available.

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Originally posted by J.K Luke

Here's quote I got from FAQ in the official site:




I agree with ReApEr that there's a random factor on how our chars will have fs slot opened.At the same time, if you guys pay extra attention to the bolded sentence from the above quoted para, I think the devs are hinting us that in order to unlock FS slot, we have to do some actions within the game that would fit Jedi personality...


So in other words, we can have some controls on how to unlock the fs slot, which means that we should be very careful on what we choose as proffesion...


Well, just a sudden thought I have lol


Indeed, but you will have to be just like a Jedi and of course randomness comes into play. :)

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Talking about ppl whining and complaining not to be able to be a jedi, I fear for the worst here...


We are not exactly sure the magnitude of the whining of those ppl who want to be jedi in the shortest possible time, however, I surely pray that they won't be too great as to affect the gameplay.

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