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June is simply right out. June is not going to happen. June is 2 weeks away.


In fact, I'd be willing to bet this isn't going to be an September/October release either.


Prepare yourself for sitting down at the character creation screen while drinking egg nog and singing "Jingle Bells". If this comes out before the holiday season, we'll be fortunate.

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Told ya, Release date at E3 "Sometime in Summer 03...well maybe or Yea, I mean shore, Summer 03"


WTF release date is that, does SOE have a dartboard with release dates on it. "Lets see what today release date of SW:G will be. June 14.... June 23.... July 18... Ah hell, just say Summer 03"

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Originally posted by Dradle

WTF release date is that, does SOE have a dartboard with release dates on it. "Lets see what today release date of SW:G will be. June 14.... June 23.... July 18... Ah hell, just say Summer 03"


No. I'd be very surprised if it was that easy. More likely, they have one of these huge wheels that you see at carnivals, and then they re-roll the release date every month! And the day it comes up with the current month, they'll release it.

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You'd be suprised...from what Beta testers tell us the main main problem is server stability.


But when during a beta you get massive server wipes, server shut-downs, re-ups...that's a massive attack on a server wide scale. Think of it this way...one second a server has millions of pieces of info, the next second it is all "wiped" away, in math terms the server tries to compensate for missing info and simply slows down a lot -- (notice if you delete a lot from your hard drive at once there is a major temporary slow-down)


A mid-June release is very possible, especially because LucasArts knows they can make the most money during summer-time, and also if they push it to December they must square off with World of Warcraft...which won't be as big as Star Wars...but with EQII, another Dark Age Expansion, Planetside, World of Warcraft...there's a whole new slew of online-games coming out. Whoever gets to this new area of online population will score big...doubly because many people will play Galaxies just cause it is Star Wars.


It's May 16th now, A slated June 25th release is very possible...that's what...7 work weeks? even with 40 hour weeks thats like 290 hours per person of work time? Multiply that times the dozens of workers devoted to Galaxies to fix what has been called "server issues," it can be done.


Then again, as long as when it is release it is in half-way decent shape it'll be great.

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well after me being a dumbass and not reading the news page fully...


[update] Oh, good lord. I almost forgot the most important thing. The 'release date' in both the Official movie and on the SWG Booth is SUMMER 2003. All of you saying November/December can shut up now. ;)



well i think the only competition for galaxies would be EQII really...

WoW is cool too, but not as big a MMORPG fan base as EQ, and planetside...well...i dont think planetside will be as good as everyone thought...

i tested the beta...after playing for several hours, i did not feel the need to keep playing...no incentive to play...

i do admit it was fun...but they just didnt immerse you in the game. its like paying to play tribes 2, only bigger maps and more players.


perhaps that release date of 6/14/03 still stands? (i got that from http://www.ebgames.com)

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Originally posted by TheMaestro

It's May 16th now, A slated June 25th release is very possible...that's what...7 work weeks? even with 40 hour weeks thats like 290 hours per person of work time? Multiply that times the dozens of workers devoted to Galaxies to fix what has been called "server issues," it can be done.


In my opinion, 7 weeks isn't enough time to:

- Collect all input from Beta3

- Address issues based on that input, in addition to pre-existing issues.

- Unit test those issue resolutions.

- Release a candidate build to QA based on the preceding issue resolution.

- Collect input from QA Team and go back to issue resolution.

- Unit test those issue resolutions.

- Release another candidate build to QA

- (Repeat above 3 items until dev team can live with the "known issues" list.)

- Get final approval from QA.

- Get final approval from Operations.

- Get final approval from LucasArts.

- Release final code to burn house

- Stamp all the CDs

- Distribute all CD's to retailers.


It's not gonna happen by June 14th, unless they actually decide to live with the current known issues list.


We've all waited so long for the game as it is that I hope they just make us wait a little bit longer, rather than release a game with a list of known issues as long as my arm.

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Originally posted by Mujahid

In my opinion, 7 weeks isn't enough time to:

- Collect all input from Beta3

- Address issues based on that input, in addition to pre-existing issues.

- Unit test those issue resolutions.

- Release a candidate build to QA based on the preceding issue resolution.

- Collect input from QA Team and go back to issue resolution.

- Unit test those issue resolutions.

- Release another candidate build to QA

- (Repeat above 3 items until dev team can live with the "known issues" list.)

- Get final approval from QA.

- Get final approval from Operations.

- Get final approval from LucasArts.

- Release final code to burn house

- Stamp all the CDs

- Distribute all CD's to retailers.


It's not gonna happen by June 14th, unless they actually decide to live with the current known issues list.


We've all waited so long for the game as it is that I hope they just make us wait a little bit longer, rather than release a game with a list of known issues as long as my arm.


have faith :cool:

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I just honestly can't imagine it going past say Mid-June...like when they are slated June 25th. Bugs are bugs granted but they're saying now that the servers are running very well...but who knows.


I know for a fact (I work at Gamestop) that only so many copies are being made at first, as to not overwhelm the servers...that's why they say "reserve your copy."

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