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The trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


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Are there saber burn marks? If you have quicktime you can look at each frame, when the guy is doign the first rolll on the floor and the guy is jumping over him it looks like a mark on his chest and head. Also the creature in the cave, is it a wampa? doesnt look hary enough, but it looks like that has burn marks. I dont know how to get pictures. Also in the gold guy intro it sounds like the saber sound are better. I couldnt hear too much of a difference over the music in the actual trailer.

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Here's a summary of what I saw in the trailer:

  • Enemies: Snowtroopers, Wampa, Rancor, Tusken Raiders (with pikes and rifles), Possible Mandalorian (halfway through), Assasin dudes (w/sabers and guns)
  • Weapons: New pistol (looks a bit like Han Solo's gun?), Tusken pike, Tusken Rifle
  • Vehicles: Maybe the X-Wing? Tauntaun riding
  • Moves: Rolling while knocked on the ground, new saber special moves
  • Combat looks identical
  • Graphics also look identical
  • Complaints: Lightsabers still don't light up the freaking rooms
  • Release Date: Once again, Fall 2003


Overall, I have to say it's a rather disappointing trailer...just because it doesn't seem to showcase anything out of the ordinary....just my opinion

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OK, I'm 99% sure I saw sabre burn marks. Right before it says "of a jedi master" he is fighting two saber baddies, the jedi gets pushed back, you can see on his left side under his left arm, and on his right forearm burn marks, you have to slow it down but they are there. Yeah, it is sad the sabers dont light up a room, they are showing a lot of dark spots, and it would be cool. I red somewhere that the quake engin isnt capable of doing that, dont know though.


Were thoes wampas? They looked hairless, maybe they're the domestic ones, Kinda like poodles.

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The fighter from the beginning is a Z-95 Headhunter, not an Xwing.


The trailer looks cool. Kinda dark to see, but still cool.

When the player gets kicked was sweet! Plus when he does that roll attack (not the one on the floor), in the air with the two sabers.


I wish they would lose the effects on force push. Just push the object like in the movies. No sparkles and spell-casting crap.


It looked wildly fast paced. I hope the actual game is not a saber- flailing-fest. I hope you can make calculated attacks and moves.


Did you guys notice the constantly fluctuating force meter? It went down from 100 right as the guy pushed the rock. Understandably so, but it also went down as the guy was dueling with the other saber-wielding bad guys. I wonder if that is some kind of blocking or defense meter.


There are plenty of things to critize about the trailer, and gameplay, and several things to look forward to. I'm gonna buy this game regardless, and nothing about it would probably change my mind. I'm looking forward to many games coming out THIS year. What are you guys looking forward to?


Enter the Matrix (xb) -this week!!!

Brute Force (xb)

KOTOR (xb)

Half-Life 2 (pc)

Deus Ex 2 (pc)

Jedi Academy (pc)

Doom III (pc)

Starcraft Ghost (xb)

Legacy of Kain: Defiance (xb)

Rogue Leader III (gc)


That's roughly order of release date, not preference.

I hate that many of them come out at the same time. Because of that I still haven't finished Splinter Cell (xb), Metroid Prime, and Zelda! I need one game to concentrate on at a time, or I might not finish it, but I don't think I can pass on any of those games. I might wait for reviews of Brute Force first, but the others I will probably buy blindly.

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Nice trailer, a lot of new moves based on the same combat system, I'm going to watch it again frame by frame and see if I can find something that deserves posting.

I personally liked more the Kotor trailer.


Is that Yoda? (in case you haven't seen it yet)


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Complaints: Lightsabers still don't light up the freaking rooms



And they never will light up dark rooms, as the lighting in Q3 depends on a multiplication operation. If the light on the surface is very close to or at zero, multiplaying it by a million still makes it close to zero. Raven cant do much about it I guess.

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Well, I've finally managed to get hold of the trailer (thanks again Wacky_Baccy for your help ;) ), and I think it's great. I love the new moves, the Taun Tauns, and trying to handle that Rancor at the end.


I agree that the glowy effect for Force Push doesn't really need to be there - especially considering the cursor tells you which Force power you can use on an object anyway.


Fighting with two sabers definitely looks like fun, though. :D


I hope we get to use Taun Tauns in MP as well as SP...I can imagine Saber Jousting tournaments. :D


It certainly looks fast-paced. Well done Raven. ;)

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