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Originally posted by Emon

Eh, EP2 had a bit of colored lighting on the faces in that one duel, but other than that it was still nonexistant. You'd literally have to recreate the entire scene in 3D to get shadows to cast properly, which isn't going to happen anytime soon.

But really, why go through all that effort for such little payoff.
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Originally posted by Prime

But really, why go through all that effort for such little payoff.


Exactly. Did you read what Carmack said? All of the calculations required in Doom2 means you won't enter a room full of monsters and 'mow them down like grass'.


That's the trade-off for newer engines - nice details and shadows for slower action engaging fewer enemies. Personally I don't want to fight one Stormtrooper at a time - I like to slice 3 at once, at least ;)

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"That's the trade-off for newer engines - nice details and shadows for slower action engaging fewer enemies. Personally I don't want to fight one Stormtrooper at a time - I like to slice 3 at once, at least "



Why Not!? Thats more realistic! OH now you dont want realism? Or is that too real for you?



OK, that was a joke, I was just making fun of people complaining about realism. Not directed at anyone, though I did quote someone it wasnt toward you.

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

Another thing, lightsabers are not REAL. Star Wars is not REAL. SO how can there be any reality? Its whatever comes out of George Lucas's head, and I bet thats a pretty scarry place.


C'mon, don't be so negative. Of course lightsabers don't exist (yet :p ), but you can take what you know about this fictional weapon and use that info to predict what it would do, using normal real-life physics...


So, considering the lightsaber is a blade made out of pure energy which casts light, a lightsaber should illuminate it's surroundings!

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

Another thing, lightsabers are not REAL. Star Wars is not REAL. SO how can there be any reality? Its whatever comes out of George Lucas's head, and I bet thats a pretty scarry place.


Breathe ... relax ....


I was saying the opposite of what you imply. I want JA to be an exciting action *game* based in a *fictional* universe. I don't want to trade the action for extra accuracy in lighting. I don't want Dark Forces era graphics either :rolleyes:


All of these games are fictional. The thing is that you feel more immersed in your environment by how well the game makes you feel part of it by 'realistically' creating that fictional environs.



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OK, yeah, soorry. I just read what I wrote, and thoght about what you guys have writtem. I really should think before I post, my last two post were ment to be humorous, not too serrious. I'm getting a little anoyed overall with the forums, most posts start out with an actual intellegent question or statement where the starter of the thread would like some input on what others think. Then it turns into, "I'm right" or "HEAR MY OPINIOIN!!!!, now hear it again!!!!!" Also after a few good posts it deteriorates into people trying to correct and counter every other post trying to justafy or negate someone else. Almost always something negative is going on. Thats why if there is apost with more than one page I tend to stay away from. I understand its real hard to express opinions and the overall tone of your post, wether it be humor, scarcasm, ect..... but its one of thoes things where if your not talking to ta person in the flesh you wont fully get what they are saying, maybe 75% of it, because computers are emotionless. A lot of times it turnes into, "you siad this, and I think this" and then it goes to, "i ment this, and you ment this" and its a big circle. There are some really cool good people on the forums, it would be interesting to meet some of these people and have a real conversation, or saber duel!!!!

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

There are some really cool good people on the forums, it would be interesting to meet some of these people and have a real conversation, or saber duel!!!!


There certainly are ... some of us have been around for many, many years ... I've often admitted being old enough to have stodd in line for Star Wars when it first came out in 1977 without parental supervision ...


As for a duel - it would be in Jedi Academy, of course :)



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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

Another thing, lightsabers are not REAL. Star Wars is not REAL. SO how can there be any reality? Its whatever comes out of George Lucas's head, and I bet thats a pretty scarry place.

In this case, the Star Wars movies are what is considered "real" for the Star Wars universe. :)
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Originally posted by Prime

In this case, the Star Wars movies are what is considered "real" for the Star Wars universe. :)


Star Wars *is* real, from a certain point of view.


ObiWan's words are very true in everyday life.


As an optical physicist and statistician, very much in life is about context.



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I just read this book, "Protector" by Larry Niven. It has some stuff in it that isn't real, but it explains it and most of it doesn't break the laws of physics (and if it does, it explains how :D )


What I'm saying is that if you are taking in any fiction at all, you are using your imagination to make something that isn't real outside of your head, but as far as you are concerned, you can smell the ozone as you whip your saber around over your head, you can hear the thrumming base sound it produces. It's real as long as you let it be.


If you look at any fiction at all you can find flaws in it. Look back at some the really old sci-fi. Doesn't make sense to go take a big baloon to go walk around on the sun (solid) all the while carrying an umbrella and wearing a tuxuedo. It doesn't make sense now, but I'll bet who ever wrote some of that stuff thought that it made sense with all the information he had at his dispossal.


Star Wars isn't "real". You can't touch it. But but you can't touch thoughts, either.Most of us (most being the key word) accept thoughts as real things that exist. Star Wars is a thought, therefore, Star Wars is real. (but you can't touch it, so it's not, and so on...:D )

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo


Let's just hope they use it. In the trailer the HUD seemed blank, and all the other "stats" were in green text above them.

Hopefully they'll be working on a better HUD system.

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I don't like the hud very much. I guess it's necessary, but it looks bad no matter how good it looks, if you follow.


I'd really like to see reloading in JA. Unlikely to happen, but that would be so much better than no reloads. Having to reload adds strategy to a game, especially if the clips are all independant; when you change a clip, you lose any left over ammo, etc.

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The HUD looks more like a place-holder to me, and I'm sure it'll be revised and tweaked. I agree that it's too intrusive at the moment, so hopefully it will be scaled down in size - and it would be nice if they implemented 'transparency' such as can be found in UT2K3.


Anyway, watching the trailer again...I love the way the Wampa clutches at it's left arm after it's hit by the saber. That kind of attention to detail can really make a game shine. :)


Anyway, there is still some work to be done, because I went through it frame by frame, and in some frames the player's lightsaber is penetrating the player's character. I hope they can fix up the clipping to reduce that kind of thing.

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