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Colosseum WIP


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<EDIT ON 6/1/03>


Colosseum Version 1.0 has been released! You can download it from the following link:




It's around 67 meg, but if your modem is up for the challenge, give it a try. Feel free to post back and let me know what you think and if you encounter any problems. To find out more informationyou can visit my site.





p.s. I've also submitted it to pcgamemods.com, jediknightii.net, jk2files.com and massassi.net, but I'm not sure when they will get around to posting it.


</EDIT ON 6/1/03>





I've been working on this for a while but I thought I'd finally post some screenies. It's a single player campaign that takes place in ancient Rome:























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:eyeraise: *Checks again to make sure he didn't imagine it*



Well, your avatar finally makes sense! This actually looks like another game created with the Q3 engine, got to be the most completely modded (proper) SP campaign I've seen by a distance, very, very impressive! Did you create all those skins yourself or did you call in outside help for that?


This is.....way too good. Just.....very amazing. So, can you reveal details of the plot, and what do you think the ETA for this mod is, and what percent would you estimate you are completed so far on this? Wow, just wow.


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Amazing. Truly amazing to the last detail. I had no idea. Considering all those little questions of yours I should have guessed this will be such a perfect entirety. I can't wait to play this. I wonder what kind of sounds you have added?

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Hey thanks so much for the positive feedback.


Originally posted by Kengo

Did you create all those skins yourself or did you call in outside help for that?


I did all the models/skins myself. It's my first foray into mapping/modelling/modding etc and I just wanted to do it all to try to teach myself (with tons of help from this excellent forum of course) :D


Originally posted by Kengo

So, can you reveal details of the plot, and what do you think the ETA for this mod is, and what percent would you estimate you are completed so far on this?


It's a pretty short campaign. The last level is complete (trying to beta test it right now) and there will probably be three total. The majority of art assets are complete (textures, models, audio, interface) so now it's all mapping and scripting.


Plotwise, you play the role of a two-bit thief named Gluteus. In the last level you find yourself on the emperor's bad side and awaiting death in the Colosseum dungeon. Wacky fun and mahem ensue. :D


Originally posted by Kengo

This actually looks like another game created with the Q3 engine?


I saw Lucasarts doing an RPG called "Gladius". Is this the one you mean or another?


Originally posted by Lassev

I wonder what kind of sounds you have added?[/b]


Lots of swords clanging, flesh slicing and crowds cheering!



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*battle music from Hans Zimmer's Gladiator score starts playing in Wedge's head*


Hey..."Gluteus"...that's definitely a play on the main character of Gladiator's name. Very tongue-in-cheek.


That map, textures, models, weapons, all look incredibly cool. I wanna play.

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Yeah that music is excellent. I listened to that whole soundtrack way too much while making this thing. Just makes you want to go out and pick a swordfight with someone.



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Originally posted by master_thomas

The flower petals (those are what the red things are coming out of the sky, right?) are modified snow, aren't they?


It's an animated shader. Terry DeLany did an excellent tutorial on "falling leaves" available at quake3.qeradiant.com. Just substituted leaves for some rose petals.



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Originally posted by __CKY__

That is so awesome...Where can I get it?? lol I Am a Beta tester Pick me to Beta for you

I've got a couple people beta testing one demo level right now. If you're interested, email me at jakekeating@hotmail.com and I'll get you a copy.




(fair warning - the PK3 is about 60megs at the moment due to a couple of large video ROQ files)



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I just tested the demo and I was utterly amazed at the effort that went into this mod. This mod is definitely worth the wait. The seamless models, skins and maps is the closest I have seen in being correct to the timeline.


Great work.

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Thanks Jrob and Lord G. I'm really glad you enjoyed playing through. Your feedback in the beta thread is going to help polish the level and hopefully shape the rest of the campaign.


Thanks again for taking the time to play through and for the valuable feedback.



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Originally posted by clu

I've got a couple people beta testing one demo level right now. If you're interested, email me at jakekeating@hotmail.com and I'll get you a copy.




(fair warning - the PK3 is about 60megs at the moment due to a couple of large video ROQ files)




Alright :) you'll probaly get an email from me in like err a minute lol. And 60 Megs is alright with me its well worth it :).

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Now that I have beta tested Colosseum, I can say this demo is absolutely worth every byte you download. Have a look inside the .pk3 and you'll notice it's 100% business. This is a unique level, and one you don't want to miss.

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Thanks again to lassev for testing (100% business...I love it). I mentioned in the beta thread that I highly recommend lassev and Lord Glorfindel for thourough beta testing. The feedback I got was detailed and informative.


Thanks again gents!



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As soon as I get feedback from all the beta testers, I'll work on implementing some changes then just release the demo (probably a few weeks just to be conservative). The whole campaign (all three levels) is harder to predict. "When it's done" I guess!


Any recommendations where to try to post this thing when its done? I know "pcgamemods" seems like a cool site, but I'm pretty ignorant of these things. Plus I don't know if they'll take a 60meg file.



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