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Colosseum WIP


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I am pretty certain pcgamemods would allow you a file of a large size man. You'll do well to get a file on JKII.net, their file server has been down for what, 4 months? Massassi.net would also put a file that big up I'd have thought, but their file server is also down ATM. JK2Files would probabaly post it too, they like mods in particular it seems. I doubt a massive file size will stop them, think of all these 120 MEG movies of upcoming games and such...


I finished the download last night, I will now procede to give it a go, feedback later today :)

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Hey, thanks again, Kengo. Especially considering that massive 7 kb/sec throughput you're dealing with.


<praise 4 kengo>

Again, I'd just like to say that Kengo's feedback was extremely detailed and helpful. Lassev suggested I contact Kengo and I can say he has an excellent set of eyes for reviewing maps constructively. Thanks again, sir.

</praise 4 kengo>


Originally posted by Kengo

I am pretty certain pcgamemods would allow you a file of a large size man. You'll do well to get a file on JKII.net, their file server has been down for what, 4 months? Massassi.net would also put a file that big up I'd have thought, but their file server is also down ATM. JK2Files would probabaly post it too, they like mods in particular it seems. I doubt a massive file size will stop them, think of all these 120 MEG movies of upcoming games and such...


Cool, I'll check them all out when this thing is finished. Thanks again.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Should be out soon. I actually had to take a bit of a break from it since I just graduated and am in the process of moving. If all goes well it should be out in a few weeks now. I'll post back when it's done.



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About the file uploading, I am somewhat a webmaster myself and just wanted to say that I think Kengo is right, definately try to get it on all 4 main servers (pcgamemods [most important IMO], jediknightii.net, jk2files.com, massassi.net), of course some are down but you will get lots of downloaders even if you just the file on 1 or 2.


It's looking great man, Kengo has told me that it's really really really amazing :)

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Cool. Thanks for the info and comments. Something must be up with the email notification...I never seem to get notified when there are new posts on this thread.


Should be coming soon. Not much to finish, just a matter of finding the time now to sit down and do it.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Colosseum Version 1.0 has been released! You can download it from the following link:




It's around 67 meg, but if your modem is up for the challenge, give it a try. Feel free to post back and let me know what you think and if you encounter any problems. To find out more informationyou can visit my site.




p.s. I've also submitted it to pcgamemods.com, jediknightii.net, jk2files.com and massassi.net, but I'm not sure when they will get around to posting it.

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WOW, I just finished this, I'm pretty much speechless...amazing, this is like a totally new game. Can't wait to see more.


One question though...on those ROQ files, what did you do to make those? Obviously you took like a movie of the scene, then created some text and rendered it, then compiled it somehow? I was just wondering, because I sorta would like to know how.

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Hey glad you enjoyed it.


Originally posted by Louis

One question though...on those ROQ files, what did you do to make those?


Those ROQ videos are a combination of:


1) pre-rendered animations (3DS Max and Poser)


2) In-game recordings ("cl_avidemo 60" then pieced together in Premiere as quicktime files)


3) AfterEffects was then use to edit it all together, add text, transitions, etc.



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clu, this thing just blows my breath away. When you first ascend the ramp and the Gladiator growls "you're next," I actually involuntarily hit the 'S' key for a second. This level is an extremely absorbing and engaging piece of work. Kudos on the learning experience...it somehow didn't seem like I was being hit over the head with stupid trivia (since I didn't have to get info if I didn't want to [but I did]), and there's even room for learning things--ie, female gladiators--if you don't go around using everything. But the real experience here is feeling that you're a part of Gladiator. This is an application of the JO engine that I think no one could have predicted--and it's done well. Amazing.


The immersiveness of this level is what really blew me away...everything from the HUD to the weapons models to the Colosseum itself, with the single exception of *ahem* "Cool futuristic binoculars." This is certainly one of (if not THE) best SP Outcast levels to date...and I think the only level that could have given this one a run for its money in atmosphere and immersiveness is the late Party Crasher.


You demonstrate considerable skill with mapping, modelling, graphics, and structuring them in a cohesive manner. If I was your thesis advisor, I'd recommend you for magna cum laude or somesuch distinction. God, I'd love a map to be a graded assignment. Send this to Raven immediately.


(PS, can I have a look at the shader code for those rose petals?)

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Originally posted by master_thomas

I would redownload (if for some reason I needed to) this if I had to delete every other thing on my computer (except for the stuff required to play it).


Thanks much, really glad it was worth the download.


Originally posted by wedge2211

PS, can I have a look at the shader code for those rose petals?)


I should actually include this tutorial in my readme....it was exactly what I needed to do the rose petals. Also help yourself to all my shader code in the PK3 in "colo.shader".


Hey thanks for the kind words and the little blurb on JK2review.com as well. :D I was definitely going for an immersive feel so I'm psyched you were into it. I love games where you feel like you are totally transported to another time and place. I'm a pretty huge fan of "historical shooters" like Medal of Honor and Vietcong.



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Clu releases Colluseum Beta

Community cheers as SP masterpiece heats up monitors everwhere!

New York, New York

by Eldritch, Staff Editor


7.2.2003 - Clu released his eagerly awaited SP project, Colluseum yesterday to hordes of appreciative crowds salivating to get their hands on such a tasty looking project. "I've been salivating waiting to get my hands on such a tasty looking project," one random homeless man from the crowd was quoted as saying. And tasty it is. From the falling rose petals to the exquisite textures and custom models, no expense has been spared to totally immerse players into a modification that has absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars. After playing, one fan said, "I normally kill people with lightsabers, but cutting them up with a roman sword was a refreshing change. And I like how I actually learned some useful historical information. Trivial Pursuit championships, here I come!" This reporter commends Clu for his interesting and entertaining forray into the world of Edutainment. Back to you in the studio, Bob.




Aw, crap. This is a newspaper story, not live TV. Oh well. They'll never print this. The editor will catch it and take it out.

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I think Eldritch has finally cracked...still, his words are true!


The whole level is a joy to play from first to last, unbelievably complete modification together with a really great level = awesome stuff :)

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Nice one! Stop the presses!


Kengo, I incorporated a bunch of your beta comments into the final map. I also hacked the AI a bit (through some ugly and probably unnecessary scripting) to make it so you couldn't let your immortal allies do all the work.


Glad you both dig it.



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Amazing level. I knew it, when I saw the first screenshot, but I was amazed when I played the beta some time ago. Somebody just stated there's very little one can do without the source code. Well, Clu has showed us just what you can do without it, if you have the will and (considerable) skills.


The beta was so finished already there was hardly anything to suggest to be altered. Now it's perfect. It starts like a movie, and it lived like a good movie in my mind, forcing me to ponder what really had happened to Gluteus before the Colossuem, or will happen after that.

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Originally posted by clu

Colosseum Version 1.0 has been released! You can download it from the following link:




Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears !



dude! you have made an incredible game ! :D


just finished it and it rocks !


solid - bro! :cool: its wicked cool !


Now this, is a Total Conversion!


i hope you do decide to make more levels and that many other mappers decide to get on board.


your use of history facts is rather a nice touch, and adds to the in-game fun.


now, it needs some beasts, lions.

A net for the one with the tridon guy (sp?)

and some shields, don't forget the shields.


Oh and of course, chariot race anyone ?



definetly a 10 out of 10 !


now, if the game companies see this, you might get a job in the industry.






OT: is there a command line option to start jk2 with the mod activated and the latest quicksave loaded ?





ps: just 1 small tiny thing


i would put some victory music at the end, it would finish the level quite nicely, something with trumpets and horns and big drums like those slave ships have to maintain rythm


. Although your way is nice too ;-) hehe

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