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How to get personal avatar...

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Here goes...


1) At the very top, there are grey buttons. Seven of them. Press the one to the right, "user cp".


2) Now, theres a lot of links in a row on blue background. Click "edit options".


3) Scroll down. There's the Avatar part. Click "Change Avatar".


4) Again, scroll down. You'll see "custom avatar" options. Click the "use custom avatar" circle. Then either enter the URL of the picture, or if it isn't online, click the "browse" button, and upload it from your harddrive.


Ey Presto! Instant Custom Avatar, just like mom used to do it!

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I was being impatient and never got to the selection screen...


<in serious, reverent tone with strong Arabian accent>


You are now alike a small god to me...


<in cheesy lounge singer tone with strong Jersey accent>



Can you see my DirtyWombat...???:D



You rock...!!!

Thanks again!!!



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Yes, as long as you belong to the cult that cherish setsuko, you will grow and prosper. After all, I am among those with 2000+ posts now, I might as well get some vassals! It looked a bit bad when we had ONE leader in the =A= that had less than 2000 posts! :p


EDIT: seriously, though, it's good to be around and help. That's what us 'old timers' are here for! :)

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Veeeerrry Close...!!!


Nice call...

(I'd post a link to a site I found with it, but the caption is a bit risque')


What the heck, I'm feeling generous for a Friday...


<humble, bowed and arms outstreched>


I give you my awe...!!!:D




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Originally posted by setsuko

The pic you use is taken from the "every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten...." poster. Do I get extra credits? :)


oh.. *cough* *clears throat* err.. ah yea... I don't know what you're talking about













:p :p :p

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I'm digging the second pic...!!!


A bit more groove on it...:cool:


Now where's Set's entry in the run...???:D


Those images are *epic* to produce when you factor in the lack of decent subject matter available...!!!


Think about it...


How many people are postng wombat pictures...???;)


Nice work Wraith!!!




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