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Nar Shaddaa Streets- Original Question


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A func_static with a .md3 model and a nice script?


Oh, pardon me. Now I remember you only map MP, because SP is not good enough for you ;)


Sorry, but I can't give you a viable answer, because I only use func_statics. And nice scripts...

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Originally posted by lassev

A func_static with a .md3 model and a nice script?


Oh, pardon me. Now I remember you only map MP, because SP is not good enough for you ;)


Sorry, but I can't give you a viable answer, because I only use func_statics. And nice scripts...


Ha ha ha - Nice scripts, see Im just not thinking large enough :)

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Bah. SP is for people too weak to face real humans.


At least, if a human beats you, you know it was an even match. If a computer controlled opponent beats you, congratulations, you were whipped by a series of functions, written by a human!

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1. Make a func_train that loops around the level. I'm not sure if the waypoints can go off map, so if they can't, just make a dark tunnel that's cutoff from the player or something like that.


2. Wudan, I agree that facing humans is a much greater challenge, but multiplayer does not offer the story, atmosphere, and feeling that singleplayer does. There is much more to singleplayer than just who you're fighting.

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Originally posted by Emon

1. Make a func_train that loops around the level. I'm not sure if the waypoints can go off map, so if they can't, just make a dark tunnel that's cutoff from the player or something like that.


Yeah, you can just make one long caulk block and put the path_corners inside it (yes, inside the brush, it works, I've done it).

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